E.V. Belknap

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E.V. Belknap


Indie writer of the funny fantastical
The Tenfold Tenants, out now!
Coming soon: Stake around and find out
She/They 🌈
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For more information about this service and more, check out our website in our bio! #WritingCommunity #EditingTips
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Happy international non-binary day from a non-binary artist! 💛🤍💜🖤 I bet there are more non-binary folk around you than you can even imagine. Not all of us look androgynous, but we are still real and valid ✨ #lgbtq #NonBinaryPeoplesDay
Any ARC readers in here that like indie books, funny fantasy, vampires, vampire hunters that aren’t very good at all of it, secrets and shenanigans? Sign up on my linktree in my bio 💙📚 🌈📚 #writer #writingcommunity #vampirebook #indiebook
The Inside Out emotions in my head
The Inside Out emotions in my head
Final final edits are going well, I am ahead of schedule and already over halfway, so naturally I am worrying I’ll never get it done 🤦 💙📚
I love Georgia an incredibly normal amount. #doctorwho
*drum roll* it’s cover reveal day!! Like vampires? People trying to become vampires? Lots of failing at actually finding vampires so joining the vampire hunters in a desperate attempt to— ok you get the idea. Coming September 3rd! Art: @illustoryart.bsky.social #writer #vampires #indiebook
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Silly Pokemon Go question: I need like two new friends for a quest ^_^’ Anyone else still playing? My trainer code is 627116298752. #pokemon #pokemongo
Writing a book: challenging at times, but ultimately rewarding. Writing a blurb: fuck words. Fuck all of them. #writer #author
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It's not "I suffered so you should too," it's "I suffered and no one else should ever have to."
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Let’s be very clear since this isn’t dying down: Kemi Badenoch is a hateful cunt. David Tennant said nothing wrong and a white man fighting for the rights of trans women is more than welcome to tell a transphobic black woman to shut the fuck up. Stop weaponizing identity politics!
David Tennant Labeled “The Problem” by U.K. Prime Minister in LGBTQ+ Rights Clashwww.hollywoodreporter.com The 'Doctor Who' star was speaking at the British LGBT Awards when he said he wished Kemi Badenoch, a top government minister with controversial views on the LGBTQ+ community, would "shut up."
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The great David Tennant of Doctor Who calls out Kemi Badenoch for being a horrible, hateful person. David is an absolute treasure.
In case you're wondering what renowned monster David Tennant said that led to Kemi Badenoch labelling him a bigot and a bully...
I got a cover shaped cover in my inbox and I cannot *wait* to do a reveal 🥰 #💙📚 #🌈📚 #writer #fantasybook
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The absolutely wild thing is: This goes for ALL social aid. Just *giving people some fucking money,* literally going "OK, how much did you need?", cutting checks, and waving them out the door? COSTS LESS and HAS BETTER OUTCOMES than the current system's bureaucracy and means testing, EVERY TIME.
With alt-text because THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYONE’S EXPERIENCE & I FUCKING HATE IT. Being disabled is a godsdamn full time job battling different agencies all damn day. #NEISvoid
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begging for someone somewhere with a scrap of municipal power to start slapping these ai guys with the most annoying hyperlocal laws and bylaws ever. SURELY AT SOME POINT ENOUGH PEOPLE MUST JUST SAY "NO" like please the mass psychosis must end
Here’s a miracle solution: stop fuckin doing it
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Unless I can figure something out by the end of the week, I'm going to have to go to a shelter. I'm stressed and depressed and scared and demoralized and so fucking hurt. I don't even know what to do right now. If you can't donate, please share at least.
Belgian art is wild sometimes, and I love it when it happens. (Also typical for me to find out football scores on the internet after the fact)
To celebrate the Red Devils' 2-0 win against Romania last night, here's Intérieur d'atelier (1882), a totally normal self-portrait by Léon Frédéric (1856-1940), much of whose work is bonkers even by Belgian standards (though he did turn out some lovely social realism later on). #LesBelges
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The greatest scam in social welfare programs is planning around the idea that individuals exist under hardships because they lack motivation or education as opposed to the truth: That most are suitably motivated and educated but lack the time and resources required to change their circumstances.
Individuals who received the $1,000/mo or $500/mo payments were more likely to find a stable, full-time job than before they received the basic income. Results showed 45% of participants secured housing, while $589,214 was saved in public service costs. "It's freedom. It's freedom from poverty..."
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had housing.www.businessinsider.com Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
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I was just thinking about this because we live in a world where nobody has to have HIV in the future and we can regrow teeth and have tons of renewable energy and could really transform into a post-scarcity society, but "maybe we can take care of people" is still the most left of left positions.
it blows me away that saying “housing is a right” is an extreme position. “people should be fed.” also, given pride month: “trans people have a right to thrive” the centrist POV on all of these issues is “well be reasonable! not everyone deserves a place to stay” which is wild to me
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Friends, I've been working on a lil set of standalone queer romance short stories (10-12K). Each is about a first date, and all MCs are in their 40s or early 50s. One sapphic, one queer M/F, one F/F/M polyam, and one M/M with my first ace MC (has been SRed). If you might wanna beta one, DM me! 🏳️‍🌈
Good Omens fans, you need this in your life and you know it #goodomens
The preorder of Good Omens artbook is extended for one more week! To be honest, we really need a bit more orders to make it work 😳 So if you know someone who might like this artbook, please share info with them ❤️ #goodomens #goodomensfanart #artbook #aziraphale #crowley #myfanart #ineffablehusbands
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Happy Swedish National Day! One of my favourite Swedish words is maskrosbarn, which means “dandelion child.” Dandelions can survive in almost any conditions, even growing through tarmac, so a dandelion child is one that still turns out well, despite having a difficult childhood.
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Friendly reminder: While everyone's making a big thing about pride, and coming out of the closet, let's remember that not everyone is ready, or able, to come out safely. This is why we must keep fighting.