Luke Lamothe

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Luke Lamothe

Retro video game enthusiast and grumpy Canadian game developer. Accidentally created the largest game development company in Africa.
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when my kid is trying to show me roblox shit
This is so perfect lmfao
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
love this old lapanese frog
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
Thousands of protesters in Barcelona attended a demonstration to express their opposition to the number of visitors the city receives, with attendees spraying any tourists they saw with water guns. What do you think?
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
The UK and France just proved that getting out and actually voting makes a difference. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
Chrono Trigger was a fantastic game. #pixelart #art #akiratoriyama
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
The Culprit. “Moopsy!”
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
I was today years old when I learned that former race car driver Danica Patrick is a fucking insane right winger who believes the world is being run by a lizard people conspiracy and has an Alex Jones-level YouTube channel
Yes, but when will we be able to eliminate tech startups from naming their companies after the bad guys in books?
I guess I’ve become sort of a science-hype debunker so as far as this goes, let me just say: it’s real. Really really real. You could soon get a shot every six months that would basically eliminate your chance of getting HIV. Taken a step further: we have the tools to eliminate HIV in our lifetime.
Gilead’s twice-yearly shot to prevent HIV succeeds in late-stage Gilead's experimental twice-yearly medicine to prevent HIV was 100% effective in a late-stage trial, the company said Thursday.
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
fondly remembering my professor who accessed his email by opening internet explorer, bing searching "google", and then googling "gmail"
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
GPT-5 will have 'PhD-level' intelligence.
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Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
“Asked why he didn’t just take the stripper to a motel, Frisk’s campaign responded that most motels have free HBO and HBO has that show where Velma is a lesbian, which is degrading to American values.”
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
That was a truly great Nintendo Direct for a “dying” console. Nintendo’s long term decisions allowing them to release so many games, even as they make a generational transition, flies in the face of what everyone else is doing and is paying off.
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
“it took me four years to realize they have been making fun of me the entire time”
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
feels extremely american to be like “we need you to keep running your stochastic terrorism business so you can pay back the victims of your stochastic terrorism”
NEW: Alex Jones gets to keep broadcasting on Infowars, with the judge finding it is "in the best interest" of Sandy Hook families for the company to avoid bankruptcy so Jones would be better able to repay his massive debt (via Bayliss Wagner, Austin American-Statesman)
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
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Load-bearing comma.
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We are so excited to shine a spotlight on amazing games made by women & gender marginalised devs with the WINGS Award at Indie CupEurope'24!
We are thrilled to announce the WINGS Award at Indie Cup Europe’24! Proudly presented by, this award will highlight outstanding festival entries where women and gender-marginalized developers hold key positions. The winner is set to receive a 2,000€ prize 🪽
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
Pride Flag Not Exactly Thrilled To Have To Look At Martha-Ann Alito Either
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
Clippy is somewhere out there laughing his smug little googly-eyed head off at us all right now
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Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
Morbid curiosity got the best of me, and I read this. The argument is literally that Dolly Parton is a fake, destructive Christian because despite a lifetime of kindness, decency, philanthropy, and spreading joy around the world, she won’t explicitly condemn gay people for their wickedness.
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Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
So many reasons to love George Miller. Here’s another.
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
Artist friends. If you are thinking of dumping Adobe over their new terms of service here's how to avoid that cancellation fee.
Are you looking to cancel your Adobe CC subscription? Did you balk at their early termination fee? You can do it for FREE: Love me a good loophole. Make it hurt in their wallet. 👏
Cancel Adobe without paying the cancellation How to cancel your adobe subscription without paying the cancellation fee.
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
It’s Prince’s birthday This is my favourite story about him by a country mile
Reposted byAvatar Luke Lamothe
On the 80th anniversary of D-Day there are few surviving veterans, but so many photos like this one from 1943 of 23-year-old Lt. James Doohan of the RCAF. He survived the war and went on to travel the galaxy in #startrek May he and all veterans live honoured and rest in peace.