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Unapologetic worm lover.
This moth clearly escaped from barbie land and needs to be returned
I played the main campaign and thought it was okay. Still prefer D3 as a casual cozy game.
wait, but lysine has two codons
I think some programs that make basic scientific research could probably speed things up immeasurably too.
I'm not superstitious, but taking that sculpture home is absolutely how a horror movie starts.
Also: cheaper bikes for adults.
It's not just psychological either. There's evidence of epigenetic changes from stress that persist for generations afterwards.
I wanted to buy a mini flashlight that clips to my glasses (needed more light for detail work) and every single listing was obviously a scam.
The policy is usually if the street has more than two lanes, do not jaywalk. One car might stop and then an aggressive driver behind them won’t know why and will change lanes and run you over.
Avatar you're saying that if I want my kids to have a lucrative job in IT, I should block just enough of the internet for them to get annoyed enough to learn to code, but not so much that they can't get the resources for coding.
somehow ea-nasir returned
I installed a wifi card so that I can play video games sometime in the future.
That's a mushroom that is about to bust out a pair of maracas and give Link some more weapon slots.
Yeah I started out in play-by-post, so having good communication was essential for managing expectations (like if you are trying to have a dramatic moment, you need to make sure the GM/players don't just assume you're being an idiot and turn your dramatic moment into slapstick comedy).
This is, I think, largely a product of me learning how to play ttrpgs in the play-by-post scene, where it's more or less expected to have a character with a proposed arc and detailed characterization notes (otherwise, your application will not be accepted into the game).
I mean, I routinely do this in my home games. I have a game that hasn't even started yet and I've written out an entire document showing the arc I'm planning to take the character on and what sorts of triggers to look out for in game for progressing the character's growth.
Amazon was already sued for something very similar. They had an algorithm trained off successful resumes, but because the resumes they trained it on were all white men, the algorithm only accepted resumes that at least looked like they'd been written by white men.
I'm in this post and I don't like it.
the last time i used a self checkout, I started using it but was too slow because I didn't know what I was doing and then a cashier just came over and checked out all my groceries for me while I looked over her shoulder awkwardly.
...I did something similar with the Marvels. For the first 10 min, I was watching everyone in the film communicate solely through beeps, which I thought was a bold choice and then I realized that my headphones had become partially dislodged.
The grocery store keeps asking me if I would recommend them to other people and I'm just like "I love you guys, but typically I do not talk to my friends about grocery stores"
I just want some deconvolution glasses to fix my astigmatism.
Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding. The actor reading the book does it more like a radio play than an audiobook.
Only one Harry duBois path is fascist, this is Tequila Sunset erasure.
I'll be real, the only classic sci-fi writers I've actually enjoyed reading are Jules Verne and William Gibson.
someday I need to revise my list of the strangest places Bruce Banner has woken up and post it online for the enjoyment of everyone. favorite one: on top of an airborne icbm
Fun fact: Jules Verne and Alexander Dumas (both father and son) were very good friends.
Dracula wouldn’t be my first pick for introducing someone to classics. I’d go with something Alexander Dumas or Jules Verne or Jane Austin.
This is also erasure of those of us who renounced domestic life to also be unsuccessful at a career