
it feels like the whiteness of big political media spaces right now is having a big effect on how people are thinking about the debate. eg I have seen relatively little discussion of trump's "black jobs" comment, which immediately exploded on black twitter
Both the “black jobs” remark and using palestinian as a slur are hopefully clarifying as to actual Trump’s ideology and worldview, in contrast with the imaginary trump some people have built up in their heads as the memory of his administration has receded
I don't know, it seems to me that accelerationism could be great for the Palestinian people.
This, to be clear, should be read as dripping with sarcasm.
True...but it would not surprise me if some people actually believe it and want it to happen.
I mean I think it was Hamas' strategy, one born out of desperation
A group which infamously puts the welfare of the Palestinian people first, every single time.
Everyone knows that if you care about Palestinians and oppose Israel’s actions it means you love Hamas. Basic arithmetic.
I think you might be overreading the comment.
Bibi believes that Trump will be better for his genocide.
Israel is already trying to accelerate their extinction
There are people who are completely in favor of sending the middle east into chaos as a staggering blow to American Imperial Capitalism.
I'm not in favor of it, and I believe that everything that can be done to avoid it should be done, but I also fear that it's too late. I genuinely don't see a path to overcoming rising fascism all over the world that doesn't lead to rivers of blood. It keeps me up at night.
We have a crop of leftists who are happy to let fascists take charge, because they don't know history. They think fascist oppression will give them a chance to seize power.
Those people are basically insignificant, even if they're loud and annoying online. The fascists themselves are who you need to focus on. I'm only aware of one method that's ever proven effective at stopping them once they gain power, hence my trouble sleeping (e.g. LITERALLY RIGHT NOW).
Could have been so much worse for trump, too, if his opponent had been agile enough to invite him to elaborate on what, exactly, he thinks a “black job” is
or if, you know, the debate moderators could manage a follow up
This is the thing I haven’t heard much criticism of and I understand it’s basically a fools errand to complain about the moderation but the moderation was abysmal.
As far as I’m aware, they were simply adhering to the format, which was agreed upon beforehand by the Biden campaign. It was frustrating to see the moderators offer no pushback, but Biden should have known it was up to him going in.
That…fucking sucks wtf are we doing here people?? lol
My understanding is that the agreed format forbade follow-ups. That being the case, it should have been a deal-breaker for the Biden campaign. A debate involving Trump that stipulates no fact-checking or follow-ups is completely pointless.
This was the format they both agreed on. Seems like a big blunder when your opponent is a known liar
As if Trump ever answered a question. It would have served to give Trump another shot at the mic to perform a piece of his rally bullshit.
Let's remind everyone. The Trump presidency was awful. He was the WORST POTUS EVER. At best, it was globally embarrassing.
Trump is so racist its cartoonish. I'm taken aback by how little self-awareness and shame he has that he actually used argumentum ad "I have black friends" and expected people to take that as an excuse
He actually has had black friends but unfortunately they include OJ and Kanye
I likely don’t live in the target demo market, nor do I likely watch the right tv to see, but if Biden’s team hasn’t already cut that Palestinian as a slur quote into an ad, they are terrible at their jobs.
did we really need any further clarification? it's not like he's been subtle over the past 40 years.
you wouldn’t know it from the press coverage
We only have room for one narrative at a time, and the “Biden is Old and Must Step Down” one is going gangbusters!
Had an argument with a friend during the debate who thinks it's unfair to characterize Trump supporters as "white supremacists" and my response was "have you been paying fucking attention".
I think people who support Trump know he is a racist and don't care.
I think they care very much. They like it. (Not all T supporters, of course.)
It truly is a feature not a bug for him. And yes, people embrace him for it. And it goes to show how much of a raciest country the US still is. The white majority are so afraid of loosing the privilege they deny having.
100% won't even register with non-liberals.
Oh, it'll register. Just not the way you want it to.
When Trump says he’s going to end the war in the Middle East he means he’s going to help kill all the Palestinians as quickly as possible. Only fools and liars don’t understand that.
What was there to learn about him after he started his campaign talking about Mexican rapists and drug dealers? I mean sure he has dedicated minority fans but
The dude behind Blacks For Trump, who is often behind Trump at rallies, was in a homicidal black Israelite cult. Been very little press coverage of him over the years. He believes slavery in the US was due to a coalition of Cherokee and Arabs, among other Time Cube level insanity.
Trump just calls him the N word, but affectionately
His base considers such comments to be features.
But he can't win without buy-in from disillusioned people outside his base, who, thank god, seem to be pretty aware that he's the worst possible choice.
They're both horribly bigoted statements unbecoming of an elected official at this level. I look forward to the NYT Editorial board calling for him to step down any minute.
People seem to have very short memories, the chaos during tfg’s term in office must not have made much of an impression on some folk. I shudder to think of a reprise.
Good barometer: Biden’s poll numbers in Michigan.
Hm. Maybe a long campaign where he's in front of people for a while isn't so bad. Maybe American voters will remember. Can you all pull an India and punish the fascist for getting too close to ultimate power?
Palestinian is actually a step down from accusing someone of being pro-Hamas (Biden is pro-Hamas, etc.), but falls under the same category of insult.