Iain Shepherd

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Iain Shepherd


Also at @[email protected]. he/him. Bunurong land / Melbourne Australia.
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Things are weird and unpleasant in the news! I like to counterprogram my brain and looking at / processing photos does that for me, so hey, here are four photos of mine from my trip to Portugal. Please to enjoy. Or don't. I'm not your boss. I was, but they fired me for stealing office supplies.
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I am tired to be looked at like we are in the zoo. -- Here are the trannies, look at them being brave trying to get care! Oh wow, such bravery They even created their own culture! So funny If any try to escape, press this button! Safety, thank you :) -- We just want to god damn live and grow old
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I feel like a lot of posts are simply missing due to collapse, which is a very good thing, take only scars, leave only buttprints
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It’s finally time to release my newest project: FollowTheCrypto.org. This website provides a real-time lens into the cryptocurrency industry’s efforts to influence 2024 elections in the United States.
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After widespread rains of 2-3” in SE Michigan from Beryl’s remnants moving through, we got a flaming sunset over Ford Lake in Ypsilanti.
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Reposted byAvatar Iain Shepherd
even after all these years this meme just hits:
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entering text in the terminal is complicated jvns.ca/blog/2024/07...
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The bigotry on display in the backgrounding from the Labor party today is appalling. A party that trumpets its inclusivity and diversity revealing the true state of its internal culture, and how dissenters are ruthlessly persecuted. #auspol #IStandWithFatimaPayman
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Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
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Australia really, *really* needs anti-SLAPP laws.
"I think that when we see a multi-billion-dollar corporation, hiring a multi-billion-dollar US law firm to go after environmental charities for legal costs, we do have to ask whether people ought to be protected from this type of legal strategy." www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06...
'Litigate you to death': Gas giant uses new tactic which could sink environmental dissenterswww.abc.net.au Santos is pursuing the climate movement through the courts after winning a challenge brought by traditional owners against a massive gas project. Experts warn it could help spell the end of public int...
progressively achieving a more-normal form
normalise relational databases
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Dan Olson is a clever creative guy and lots of his pieces stick in my head. Here the ending turns subtext into plain text and … actually leaves me kicking myself, I have to watch it all again now #CoolYoutubeStuff
100+ eps on plane disasters and near-misses. Each is an education on the systems and lore of flying. Captain Petter Hörnfeldt is a great teacher and he tells the stories with deep empathy. This one sticks in my brain for the words of the 1st officer trying to reassure the captain 😰 #CoolYoutubeStuff
Terror in the Trees! The Extraordinary Story of American Airlines 1572youtu.be If you’re struggling or just want to improve, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp 👉🏻 https://betterhelp.com/mentourpilot for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional, specific to your needs. ----------------------------------------------------- Airpressure.. You can sometimes feel changes in it, as you are driving through a tunnel or down a hill but you wouldn’t think it is something that could bring a huge airplane down. But as it turns out, if you combine some minor deviations from procedures with a rapidly changing pressure... Really bad things can happen. Stay tuned. ----------------------------------------------------- If you want to support the work I do on the channel, join my Patreon crew and get awesome perks and help me move the channel forward! 👉🏻 https://www.patreon.com/mentourpilot Our Connections: 👉🏻 Exclusive Mentour Merch: https://mentour-crew.creator-spring.com/? 👉🏻 Our other channel: youtube.com/mentournow 👉🏻 Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/mentourpilot 👉🏻 BOSE Aviation: https://boseaviation-emea.aero/headsets Social: 👉🏻 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MentourPilot 👉🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentour_pilot 👉🏻 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MenTourPilot 👉🏻 Discord server: https://discord.gg/JntGWdn Download the FREE Mentour Aviation app for all the lastest aviation content 👉🏻 https://www.mentourpilot.com/apps/ Below you will find the links to videos and sources used in this episode. SOURCES ----------------------------------------------------- Final Report: https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Reports/AAR9605.pdf Aircraft Used: https://secure.simmarket.com/leonardo-software-house-srl-fly-the-maddog-x-md-83-and-md-88-msfs.phtml Scenary Used DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FOR MSFS - FLIGHTBEAM STUDIOS https://secure.simmarket.com/flightbeam-studios-denver-international-airport-for-msfs.phtml CHICAGO O’HARE V2 MSFS - FSDREAMTEAM https://secure.simmarket.com/fsdreamteam-chicago-ohare-v2-msfs.phtml HARTFORD-BRADLEY INT’L KBDL MSFS - LATINVFR https://secure.simmarket.com/latinvfr-hartford-bradley-intl-kbdl-msfs.phtml VOR DME: https://flyingmag.sfo3.digitaloceanspaces.com/flyingma/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/15124845/shutterstock_1753967771-1-2048x1535.jpg Localizer Antenna https://landingsystem.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-MG_0535_small.jpg
