
I need to write the whole piece about this, but the thing to understand is that the NYT is now just Facebook. The platform dictates narrative to normies, is totally gamed by the right, and is still so ubiquitous as to be unavoidable even by those who see how broken it is. It's just Facebook.
Is there good journalism and opinion in the NYT sometimes? Of course. And sometimes there are useful items on Facebook Marketplace. But what is it _for_? It's for the same thing as Facebook, and run with the same arrogance and insularity, based on the same fictions.
“The meaning of a system is what it does” clears up so much.
feels like carcinization tbh
This is incredibly smart.
Can you please submit it to them as an op-ed, if only for the lulz?
or submit it to the New York Post as an op-ed
That would be the single most intelligent article ever in the Post
just readdress to NYT et voila
Additionally, the NYT is a genocidal mouthpiece
The shortness of people's memories is staggering. I bet most people don't have any idea who Judith Miller is among many others.
It's also daytime, talking heads, fancy homes. A little something inoffensive and mild for everyone so you don't have to focus on the news.
It really is, isn’t it. The watered-down both-sides presentation of “news,” your racist uncle’s loud opinion on the side, a little kvetching about inflation or “those darn kids,” your Aunt Stella’s recipes, a heartwarming human interest story about a dog, the ubiquitous homogeneity… it’s Facebook.
and they leaned into online games after Facebook pivoted away from them
I'd offer a slight nuance – I think this is more true for the NYT's *web presence* than it is for the NYT. The print paper has a fairly different set of emphases. That said... I grant you that when someone tells you who they are, believe them, etc., so it may be a distinction without a difference.
Sure, but that's sort of an irrelevant artifact at this point.
Agreed, but I'd still argue your critique is of the object in a particular form factor. The social web makes us all worse (but still, admittedly, some significantly worse than others...)
ask 1000 people across america how they access the times. it's inappropriate to think of it as a literal "paper" first
I don't think of it as a literal paper first! I just don't think of it as a literal website *only*
print front page was still 90% navel gazing culture war slop this past sunday
The web presence is how most people read the NYT!
Of course! And the medium affects the message, etc. Still worth remembering the NYT, as a newsgathering and publishing operation, is more than just its most widely consumed product.
Not sure what that means in practice or how it should change the perception of what they do?
I like this nuance and also think counting the number of stories devoted to a subject is a fair way to judge the Times coverage across platforms. Any decision to promotion a story higher on the web or lower in the paper is subjective, but when stories keep pumping out day after day there’s a reason
I have a lot of complaints about our local paper, but they cover every single climate change issue in the region and I can reliably count on a front-page headline every time our climate commission does anything.
decades ago i decided that the NYT was for people who adored gold and diamonds and 800$ fashion sweaters for children. i tried reading it for a week and ended up barfing.
What I think we saw during and after 2016 was the Times re-understanding itself as An Institution first. Institutions have different priorities around risk and survival, and that perspective explains a lot of otherwise baffling and out of character behavior.
Yep, they’re an institution that is about propping up legacy institutions in general.
And not just propping them up, but (in the case of higher ed) returning them to a pre-1950’s version of themselves.
Funny; you’d think they might give more of a shit about bog standard democracy then
Democracy, in this reading, isn't an Institution - It's an Ideal, and those are impractical to support too hard when you're an Important Institution like the NYT.
It does tend to come in handy when considering an unfettered tyrant has already targeted your news outlet as “enemy of the people” in rather bluntly concrete ways. OH WELL if nothing else, the leopards will feast well and mightily.
the implications of "every local newspaper closed, but the Times is thriving" seems really, really lost on folks who don't understand networks.
Matthew Hindman's book The Internet Trap was really good on the internet economics of exactly why local news has gotten so squeezed.
I think it helps to elevate LA Times, Houston Chron, that tier of news much more often, especially to point up that there's nothing inevitable about the NYT's judgment. (This is absolutely not a statement about NYC.)
since above recirculating
I know it’s not a big media market, but the LA Times did manage to do the minimum yesterday. (Please, use the NYT for fish wrap, read the LAT instead.)
I subscribed to the LA Times to try to support local journalism and avoid the NY Times and the online website was so aggresively bad it was basically un-usable.
I wish these sites had clean RSS feeds for subscribers. I understand why their sites are not great, just give me a better option if I’m willing to pay.
ugh, yeah, don't know what I can say about that
Meanwhile the Chicago Tribune, which should have been at the level to step in, instead always had horrid app and web version and got Alden'd
Ugh, their app stinks The Sun-Times’s is much cleaner
From a local perspective, the effort to contrast the Times also ignores that they entirely killed off their local NY coverage. The Times is not an exception, it’s part of the problem (also the WSJ on a smaller scale).
I think this is the better point, NYT hasn’t changed we just don’t as many options any more. IMO the NYT has just always been the other side of the Wall Street Journal coin. Corporate interests with slight policy differences. Both more about drawing lines of what is acceptable than journalism.
Like I am more open to these arguments about the Post changing than NYT.
Hey hey hey, my local newspaper hasn’t died! It’s just cut its staff and reduced the number of days it publishes and …
Looking forward to reading