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I see this type of take in response to these dogshit video clips constantly and I can't understand why anyone would want this. Its one of the grimmest things I can imagine. Like those little lab rats pushing the nut button over and over until they died.
Computer, generate a movie where Beethoven the composer and Beethoven the dog team up to clean up the mean streets of Los Angeles. Genre: Erotic thriller.
Avatar Beethoven's fuck?
the only limit is your imagination and the TOS of your LLM of choice
12/10 skeet. Anytime you can reference Zombo will be a 12/10
these people cannot conceive of a world where someone has a superior sense of craft and story than them
I don’t think they even conceive that there’s such a thing as craft and story
art creation is an easy thing that they just haven't gotten around to but if they did it can't be that hard right like the person who wants a well-done steak in 5 minutes during a 99-table friday night rush, no concept of the process whatsoever
They don't see stories as meaningful narratives containing important messages They see them as problems for bigtech to solve. To borrow a phrase (can't remember from who) they think "why read multiple stories when you can read THE BEST story"
LOL they're trying to generate the Greatest Story Ever Told. While trying to invent the messiah.
To them, stories are just content. Machine spits out content, therefore good.
Or that people like sharing experiences with other people.
it really speaks to how myopic and incurious these people are about the world. no surprises, no outside viewpoints, no social interaction, just a closed loop of their own thoughts regurgitated back to them forever
What everyone wants: movies and TV shows they can’t talk about with their friends
(and by “Everyone” I mean… absolutely nobody, except the clump of cells in the screenshot)
The AI videos aren't even good. They're incoherent. The characters CONSTANTLY change in between shots and the "humans" look otherworldly. It's just not good. Anyone saying otherwise is being purposely dense.
Yeah but it's only a matter of time until that is fixed! (It's not a matter of time)
Turns out… some people actually LIKE watching the same movies as each other, cuz then they can *gasp* TALK about said movies afterward??? Discuss them, together, as a shared experience, even!! (preposterous, I know)
There are whole shared fandoms even! With conventions and stuff! Imagine!
Bonding? What is that? Sounds like some weird hippie thing and certainly not the entire basis of human civilization.
It’s so funny that he thinks anyone sits down after work and knows what they want to see.
His idea is pure and unadulterated executive function hell.
It sounds exhausting. Like first you have to carefully dictate exactly what you want to see, and then you have to sit through a replay of what you dictated? Movies as a tedious chore. Yay.
The dream: “i can watch whatever I can imagine!” The hellish reality: “i can watch whatever I can **only** imagine.”
Even when presented with hundreds of decent options we still get stuck browsing and never put anything on, he really is overestimating our desire to make a bunch of decisions on the matter.
I was thinking the exact same thing, this dramatically misunderstands how people watch TV. Like, Office and Suits reruns are major hits on streaming services!
Computer, it's time for date night, show me something that is statistically average.
I don't think these people actually watch anything I always just assumed they have stuff on in the background
this has to be part of the rise of VERY STRAIGHTFORWARD MOVIE: ENDING EXPLAINED youtubes, people "watching" movies while looking at their phones
I saw 'THE THING: ENDING FINALLY EXPLAINED' pop up on youtube the other day and I just had to take a few minutes to think about what that meant about people. Never in my life did i imagine someone watching The Thing and thinking 'damn i really wish someone would explain this ending to me'
I don’t think that even explains it, bc when you just want a laundry folder show, you don’t want to have to put in the effort of, y’know, writing it and casting it and all this crap.
Oh man, imagine there being a medium where individuals get to make choices and where no single person will ever have the same experience. Someone should get on that.
Even then, with a game like BG3 for example, there's still a framework we can all share, which helped make it so successful! "My entertainment happens in a vacuum; no one will ever experience it so it's not something we can share" seems like the least desirable thing possible.
Exactly- they are acting like the problem with art is the artists and the audience.
these people fundamentally despise creativity
I think these people fundamentally despise people.
I think even this might be giving them too much credit tbh. I think their lack of fundamental understaning of the basic *concept* of creativity means they lack the depth of knowledge to actually hate it to a significant degree.
even the most casual viewers who don't really approach entertainment as an artform will still appreciate that movies were created by people behind the scenes, even if they don't care who those people are
I feel like a movie that only u get to watch that no one else does already exists and it’s called a thought
THAT explains why those folks are so excited by it! They've never had any of those!
Also, we already have generated media that is personalized, plays once for us, and is then never watched again by anyone: they’re called dreams. These people need to take a nap.
“Hey what if we didn’t have to actually write our fan fiction?”
Someone once asked me "do writers write to read their stuff?" I mean, I guess? But I can also sit back and imagine short things pretty well without the terror of maintaining pov or adverbs correctly.
See also a TTRPG session with a good GM.
WAITER WAITER I want an order of The Fly, 1986 vintage, minus the insect plot point I warn you, waiter If I find a fly in my film I will scream