I Don't Know James Rolfeyoutu.be PHOTO-SENSITIVITY WARNING: occasional subtle flickering between 19:00 and 24:36 If ever there were a video I've made that required a companion essay or some kind of artist statement to go along with it I suppose it would be this one. It's a strange project that I've been working on for the better part of six months now, a process of trying to disentangle myself from myself. It's about a lot of different things, it's about James Rolfe but also not about him because we have so many versions of him and we can only react to those imperfect projections. He's been doing this for basically 20 years at this point, and out of that arise a million different ways to tell the story: AVGN is deeply influential, but what does that influence mean? I found myself fascinated with his creative fixations, the motifs and stories that he keeps coming back to, and felt like the only way to engage with that honestly was to expose all my own fixations, insecurities, and fears. Written by Dan Olson and Nathan Landel Music by Mike Rugnetta Performed by Dan Olson Camera by Dan Olson, Kara Artym, and Alex Mitchell Crafts by Dan Olson, Kristi O. (@komakesthings), Tim Uruski, and Steve Olson Executive Assistant Crystal Donovan Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman 00:00:00 - I Feel A Certain Kinship With James Rolfe Part 1 00:06:21 - Title Drop (He Said The Thing!) 00:07:19 - A Reintroduction is Necessary 00:16:27 - Even In Rejecting It They Learn Something About Themselves 00:19:00 - Don't Get Your Panties in a Wad 00:23:08 - A Crass Homunculus of Photons 00:28:53 - Book Bad 00:41:20 - I Keep Coming Back 00:44:53 - The Length of Time It Takes To Get To Some Waves 00:48:17 - I Feel A Certain Kinship With James Rolfe Part 0 00:52:58 - The Narrative of AVGN's Decline 00:54:55 - They Are In Fact Just Haters 01:04:08 - I Did The Thing Any Normal Person Would Do 01:10:25 - The Nerd In My Dreams 01:15:39 - Credits
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The Sesame Street twitter's #pridemonth tweets provide a clear timeline of the current moral panic being generated out of nothing. I've taken the biggest comment count each year as an indicator: 2019: 200 2020: 400 2021: 500 2022: 600 2023: 6,700 2024: 8,100
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Use generative "AI" to spitball, hypothesize, overcome the tyranny of the blank page? I mean if the environmental costs weren't astronomical & the training corpra weren't largely stolen, then yeah, sure. Use it for facts? Knowledge? To fully *Replace* thought, feeling, & creativity? Absolutely not.
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I am so sorry. Sometimes I hate myself.
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Lynn Conway was a legend. Her genius revolutionized the modern world. And for the trans community she represented something hugely important: a quiet, happy life. She wrote me exactly once but I’ll never forget the kind and encouraging person she was. news.engin.umich.edu/2024/06/the-...
The legacy of Lynn Conway, chip design pioneer and transgender-rights advocatenews.engin.umich.edu Conway, professor emerita of electrical engineering and computer science, has died.
Just picked this up for a book club and it seems to be ... kind of the same but 30 years younger? Curious 👀 blog.pragmaticengineer.com/a-philosophy...
Picked up this book when I was ?16. It cemented that software dev was what I wanted to do in life. In ~30 years since it’s been my life every single workday. No qualifications required and it pays well enough for a single-income family. Always happy to help someone trying out this field!
A Philosophy of Software Design: My Take (and a Book Review)blog.pragmaticengineer.com I was somewhat skeptical when starting to read a Philosophy of Software Design, despite having it recommended by a friend. The book does a delightful job underselling itself. It is odd-shaped, publish...
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These folks did a great job of breaking, well, *all* the leading LLMs by asking the models an incredibly simple question. These models should not be relied upon to assist anyone with reasoning. Check out the appendix with examples of truly wild confabulations and errors arxiv.org/html/2406.02...
Alice in Wonderland: Simple Tasks Showing Complete Reasoning Breakdown in State-Of-the-Art Large Language Modelsarxiv.org
Bots bots bots on my timeline See @profile-labels.bossett.social for the labels!
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"I bet I can make people cry about some guy who worked at IBM" I told the editor. "Nobody is going to cry about some guy from IBM." She said...
My latest tech history column is now up on Every! In 1981, Don Estridge broke every rule IBM had to create the IBM PC. He invented an entire industry and gifted it to the company he loved. IBM never forgave him for it. This is his story. every.to/the-crazy-on... #history #technology
The Misfit Who Built the IBM PCevery.to Don Estridge broke all of Big Blue's rules to create the home computer. The company would never forgive him for it.
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I get knocked down, and k, this my life now, I live here
whoa +1000 bluesky points for clear instructions 🏆 @pagnificent.bsky.social
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WE DID IT. My new zine “How Git Works" is out now! You can get it here for $12: wizardzines.com/zines/git/
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fb memories brought up the source post for 'you cannot kill me in a way that matters' and it's as good as I remembered