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She/her, US PNWer, progressive, mom, former research scientist

📷: Banner by @rachellense of NASA
Say it with me, folks: Election polls don't matter in June! Even if they're after a debate! If you're anxious and scared, do us all a favor and ignore the horserace polls and punditry until September. At least. (And ignore the op-eds in perpetuity.)
Saw some nice mushrooms today #PNW
Ok, y'all. Biden is a Catholic. He believes in heaven, hell, and an eternal soul. He's not going to start ordering assassinations. 🍊 OTOH... Yeah, we can't let Trump back into office.
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
last night i saw someone on here suggest that bernie could win and i just need you white men to stop
First post-debate poll is out. It... barely made a dent, and that's amongst people who actually watched the debate. Ofc coverage over the next week or so could shift things further, but I think a lot of us very online people are living in a different bubble than the average voter.
Who Won The First Biden-Trump Presidential Debate? We’re partnering with Ipsos to poll voters before and after the candidates take the stage.
I know it's a long shot, but if Biden stepped down in favor of Kamala Harris, and the convention was low drama, it would inject a lot of energy into this race. My only question is whether younger and/or more progressive voters would support her.
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
Need an Edna Mode in the life of every terminally online liberal who is going through hysterics right now
Someone who is working multiple jobs to keep afloat and can't afford the time it takes to become truly knowledgeable about the candidates. They hear sound bites, if anything. Shitting on these people does no one any good. Instead, let's try to create a world where folks have time and opportunity.
what the fuck is even the median voter
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
At the end of the day, I don't need to be excited about the top of the ticket to be excited about this election. The presidential election is a root canal. Unfun but probably important not to avoid. DOWN BALLOT IS WHERE IT'S AT! Let's codify abortion! Let's kick these bitches off school boards!
Okay, I will be voting based on the VP more than I usually do this year. In the end there are some very basic things (reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, anti-racism, support for working people and families, etc.) that will guide my vote far more than tonight's debate.
This was perfection
(Trump brags about polls in response to a Q about accepting election results) Biden: "We'll see what your numbers are when this election's over." Trump: "We'll see." Biden: "You're a whiner ... Something snapped in you when you lost the last time."
Something CNN did right in this debate: Put the questions at the bottom of the screen so we can keep track of just how far off the rails 🍊 has gone.
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
FACT CHECK Trump: “Biden is a very bad Palestinian.” TRUE: Biden is far too alive to be a Palestinian.
I kind of forgot that Biden has a stutter. I haven't watched a presser or other live speech of his in ages.
🍊 just gave a nonsensical screed on abortion
Biden: "He rewarded the wealthy." Trump: Nods I mean, I guess he gets points for honesty? 😂
So make it not suck so hard to be a parent nowadays! E.G., I spend a large amount of time fighting for school levies, bonds, and decent school board members almost annually, and that's just to protect *one* of the major things my kids need. Public education is constantly under attack.
The fertility crisis is here and it will permanently alter the economy | CNN The world isn’t having enough babies and that demographic shock will reshape the largest economies in the next decade.
WTF is with T-Mobile's latest ad? The boy wants a bigger phone for video games, while the girl wants...a PINK ONE?!?
We saw a matte black cybertruck yesterday. It didn't look any better, but maybe it won't rust. 🤷‍♀️
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
I think it’s fine that the most valuable asset an American is likely to own has to go up in value every year or the system crumbles, good thing we tied stuff like school funding to this too
Cheaper housing access is diametrically opposed to extremely high home valuation for those who own - and that VERY powerful electorate will fight it with everything they have.
Just got done canvassing for a couple Dems in local elections. This was targeted canvassing of strong D voters, but many of them had no idea which races were on the ballot or when the (very important this year) primary is. Knocking on doors takes a ton of volunteer effort, but it's fun and worth it!
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
Juneteenth does not celebrate "When news of the end of slavery finally reached Texas." Juneteenth celebrates when the racist people in Texas that tried to hold on to slavery for as long as they could even after it was abolished, finally couldn't keep up the lie anymore.
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) Juneteenth does not celebrate "When news of the end of slavery finally reached Texas." Juneteenth celebrates when the racist people in Texas that tried to hold on to slavery for as long as they could...
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
Insomnia Club check-in! What do we want? SLEEP! When do we want it? Oh God, please, anytime, right now would be great but anytime, I’m just so very tired.
Seen IRL today: It is the height of white privilege to leave a political party because *you*, a white woman, don't think they adequately respected Juneteenth, when in reality this party is the only hope (in a two party system) that POC have of representation AT ALL.
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
I see that the Foo Fighters just kicked off their UK tour, so it's time to drag out my "Why I Hate Dave Grohl" thread. TL;DR: The Foo Fighters funded AIDS denialist groups from 1999-2007 that lobbied to deny people life-saving medication. They have never acknowledged the deaths they caused.
I don't think I've ever talked on Bluesky about why I hate the Foo Fighters and Dave Grohl. Don't read any further unless you're prepared for uncomfortable truths about the "Nicest Guy in Rock", and his very substantial body count & subsequent cover-up.
I've always argued that cops should have little to do with speed enforcement (exceptions apply, ofc), and that it should be automated. I have nothing against speed limit enforcement. I have a lot of problems with armed cops who tend to target racial minorities and the poor, then search and seize.
i'm sorry, this is an area where i am just completely unwilling to compromise. i think speeding and reckless driving are profoundly antisocial acts that are DEMONSTRABLY PROVEN to result in TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DEATHS every year in car and pedestrian crashes. this seems bad to me.
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
In this culture, we're all taught that violence and cruelty are power, and that you know you're somebody when you can treat people like shit and get away with it, so people who feel insecure aspire to be cruel instead of safe. Anyway, that's why there are 34-year-old Mean Girls on social media.
We have so many under-and unfunded mandates in #WA state, esp in schools. We need tax reform so that school funding is not tied to property values. The legislature has not prioritized school funding for several sessions now - other than a few pennies here and there - and it shows in our ↘️ rankings.
Washington: Required Without Funding should be the state license plate