Angie Rasmussen

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Angie Rasmussen

Virology, dogs, football, off-color language
Yes. The more evolutionary experience a virus has with a given host, the more selection pressure to adapt to grow and transmit efficiently in that host.
FDA found infectious H5N1 at relatively high titers in bulk raw milk from 4 states with known infected herds. Pasteurization inactivates H5N1. Do NOT drink raw milk!!!
When dealing with pseudoscience, the devil is in the detail - in this case, narrowing down a specific "Lab Leak" hypothesis. In Dr. Chan's OpEd there is, however, a very specific hypothesis for COVID-19 origin. It's a prime example of conspiracism vs empiricism, so let's dive in. 🧵
On the day of Dr. Fauci's testimony, decides to run a deeply unethical OpEd with snazzy graphics and snappy headlines about the Lab Leak. The article itself contains multiple falsehoods and deep mischaracterizations. Let's take every point in turn 👇🧵
Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key The world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics.
On the day of Dr. Fauci's testimony, decides to run a deeply unethical OpEd with snazzy graphics and snappy headlines about the Lab Leak. The article itself contains multiple falsehoods and deep mischaracterizations. Let's take every point in turn 👇🧵
Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key The world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics.
How dare anyone call me a conspiracy theorist?! I’m just asking reasonable questions that allege a conspiracy…see, one of the most prominent anti-science, bigoted conspiracy theorists in America agrees!
I am awful at photography but still stoked that moving to Canada is finally paying off
This is why I keep doing this job, even when I get exhausted or frustrated or depressed about it. Viruses remain perpetually astonishing and it never gets old.
The 2-part report found on is a very interesting read. Astonishing what can be discerned from the #H5N1 #birdflu sequence data. (Or astonishing to me, a non-scientist.) A discussion forum for analysis and interpretation of virus molecular evolution and epidemiology.
It spilled over from birds to cattle once ~5 months ago and has been spreading in cows ever since, has spilled back to birds & other animals several times, and we need to do a lot more testing to get it under control.
Whether I’m particularly interesting is highly subjective, but I am definitely interested in this analysis on H5N1 and you should be too 👇🏻
If you're interesting in the #H5N1 outbreak in cattle in the US, please have a look at our preliminary analyses just posted. Part 1 of 2:
The Bulletin does not seem to like reminders of Nicholas Wade’s past statements on this matter, despite the fact that writing an entire book of racist pseudoscience horseshit is pretty relevant to his ability to report factually and objectively about this topic.
It’s not a smoking gun for anything except further evidence that Nicholas Wade, a man who previously published a book claiming that intelligence and economic success is genetically linked to race, is completely ignorant about molecular biology and genetics.
This doesn’t surprise a lot of us in the COVID world, but it doesn’t make it any less gross. She’s…problematic.
What the fuck happened to Zeynep Tufekci
Case study in why it’s important to acknowledge scholarly limitations as well as successes. In other words, Zeynep has spent so much time convincing everyone that her shit don’t stink, she now believes that it smells like roses
What the fuck happened to Zeynep Tufekci
Oh yes, over on the other social media site, there are plenty of those who view it as not just controversial, but appalling that virologists would have anything to offer in this regard.
Which is precisely why regulations have to be designed to maximize both risk mitigation and the research itself. Without virology research, we will not be prepared to face the next pandemic. We will not understand how these viruses work, much less develop drugs or vaccines to fight them.
Virology research is essential for pandemic preparedness. Virology research has not caused pandemics in the past. Virology research is our best defense against them. And virology research must be regulated, to ensure it continues safely.
This is not a rejection of more regulation or oversight. We support regulation and oversight. We want to do this life-saving research as safely as possible, which requires technical competence when developing regulatory policy.
"You've heard of Elf on the Shelf"—actually, no, I never 'heard' of it at all, it's just some marketing trash that suddenly appeared everywhere in 2005 pretending to be a tradition. I hate it and everything like it. Shove the Elf up your ass. Fuck you.
No better way to start a Sunday than some protracted teeth baring in the eternal BarkBox bitch battle
it is bleakly funny that jordan peterson's been very clearly and publicly insane for some time and the sensible media has to ignore it so they can keep writing sober 5,000-word thinkpieces about what his appeal means for the souls of our young men
I’ll join you at the terrible at being men forum
Shouldn’t it be Jupiter?
Holy Zeus. I might be a man. How often do men think about ancient Rome? Quite frequently, it seems.
There are no firm conclusions. For some people there may be impacts on immunity and susceptibility to infection.
If I crawled my way up from irrelevancy to relative obscurity on one platform I can do it again