Aleksei Ilídio Valentín (he/they) ✡️♿🏳️‍🌈

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Aleksei Ilídio Valentín (he/they) ✡️♿🏳️‍🌈

🇺🇦 Writer, artist, dancer | Disabled Jewish queer trans mixed Latiné | Historian, witch, activist | Husband and cavalier of 🪬
Can we get some help y'all? Meds were unexpectedly expensive and Lev's phone is dying, which makes accessing online banking risky. Weency believes in the kindness and generosity of everyone.
We haven't made any progress yet on paying for medication ($90) or chipping away at a banking safe phone. Anything helps. Thank you. 💙
Pay Lev Mirov using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Momma would've been 70 today. It's kind of hard to believe she's gone, and yet, it feels like forever since we lost her. Mostly, I just miss my mom.
I love this photo of my parents. This was at my first wedding. They never got a wedding reception, so I made sure they had a dance to their favourite song.
Turns out, stuff like food and utilities continue to be expensive. Can you help us pay our Very Large Bill? We're trying to squeak by and stay housed and fed while also trying to help my elderly father straighten his life out. Weency believes in you all!
I have been existentially tired and sleeping, instead of fundraising. I can pay the minimum on this $2000 bill but it would help me and Aleksei stay ahead of what looks like a very expensive month if you can help us find $1k before July loans.
Pay Lev Mirov using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Weency is over 15lbs, so she's the size of a dog. And she plays fetch!
Sometimes, I'm overwhelmed by the goodness of cats. You're shoving your head at me so that I'll scritch it, certain I'd never hurt you despite being ten times your size? You're an innocent furry angel and I don't deserve you.
Y'all are amazing! Now it's onwards and upwards to the next goal. Weency knows y'all will keep her daddies safe and sound. She hasn't a worry in the world.
Thank you for everything, I was able to pay the minimum on this card on time 💙. We're trying to figure out the next bill, $2000 on June 16. Everything helps avoid us tapping into our July rent.
Pay Lev Mirov using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
In adventures in local Louisiana fauna, we got visited by a house gecko! He hung out on our window for a good while, then caught a bug and ran off. 10/10, excellent little guy.
Can we get the $260 we need to get the bills under control? Weency knows we can! Keep her unbothered and flourishing.
Please circulate widely. $260 needed by June 6 to avoid fundraising for July rent. I know it's a difficult time for people, thank you for sticking with me and Aleksei through the deluge.
Pay Lev Mirov using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
I swear, I'm haunted by the ghost of Orestes Brownson. He's /everywhere/ in my research. Look at this dude. He is unavoidable in any discussion of 19th century American Catholicism. He's worse than Pachabel's Canon in D.
We're so close! So close! Weencycat knows we can make it with the last $580. She's serene in her certainty.
This is amazing to say. $1220/1800, I'm in awe right now. Thank you. Everything that can help us pay this back quickly is a cushion that buys us time to remain housing secure until we have two aid packages. 💙
Pay Lev Mirov using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
$570 raised and $1230 to go! Can we get up to $1000 on this stormy night? Weency believes we can! Look at her serene certainty. Can we keep her warm and snug and fed in this apartment?
Stalling at $570/$1800, I really am hoping we can cross the $1k mark so I don't have to make hard choices about June rent as we try to stay afloat until August.
Pay Lev Mirov using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
6 days to go and $1350 is what's left to raise! Can we pay this bill and keep us fed and housed and safe? Weency knows we can! Do it for the Weency! #MutualAid
Thank you so much to everyone who has gotten us to $450/1800. We have 6 days left to make a dent in this bill to avoid rent insecurity in June and July.
Pay Lev Mirov using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
We've got a week to raise about $1600 so we can stay fed and housed. Can we do it? Weency believes in the generosity of humans.
There's 7 days left before this bill is due and we're at $268/1800. Your shares help us get closer to July without having to crowdfund for rent again. Thank you. 💙
And here is the Cat Tax. She's only in the cone to keep her from scratching at her chin when she's anxious.
So sorry you're having a time of it. Your posts are always a highlight on my feed. Weency agrees (even if she's asleep currently).
This bubble tea place has an excellent orange cat. 10/10, would recommend. The tea is good, too.
This was tough, because there's a couple of exceedingly good ones. But this one has stayed with me for 25 years, so.
What is your favorite movie from 1999 (you can only pick one!) It was hard to choose since there were so many good ones
Maryland has a state fossil! (I had to memorise all the random Maryland facts as an elementary schooler and they've never left me.) Behold the mighty, predatory Ecphora gardnerae.
Per the release, there is only one facility still using shock devices on people with developmental and intellectual disabilities, who cannot consent to the deep harm done to them. And yet, the facility persists with human shock collars. In Massachusetts, not the Deep South, btw. #StopTheShock
You've been murdered. Who do you want on the case?
You've been murdered. Who do you want on the case?
We named our black cat Eleanor of Aquitaine, and she quickly became Jellybean (and all permutations of Bean and/or Jelly), in the way of cats who collect nicknames.