Annia Ciezadlo

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Annia Ciezadlo

War, politics, climate change & food systems, in the Middle East & elsewhere. Investigations @ThePublicSource. Author, Day of Honey. Reposts = interested in everything
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Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
"Because I know that hunger Is the true God of the Irish. It came down from the mountain And gave them two commandments: Thou shalt devour and thou shalt hate And laugh and dance and sing to fool The angel of death into thinking you’re alive." —Michael O'Loughlin
The Strange Life of Mikelis Norgelis | Poetry Poetry Ireland - Connecting poetry and people
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Democratic Party: *Tries Third Way for 25 years, gets it's ass handed to it, keeps insisting it'll work* Democratic Party: *Adopts more left positions, wins string of unlikely victories throughout early 2020s, questions existence*
spoiler: rich people in the already largely center-right democratic party think the way to defeat fascism is to shift the party even further rightward
Do Liberals Have It All Wrong About How to Beat Trump? Backed by Reid Hoffman, the centrist polling firm Blueprint picks a big fight in the Democratic Party: It needs to move right to win.
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Good! Miles Astray entered a real, albeit surreal photo of a flamingo into the AI category of the 1839 Color Photography Awards [...] “I wanted to show that nature can still beat the machine and that there is still merit in real work from real creatives,” Astray tells PetaPixel over email.
Photographer Disqualified From AI Image Contest After Winning With Real The photographers strike back.
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As a reporter, I never write the headlines for the story, and almost never the “display copy” (captions, subheadings, etc). Editors do. I rarely meet the photographers assigned to my stories; they set their shoots up separately on request of editor. It’s still a top-down, hierarchical business.
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People (not from the countries I’ve been talking about - primarily Sweden, where I live) have got angry at me for suggesting it, but the youth of the rising far right in much of Europe is noticeable and alarming. Young = Left feels like the fighting-the-last-war false assumption of this cycle.
One got off at my tram stop. Hours later I saw another one, shaven-headed, on my way home from a reading. Then, on my way to a friend’s flat, I saw two more, barely out of their teens, by a main railway station. It’s a level of far-right activity that is new and very concerning.
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I teach in schools and I have never seen young men as radicalised by the far right as they are now. I have never been so often warned by teachers about students before taking their classes. There is a level of rage there that is startling.
Polls in the US have shown gradual drifting of young voters to the right, and much of the left/liberal reaction has been ‘these polls are wrong, because young people are hard to poll’, and maybe they’re right, but there is no shortage of evidence for the trend elsewhere.
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If anyone from the media or a licensing company asks for permission to use your pic/vid, ask them about 1: compensation 2: exclusive or non-exclusive 3: the length of the license’s period 4: for which platforms. The ppl who do the initial outreach aren’t allowed to offer $ unless you ask /2
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
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it’s a wicked world in all meridians
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Even when "all the wealthy people will domicile in other states to avoid the tax!" proves empirically to be false by passing the tax and observing what happens afterwards, they still are like "what if it's true tho"
The recent news from Massachusetts revenue officials that they collected about $1.8 billion this year from the so-called "millionaires tax" sparked chatter: Is the windfall great financial news — or a precursor to an exodus of wealthy residents?
Other states eye Mass. millionaires tax — for windfall or wealth States considering wealth tax proposals, like Pennsylvania and Vermont, are taking note of Massachusetts' revenue gains. But at home, the question of whether the voter-approved Fair Share Amendment is...
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been reading some research on the impact of Gaza on antisemitism. one of the more interesting findings is that while negative feelings toward Jews have ticked up among Palestinian sympathizers, it’s still not even close to the level of Islamophobia among Israeli sympathizers
New York University has some helpful tips for us on how to save electricity: 1. Crank up the AC so high that your employees *actually need a heater* in the middle of the hottest summer since Jesus 2. Instead of simply *turning down the AC,* tell your employees to freeze
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This has barely moved since 24 hours ago. Keep matching each other at LEAST $10 and we can get this fulfilled!!
Please. We must get them to safety so that they can attempt to heal - Noor has shared here on BlueSky that they did not have much even before this and they want nothing more than to start a life they can enjoy ❤️ She has never even been allowed to travel to the West Bank due to the occupation 💔
Save Noor Hassan and her family, organisiert von David Nour and her sister Nasra from besieged Gaza are living in difficult condition… David Walker braucht deine Unterstützung für Save Noor Hassan and her family
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Part of the Lemkin Institute for the Prevention of Genocide's statement posted yesterday.
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Holy shit this is evil—Israel is kicking UNRWA out of Jerusalem. The Knesset also is likely to label it a terrorist organization, but, even after everything, this still shocks the conscience. And charging the agency for unauthorized use of the land. Like, fuck off, there’s no bottom
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No one disputes the industry is in a major slowdown. It’s a terrible time, and many of us are hurting But this article’s claim that it was caused by the 2023 strikes is bullshit The slowdown & strikes were caused by the same thing: bad business decisions at the top🧵
Hollywood crews in 'crisis': 'Everyone's just in panic mode' as jobs 2023's dual strikes by writers and actors created a dry spell for everyone in Hollywood. Crew members are still feeling the aftershocks.
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Martha-Ann Alito allegedly harassed her anti-Trump neighbors so aggressively—including spitting at their car—that they called the cops and begged for legal intervention.
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We shouldn’t throw around words like “heroes” lightly, but
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The appeal of liberalism has always been the promise of equality before the law That promise has never been fulfilled, either because humans are imperfect or because it's always been a facade But that's liberalism promise, and to so flagrantly disregard it is to dump acid on its edifice
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Are You Chatting with a Pro-Israeli AI-powered Superbot? "By the end of 2023, nearly half of all internet traffic was bots." "Bad [unhelpful] bots make up 34 percent of internet traffic."
Are you chatting with a pro-Israeli AI-powered superbot? Smart bots have emerged as an unexpected weapon in Israel’s war on Gaza. Al Jazeera looks at bots and how to spot them.
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Just sent to me. Don’t know origin.
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This looks so dope
Stéphane Castonguay and I are leading a walking tour in Montreal at 7pm on June 16 as a part of the CHA. We will use digital content to link the port with the grain trade, the British diet and settler colonialism on the Canadian Prairies. Please register:
Towers of Grain: Feeding Edwardian Explore how the grain silos of Montreal linked burgeoning wheat farms on the Prairies with urban markets in the United Kingdom.
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It’s amazing we live in the “why can’t the kids concentrate” era simultaneously with the “our eugenic Superman billionaires don’t read books and “change context” every five minutes” era
Isaacson had the story of the century—a robber baron’s descent into becoming the world’s biggest popularizer of new-Nazism as he launches biggest failure of his career and his entire fortune teeters on one hedge fund deciding he’s a human meme stock—and he’s still giving Elon the Da Vinci treatment.
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More than 200 Columbia graduate student workers pledge to withhold their labor (grading and research) from the university until full amnesty is granted to disciplined students, staff, and faculty for participation in anti-genocide protests and NYPD is removed from campus.
“At some point—whatever the justification—you’re either advancing a policy that enables the mass starvation of children, or you’re not…as the descendant of European Jews, I was raised in a particularly unforgiving moral environment when it came to… bearing responsibility for ethnic cleansing.”
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