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northern doc, pro-mask, pro-vaxx, anti-ford
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How do I say this? Each of us is only three bad choices or three episodes of very bad luck away from being homeless. But none of us is three good choices away from being a billionaire.
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I wish the rest of this man's campaign was as good and brave as his social media manger.
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“fuck you, deported” “what about my lawyer?” “ha ha, fuck you, deported” not enough staff? declare national security threat, take money out of the military budget, who’s gonna stop him “who’s gonna stop him” is, fundamentally, the key to everything Trump says he will do in the second term
These people really don’t get what happens if Trump takes power again.
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John Baird also used the London residences for a free vacation for himself and 6 friends The openly gay Baird was known for a hard partying lifestyle that included entertaining Libyan dictator Muamar Gadhafi's son and a wild night with Nathan Jacobson In Israel… www.ctvnews.ca/politics/joh...
John Baird vacationed for free at historic Macdonald House in Englandwww.ctvnews.ca Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird and six of his friends stayed at the official residence of Canada’s High Commissioner to Great Britain for eight days, free of charge, while on vacation in England,...
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I haven’t been following, but has any member of Trump’s cabinet appeared at the convention yet? Nikki Haley debased herself yesterday, but anyone else?
someone made this observation yesterday and it's all i can think abt: not a single former president or vice president (actual or candidate) establishment republican is participating. no bush (w or jeb!); no cheney; no quayle; no romney; etc. so they sped through the 'tradition' bc they blew it up?
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Anti-Vax MP Jamil Jivani went to Yale law school and is close friends with J.D. (James David) Vance, Trump's June 15th VP pick They both scream about the elites but never explain how they could go to Yale law school (about $100K per year)
The Conservatives are mostly Americans Some, like Andrew Scheer, by legal definition #CDNPoli #MapleMAGA
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Covid is SURGING right now & NO ONE is paying attention. Freaking French Cyclists have mandated masking... if Olympic-level healthy athletes want to avoid it, what chance do you think YOU have to avoid Long Covid or WORSE?!?! Masks work against all variants! www.cyclingnews.com/news/tour-de...
I keep seeing surprised posts "Huh, I went to [insert event, conference, club, on an airplane, the Sphere] and got COVID!" Meanwhile CNN is running headlines saying "COVID-19's Back." Friends, it never, ever went away and I'm still masking in indoor spaces for your protection as well as my own.
Tour de France reintroduces mask mandate amid COVID-19 concernswww.cyclingnews.com New measure follows spate of abandons due to coronavirus
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The Peguis Nation is always in crisis and always broke and it always involves people who are not Indigenous who can't explain the money they took Harper Minister Vic Toews is involved
Over the past two decades, repeated floods have devastated Peguis First Nation. This week, after launching a $1 billion lawsuit and declaring a state of emergency, the community hopes the provincial and federal governments will finally take action.
Peguis First Nation launches $1 billion dollar lawsuitwww.aptnnews.ca Manitoba First Nation declares state of emergency over flooding-related health crisis and files $1 billion lawsuit against the feds, province.
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JD Vance is a darling of the New Right, a Peter Thiel puppet, and a fascist who wants a Red Caesar and an American dictatorship. This is a dangerous, dangerous pick—including to Trump.
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Trump picks ass kisser as running mate. Former President Trump on Saturday said Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance is “in love” with him and “kissing my ass” for support, comparing his change of heart toward him to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. t.co/TwSrz1PhhF
Trump says Vance ‘kissing my a–,’ compares reversal to Kim Jong Unt.co Former President Trump on Saturday said Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance is “in love” with him and “kissing my ass” for support, comparing the GOP candidate’s change o…
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So my take is we shouldn't get too distracted by the Appalachia debate. Hillbilly Elegy was a smokescreen. He's been a VC-funded fascist from the beginning who happened upon a very old narrative to use. Frankly we lost the battle over it bc he got what he wanted. Fight him like a normal fascist.
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Just some of JD Vance's recent comments about Donald Trump. There is no greater amnesia elixir than the lube of power.
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Ok, here’s my conspiracy theory: if Trump doesn’t behave (as in, just plays golf, does rallies and signs what team #Project2025 wants him to), Dark MAGA will want him assassinated in order to install their real neo-Nazi daddy, JD Vance.
Is it bad when the VP pick’s hometown paper (owned by high profile GOPers) publishes an anti-Vance op-ed within an hour of learning he is Trump’s running mate? Because that doesn’t seem good.
Vance will hurt Trump's reelection chances. Ohio junior senator isn't ready to be VP.www.dispatch.com Opinion: Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance probably will not help former President Donald Trump win – and might cost him votes.
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Trump/Vance is just the sweatiest, lumpiest collection of yeast you’ll find outside of a sourdough bread factory. A quietly boiling turmoil of inarticulate anger and uninformed grievances waiting to erupt out into a fascist loaf.
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Looks like you'll have lots of time to experience the vile, fashy dribblings of certified gaping asshole, JD Vance. As you do, recall that Jamil Jivani did the bible reading at his wedding. Fashy f**ks of a feather, flocking together is #IDUPlaybook. nationalpost.com/opinion/jami...
Jamil Jivani: My friend the hillbillynationalpost.com J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy, taught me that some of his experiences in Appalachia weren't that different from my own
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I am just... so fucking exhausted from having to think about the single worst human being on Earth every fucking day 24/7 for the last fucking decade. It is an unbearable assault on my mind and I wish it would fucking end.
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So Trump's VP select is JD Vance, whose positions include: -total abortion ban -completing border wall -giving up on Ukraine -opposition to same-sex marriage So, totally on brand.
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During the 2016 campaign, J D Vance sharply criticized Mr. Trump, describing him as “cultural heroin” and as a demagogue who was “leading the white working class to a very dark place.” He described himself as “a Never Trump guy.” He called Trump “reprehensible”. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/15/u...
What to Know About J.D. Vance, Trump’s Running Matewww.nytimes.com The 39-year-old from Ohio was best known as the author of the memoir “Hillbilly Elegy” before his election to the Senate in 2022.
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Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
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Might be an opportune time to mention, one of the ex-staffers Ford recently picked to choose "like-minded" judges is an arms lobbyist. The other has a crypto company with a guy from the Panama Papers who was the first big donor to Canada Proud. www.corruptario.ca/fords-picks-...
Ford's picks to choose judges are political operativeswww.corruptario.ca Bondy and Vandrick, active lobbyists, are well-connected members of the right wing establishment
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High Alert! Disney World Vacations in Jeopardy as Disease Spreads Across Florida. "According to the Centers for Disease Control, Florida also has one of the highest increases in hospitalization rates due to COVID in the country." insidethemagic.net/2024/07/covi...
High Alert! Disney World Vacations in Jeopardy as Disease Spreads Across Floridainsidethemagic.net You may leave your next trip to #WaltDisneyWorld with an unexpected souvenir.
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Yep it's not like men have to worry about going to jail for miscarrying or taking Viagra or getting a vasectomy. No women's privacy is much more salacious and in need of 24/7 supervision.
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Listening to Biden rattle off all the incidents of violence against political leaders in recent years sorta suggests that this actually *is* who we are.
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This is the political right. They use violent rhetoric. Violent images & commit repeated acts of violence. They relish their sadistic cult leader & revel in their lack of empathy for others. Trump & MAGA are threats to democracy & do not let the right claim YOU’RE the problem for pointing it out
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