
SCOTUS: there’s nothing in the rule book that says a dog can’t play basketball CITIZENS: what about the constitutional amendment that specifically bans dogs from playing basketball SCOTUS: no that’s about something else
SCOTUS: Look, if every ref could rule on the rules in the rulebook, it would be madness. The players must decide whether it applies.
More like asking the coaches but I get your point.
Yes, I thought about it more and realized that would be a bit better, but it was too late by then.
That only applies to Teenwolfs. Teenwolves?
No, Pete. This is the Air Bud Amendment that we're talking about.
A basketball playing dog. Who was teen wolf? A basketball playing occasional canid.
HOMER SIMPSON: You don't win friends with salad! SAM ALITO: The First Amendment says you have to be my friend if I offer you salad. HOMER: But you're just eating the steak I grilled and not even touching your salad! ALITO: That's not very friendly, Homer.
[SCOTUS sails away on its massive yacht, the U.S.S. PAID FOR BY THE DOG LOBBY]
"Okay fine, there *is* a rule that says dogs can't play basketball, but if we enforce that rule, the other team might call *you* a dog, and then we'd have no idea who's a dog or not! We need the league to make regulations on who is and isn't a dog first, sorry."
I’m most disturbed it was unanimous. Privilege & unchecked power has poisoned ALL of the SCOTUS.
The funny thing is that this wasn't the usual SCOTUS abuse of power nobody actually gave them, this was a refusal to use the power they have. The ruling basically says "this decision is going to cause trouble for everyone making it, we want no part of this."
Destroying the foundation of a nation brick by brick, and then all of a sudden realizing that your soft squishy brains are also susceptible to falling masonry.
So they CAN actually be no part of it, by denying cert. Curiously, they did want to be part of it.
Folks who delved into the hastily-delivered pdf of the decision found that it wasn't scrubbed properly. Originally it wasn't unanimous. Sotomayor authored a concurrence in part and a dissent in part. It's unclear what kind of horse trading got the libs to ratchet it back.
A time-share in a luxury RV no doubt
That was more a matter of preserving the illusion of legitimacy. There would be literally no way to have a dissent of any kind and still make it look like SCOTUS cared about the constitution at all. They are basically aghast at a state court having the audacity to correctly apply the Constitution.
It was the right call. You'll struggle to find a credible lawyer who would say otherwise. The distressing thing is the reasons they came up with. Like, violating due process wasn't a good enough reason, they have to make up bullshit.
"We need a court to decide what a dog is"
elon is going to run for president as SCOTUS says "there's nothing in the rule book that says the president has to be a natural-born citizen"
I imagine they could easily worm their way around it by saying, "Well, he wasn't born thru a C-section or artificial insemination, soooo...."
That's more of a statement of intent to eventually ban dogs from playing basketball
An individual referee can't exclude a player just because they're a dog. The league's board of directors has the right to vote to exclude a player, but only after the finals are played.
First the people have to determine that that’s a dog, by letting it play basketball. After which we can dismiss the question for mootness.
Likes are now florps
Yes, the rules say that dogs cannot play basketball, but in order for that to have effect, the league needs to authorize a separate review and enforcement process. We cant just let each team decide for themselves which players are, or are not, in fact, dogs.
Air Bud joins the convo.
True this decision even contradicts a few decisions made in the past. But what can you expect? Trump hand picked a third of the judges.
I feel like the way the decision was written, if Trump wins, states could still refuse to recognize him as President, maybe, though they can't stop him from running. ?
No, the question of what's a dog has been remanded for fact finding
Yeah, I noticed that the "devolution of powers!!!" bloc from RvW is suddenly real quiet when it's a power they don't personally want the states to have.
I knew there was something off about air bud
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
I forgot what in politics is happening rn, what is this talking about
"Biden is not securing the southern border and some of the people coming in are terrorists! He's giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States, which makes him an insurrectionist, so he is barred from the ballot in TX, OK, TN, FL..." You KNOW the Republicans would do this!
While I know Trump is a guilty POS, the issue is that many states are run by his corrupt party and will make up reasons to remove Biden for insurrection as they already accused him of it, and he's never done it. Just making the word meaningless is their game. Corruption, their methodology
scotus once again going for the letter of the law and not the spirit. damn shame. donald trump is a traitor and i won’t hear anybody out
I desperately want an absurd lawsuit that takes advantage of the equally absurd readings SCOTUS has been lately (since they're fairly predictable) to force some ridiculous law that's more joke than crippling. Change of pace, ya know?
Sadly, they don’t care about consistency at all, so there’s no real chance of using their previous decisions to force something good (or even silly)
You're right, just very disheartening cause how does one bargain with people that don't have at least a little ideological consistency?
SCOTUS: Also, dogs can play anything they want, especially if it involves guns, and states can do nothing about it. Unless they're women dogs, then they can play basketball only if their husbands allow them. But if there are dishes in the sink, it's up to the state to decide.
March 4th, a command to demand our right to the rule of law. SCOTUS represents Republicans not the law. #kakistocrats