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I got my thoroughest girl with me. I also got my thoroughest pup with me, but you already knew that. Into ranting about all things, but especially politics and DC local shenanigans. I sold Bourbon to JoePa once.
We're gonna ride Biden's withered body towards 50% lower carbon emissions by 2030! We're gonna use his decrepit hand to sign off on higher taxes on rich people and corporations! We're gonna drag his sundowning ass into the Oval Office to restore the child tax credit! LET'S GOOOOOO
I really hate to be that guy, but you’re all really killin the vibes around here
very curious to see how political commentators metabolize a biden uptick in the polls if it shows up
Voters: they’re mysterious!
The man goes from the worst debate performance of his life, to expertly navigating a three part dap w a stranger in a Waffle House at midnight. 🤷‍♂️ www.politico.com/live-updates...
Biden makes post-debate stop at Waffle Housewww.politico.com Biden defended his debate performance, telling reporters that he did “well.”
Alright, who is gonna take one for the team and watch this car wreck for the rest of us?
I’m basically unstoppable now that I’ve figured out how to properly use the espresso machine. Tired? Espresso! Sad? Latte! Horny? Macchiato!(?)
I had a thought. I’m not sure the point I’d be making would be well made by sharing this thought. It might upset people. So I chose to simply not post it. Just wanted some people on here to be aware that this is an option available to you as well.
Remember height of covid, when folks started predicting we’d have automatic doors everywhere, in the name of fewer public touch points? WTF happened to that? I’m in Montreal, & had to open like a dozen doors just to get through the god damn metro. I’m almost outa hand wipes!
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become much more pro-regulation. For instance, the gov’t needs to step up & regulate mild vs medium salsa. As a matter of fact, that’s my solitary concern. It’s the god damn Wild West in the chip aisle.
What the fuck is up with Macy’s fragrance commercials anyway?
BOXING PROMOTER (frantic): We booked the wrong Tyson BOXING MANAGER: What? Then who’s fighting Paul? [in the ring] JAKE PAUL: I’m going to punch you into next week, old man NEIL DEGRASSE (scoffing): That’s scientifically impossible
"The student left is the most reliably correct constituency in America. Over the past 60 years, it has passed every great moral test American foreign policy has forced upon the public, including the Vietnam war, apartheid South Africa, and the Iraq war." www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
US students, once again, have led the way. Now we must all stand up for Palestine | Osita Nwanevuwww.theguardian.com Campus protests in solidarity with the people of Gaza have braved abuse and police raids but history will be kinder
The vibes on here are *dire* recently. Reminds me of the bad place. Feels like home. 🏠
I'VE SEEN ENOUGH with roughly 50% of all possible votes in, UAW holds an insurmountable lead which would either require a massive tallying error or statistically improbable remaining vote share to flip. Vw workers voted #UnionYes to join @UAW.
One of my favorite things about running through touristy areas are couples talking engagement photos/graduates taking grad photos. I am your cosmically assigned hype man. You look beautiful! Look out world! You’re all rockstars! Instant good vibes for free.
Sure, we all woulda gotten a nice chuckle watching Letitia James padlock Trump Tower, but it was just never gonna happen. If you’re disappointed now, buckle up for when his appeal eventually fails but the courts reduce the actual penalty the same way they did the bond.
i hear you kids love lebron james, but have you heard about the first king they couldn't keep crossed up?
Monty has once again mistaken the upstairs window for a door.
This story is wild. Current mayor ran unopposed. Since he’s black, the previous town council held a secret election of their own, and re-appointed the former mayor. Dude has been paying out of pocket to be mayor for two years now.
The town of Newbern, Alabama, which has not had a political election in the last several decades, is being sued to allow its citizens to vote “Many residents did not know they were allowed to have elections.”
Alabama town that hasn’t held elections in decades sued to allow votingwww.theguardian.com The town of Newbern saw white officials deny its first Black mayor, Patrick Braxton, from exercising his duties for three years
Just remembered when Billy Bush got canned & shamed for that Access Hollywood Trump interview, and then Trump went on to become freakin POTUS regardless. Hilarious UNO reverse card.
Got my first ChatGPT written report handed in by an employee today. 54 pages to give 20 pages worth of information. Read like a middle school paper with a minimum word requirement. I got 19 pages in, left red line all over it, and sent it back for revision. Kids these days, man.
"Are you better off today than you were four years ago"
guardsmen checking bags week one / guardsmen checking bags week four
Update: it’s dystopian as hell
I’ve been relatively optimistic that Trump will lose handily in November. I don’t think anything the Supeme Court does or says changes that, but it sure does raise the stakes. Doesn’t help that everything else appears to also be on fire. 🤷‍♂️
Will this get 1/80th the coverage of the conjectural “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”?
Justice Engeron: The Trump family's "complete lack of contrition and remorse" for their extensive fraud and egregious financial misconduct "borders on pathological." iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewD...
There's absolutely no route to an alternative nominee who's not Harris, and she is in no way stronger.
Well, that was a freaking disaster. Whoever let Biden in front of cameras tonight should be fired before the morning.