lifelong toronto blue jays fan

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lifelong toronto blue jays fan

the big stars in your eyes won’t deliver any light

$70.34/500 Still stand by everything I said yesterday But it’s Friday (payday) and maybe small amounts from here or there could help with this void until I get my website up so I can ask people to buy art Not gonna drop this over and over again with trauma. Just some disabled person needing help🤷‍♂️
M.A. $0/500 It’s Disability Pride month, and here I am among many other disabled people, struggling and needing help. Hate to ask, because so many people have it worse than me A tax bill last month had to be paid Everything’s upside down It is what it is. I’m alive, right?🤪 V/PP/CA @fendersonia
there’s a lot of wild timelines and condensed histories circulating about Harris and sex work—I will likely do a full story soon, too—but for now let me say her tenure as SF DA provides the strongest evidence re: her record on sex work (gift link to my 2019 op-ed:
Update we reached 49,045 from 60,000 We are so close my friends if we all repost will reach our goal
If you've quit Twitter but still have an account parked there to protect your handle, you need to go turn this setting OFF. It allows the grok "AI" access to all your posts. It's enabled by default and only accessible through the web client. It's so shitty.
COPS: Police Cybertruck. Practical police aggression truck. THE PUBLIC: No, police. You can’t have a Cybertruck. COPS: Good Cyber good police give beautiful police deserve militia. THE PUBLIC: Police, we simply can’t afford a Cybertruck. It is an unjustifiable expense. COPS: jealousy taxpayer
Cops want Cybertrucks. They serve no practical purpose and are an irresponsibly expensive misuse of taxpayer funds that have sacrificed much more beneficial public services…but cops don’t care about the communities they serve.
“Every single signatory to this letter treated children in Gaza who suffered violence that must have been deliberately directed at them. Specifically, every one of us on a daily basis treated pre-teen children who were shot in the head.”
US medics who volunteered in Gaza demand arms embargo over ‘unbearable cruelty’ inflicted by Doctors and nurses say death toll is more than 92,000, describe gruesome injuries and a sick and traumatized people
so you're saying we should get elected to live in the house and fix it from the inside!!
lmao so now the news media here in norway are picking up the story
I've always said to the pro-service time manipulation people that you really won't like it if it starts going the other way and players start using their leverage whenever they can. Well, here it is. Really bad for the sport if this becomes common but this is the world the owners asked for
one retweet = one minute I let Cowboy hang out in the sauna
"The censorship wave was unprecedented in internet history. Twitter, Facebook, and major web service providers immediately changed their rules to police what was posted and messaged about sexual content... FOSTA claimed to stop sex trafficking and backfired. " More:
The biggest thing I learned from sesta/fosta was that the plain text of a law doesn't entirely matter when it comes to internet platforms.... A lot of platforms reacted to cesta/fosta by cracking down on stuff that probably still wasn't illegal. They don't want the hassle of hashing it out.
How sex censorship killed the internet we When was the last time you thought of the internet as a weird and wonderful place? I can feel my anxiety climbing as I try to find current news stories about sex. Google News shows one lonely result ...
🧪 The CDC reports a 3% rise in US infant mortality from 2021 to 2022, the first in 20 years. Black infants face the highest rate at 11 deaths per 1,000 live births, compared to 9 for Alaska Native and American Indian, and 4.5 for white infants. 🩺🛟
US infant mortality increased in 2022 for the first time in decades, CDC report shows | The infant mortality rate in the United States rose in 2022, the first jump in 20 years, according to data released Thursday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
And who did they expect to quit? RTO aims to weed out disabled folks (also more likely to be BIPOC, LGBTQ, women, older, etc), who employers & health insurers see as expenses. Their homes were accessible worksites without barriers like Covid, commuting, etc. RTO is an issue of disability rights.
It turns out a lot of return-to-office mandates were meant to make workers quit: Executives surveyed by Bamboo HR said they hoped return-to-office mandates would encourage "voluntary turnover"
It turns out a lot of return-to-office mandates were meant to make workers Executives surveyed by Bamboo HR said they hoped return-to-office mandates would encourage "voluntary turnover"
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS: hacksawing the head off of the pete rose statue as a warning to the castellinis. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS: photoshoot and video of me hitting “the griddy” in head-to-toe tiger print in front of paycor stadium at paul brown stadium THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS: nuking springfiel
that’s it. i’m wrapping up grad school shit next year and then i’m coming home to fix ohio. 🔜
that’s it. i’m wrapping up grad school shit next year and then i’m coming home to fix ohio. 🔜
Consumers cannot expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled, rejecting claims by a restaurant patron who suffered serious medical complications from getting a bone stuck in his throat
Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court The Ohio Supreme Court says consumers can't expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones.
Check out my latest Teen Vogue column on mask bans and how they are the new ugly laws
realizing it’s almost august and having a mild panic attack because i have basically a month left to fill this goal. please considering helping a girl out, i need this so bad it’s unreal 🙏🙏🙏
the Suporn Clinic has been notified that i accept the date and can make the deposit payment 🎉 full payment is due 30 days before my surgery—September 1st to be safe. thank you all for getting me this far 🙏
Help Fae get Bottom Surgery, organized by Fae Hello, my name is Fae and I’m a transfem lesbian and an indie writer raising funds for bottom sur… Fae Rynn needs your support for Help Fae get Bottom Surgery
the guy that jd vance's voters said wasn't good enough to join the ranks of luke weaver and nick lododolo threw a no-hitter today? wild!
jd vance won't hear your jokes about fucking couches, but your couch will. your smart home was a real bad idea