
It would be helpful if Democrats didn't go en masse on TV to cement a bad debate performance in the public conversation. I don't think Republicans do this
All these ex Obama and Biden people are shitting on Biden so hard on CNN right now what on Earth
Someone recently wrote, I don't know who, that Democrats think they'll be honored by the public with votes for being the most scrupulous rules-followers.
Republicans have actual message discipline. It’s fucking infuriating.
Republican flacks are Republicans first & foremost. Democratic flacks are TV guests first & foremost
I actually fully disagree with this. Republicans are reactionary grifters first and foremost and they’ve found their messiah who can lead them to the promised land of riches via exploiting gullible geriatrics.
Yes, & the Republican Party is the party of reactionary grift, exploiting gullible geriatrics, & self-enrichment. They never fail to do their party justice, because their party is as wicked as they are
Still not sure about the talking heads priority for Dems because almost all of them of are so fucking bad at it. You’d think they would have gotten better in st least the last 8 years.
That is one of their biggest strengths. It’s such a strength in no small part due to the fact that democrats have zero discipline.
Dems fail chronically on that point. Dems want to love their candidate. Republicans just want to win & don't care with who. Winners make policy; losers go home. Dems have never learned this; Republicans never forget it.
The old saw is "Dems fall in love, Republicans fall in line"
The weird thing is like… they knew this was coming? Why do this now. Republicans knew trump was gonna lie. Were the Democratic leadership actually convinced Biden was still super sharp or something?
“Biden was really off tonight. Very different from the past four years”
Shooting themselves in the feet is just what they do.
In response to what to do if Biden has a bad debate:
“What is the strategy if the first debate performance goes very poorly for Biden” It’s “don’t have a poor debate”. Then it’s “spin the poor debate as being good actually”. The its “hope the next debate is better”. Same as literally every Presidential election since TV debates began
Because Republicans only care about winning & will vote for their candidate no matter what. Trump could be stuffed & mounted & only talking when you pulled the string on his back & they'd still vote for him. They want control & he's their means to that end. Dems need to quit bedwetting & GOTV.
I guess that's part of not living in a total fantasy land all the time. Republicans are full-time fantasy land.
I switched to ABC's conversation and it's a lot more reasonable.
I really thought they had this figured out the past 4 years. There are no cannibals quite like scorned Democratic staffers.
Republicans should do it though, they need more awareness of when they mess up and have no mechanism for receiving that feedback anywhere in their ecosystem
This assumes that they want to improve and be decent which is I think a flawed assumption lol
I think Republicans want to win, which their lack of a feedback mechanism keeps them from doing in a lot of cases.
Ah yeah that's fair enough, and you're right, we are all watching Dems do the Dem version of shooting ourselves in the foot but Republicans have their own way of doing it, it's just different lol
ive never before seen such a wide consensus that one's own guy lost
Business HATES Biden, because of things like the FTC and CFPB, it's all a crime these days, and they're trying to stop it.
That’s the difference between us and them. The truth matters.
Yeah, it's the same in France and Germany... There is a whole bunch of absolutely ungrateful, ungracious people in this planet, sipping their soya lattes and bitching about