

Why do they call it "machine learning" & "artificial intelligence" when it's just plain old statistics?
The second sentence: BINGO Musk, too, with SpaceX, etc. That second sentence is also the libertarian sutra.
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
they have a plan. the plan is to pay less taxes and have people work more for less money and benefits.
France: Defeats fascists. NYT:
Would a statement from the “White House physician” that Biden is perhaps the healthiest president in history, and that he’s built like a linebacker do the trick? And would you not then elect that physician to Congress? No? I don’t get it.
"It is now clear that the Roberts court believes the separation of powers means that both presidents and courts stand beyond the reach of the law." READ:
crazy how you’re allowed read Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler in Texas but Dr Seuss’ story about green eggs and ham is banned
This might finally be able to make drugs seem uncool to teens
Sources: some Tesla and SpaceX directors have consumed drugs with Elon Musk feeling there is an expectation to do so, raising concerns about their independence (Wall Street Journal) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
I don't understand thinking that every conflict must have Good Guys on one side and Bad Guys on the other, but if we must have that paradigm - the Good Guys are the ones who know every death is a tragedy. The Bad Guys are the ones who think some deaths should be celebrated.
PSA: the CDC has a program that pays for your COVID vaccine if your insurer won't. The guy at CVS told me that my insurer had not added the new vaccine to its formulary yet, so I'd need to pay $190. I told him about this program, showed him the website, and paid nothing. 🤗
Bridge Access Program | CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving...www.cdc.gov
"Sure, my client is an ethically bankrupt scumbag, but I look around this chamber and what do I see??" Point taken.
The right wing justices have often blamed mean liberals and the lying media for the perception that they are partisan hacks. But their political allies ALSO think that, they just think it’s good! www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archiv...
Alabama Republicans Think the Supreme Court Is Full of Partisan Hackswww.theatlantic.com It’s hard to understand a series of recent moves in any other way.
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