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She/her. pro cancel culture. PDX
Reposted byAvatar Piper
If pre-absolving abuse is a structural pillar of your community, i want to smash it to pieces!
Reposted byAvatar Piper
I didn't pay to see the full thing, but three paragraphs was a enough to know that they are arguing that research into trans medicine was manipulated. In favor of trans people. Fuck just about anyone still giving them money.
CW: death Everyone in my family is clearly very mad at me that I’m not sad that my piece of shit dad is dead. They don’t even know I’m relieved
Reposted byAvatar Piper
i want to add: if you’ve stopped masking for whatever reason, you can start again. it makes spaces more accessible, it helps preserve your health and the health of the people around you. it’s a tiny action you can take to make the world safer.
"If only I could do something that would have a positive impact on the world-" You can. Mask up.
CW: abuse I also noted that fae wished “everyone who forced [fae] to address this” would experience domestic abuse
Reposted byAvatar Piper
i feel like part of the problem with this kind of person is people have to compile some kind of receipt encyclopedia to make their case. and i get it. but this is enough.
This ALONE should get fae chased out of any space not aligned with the interests of US government
go fuck yourself, lying sack of shit rapist abuser fed.
Reposted byAvatar Piper
No one from fediverse accused anonsee of dating LB, only faer's ex-fiancée is in LB's inner circle; and faer ignored warnings from other Indigenous and Black transfemmes not to go near eightpoint.
Reposted byAvatar Piper
mask required lets goooooooo
Since antifascists physically fought fascists in the streets for multiple years in a row every August, the fash today are still too afraid to organize again in PDX. Looking ahead into 2024 / 2025, leftists need events to celebrate and connect now more than ever. Visit Portland this August 24!
Very cool that the abuser fed is like “I know evil feds cozying up to you but I’m not going to tell you neenerneener”
I think it’s very funny someone implied I’m a social anarchist yesterday. I honestly can’t see that as anything but patriarchal because I am the most personally anti org person I know, I just do lots of things and use lots of tactics that are feminized
Reposted byAvatar Piper
People who repeatedly refuse to mask *at mask required* events ARE anti maskers. Those events are some of the only places some people can go and you wreck that. In those spaces your unfiltered breathing IS a physical threat.
Reposted byAvatar Piper
you also build up a culture of resistance to abuse apologia like the kind that LB & anonsee peddle to cover for themselves, so that people recognize & reject the rhetoric that allows these people to go undetected for so long & build clout by laundering abuse apologism in "progressive" language
CW: abuse Not going to engage w the specific person but while it’s true you can’t 100% prevent abusers from being in your circle, you DO have the power to not do apologia
Reposted byAvatar Piper
My comprehensive piece on "Kill Your Local Rapist" is now live. I held off writing for two years of awful discourse because I didn't want to take credit or central stage. Anything good in this essay should be read as a collective effort. *Every* CW: c4ss.org/content/59691
What’s In A Slogan? “KYLR” and Militant Anarcha-feminismc4ss.org An anarchist walks out of a punk show to smoke. On her vest are anarchist patches with various standard slogans, “No Gods No Masters,” “Death To Transphobes,” “Kill Your Local Rapist,” “All Cops Are B...
Reposted byAvatar Piper
If pre-absolving abuse is a structural pillar of your community, i want to smash it to pieces!
This is a weird thing to say
Reposted byAvatar Piper
abusers are like cops. there’s just a few bad apples. if we get rid of them, everything will be fine 🙃 there are no systems that many people are culpable in! pay no attention to the abuse *culture* that surrounds us. pay no attention to people who support abusers, and the rewards they receive.
perhaps the worst crime of all was to recognize the abuse apologia before even WE knew who she was. people rightly recognized the pro-abuse arguments tailor-made to protect abusers & silence victims, and sounded the alarm. that alarm robbed everyone of plausible deniability.
I don’t know how the lesson of all this could possibly be that folks were *too hard* on people in LB’s circle considering who was just outed and for what
Reposted byAvatar Piper
i think victims of abusers still have to take responsibility for the actions they took that hurt other people. defenders of LB during the 8pt fiasco smeared my name on Fedi AND Twitter. i couldn’t log on anywhere without hearing how vile i was for “attacking transfems”. none have ever apologized.
Reposted byAvatar Piper
kairi i know nothing about. anonsee, however--i know for a FACT fae got outpourings of uncritical support, waves of people smearing faer victims as evil liars "trying to get faer lynched." people who did the same thing for laurelai. we need to talk about serial shelterers of abusers, rapists & feds
anonsee and kairi could not have done this without the uncritical support of people who are more concerned with keeping assholes away from them than preventing abusers from abusing trans women
Reposted byAvatar Piper
ok so 16 yr old offspring's friend/band mate came out as trans(pre anything chemical or dress) to father who promptly told them to get out now staying w/ my partner & Boo for week or so anyone here have helpful links i can share w/ them both? told them i supported & would listen if needed
Reposted byAvatar Piper
"When the state and its prisons fall away, it won’t be us who has to “learn to live with” anything. We’ve been living with patriarchal violence for thousands of years. It will be the rapists and their defenders who have to learn to live with us"
Kind of annoyed at people being like “why aren’t these things addressed sooner???” when it almost always was
Reposted byAvatar Piper
what i take as THE KEY LESSON from this and many many other cases is this: *the interests of rapists as a class are NEVER shared with marginalized people as a class.* this the principle you should learn that will help inoculate you against future bad faith rhetoric like this.
Reposted byAvatar Piper
hey so i am still unemployed, struggling to get doordash shifts, behind on literally all my bills, and rent is coming up again. i'm going to set up an actual crowdfund with a goal or something if i can but for the moment i would appreciate some help if you can spare it.
I do actually appreciate people publicly saying they were wrong. A lot of times you’ll get attacked for it because people are (usually fairly) still mad at you but it’s the right thing to do.