Arlen Spectrobes

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Arlen Spectrobes

still dazzling, hollering, razzling, and hooting. he/him
this has to have been done before, right? I can't be the first to think of it?
getting the feeling we made a mistake installing a philosopher-king. he locks himself in his tower and only comes out to say shit like, “I cannot disprove the idea that I am but a brain in a jar?” wow holy shit man, that’s crazy. did you have any ideas about the fucking grain shortage
hey stop slamming back there this dragula is a rental
The reflexive immediacy with which Gamers spring to Activision's defense is indicative of a consumer base that values nothing aside from the continued production of content for contentment. An attack upon the product is unconscionable, for it risks impeding the fantasy provided.
doctor: yup, looks like you're autistic me: oh damn, is it curable? doctor: for a lot of people the cure is just to suck it up, but otherwise no, it's terminal me: fuck, that's awful. what are the symptoms? doctor: you're pretty much just like, not good at hanging out. the vibes are iffy
I hate to be the one to break it to tumblrites, but a divorce is 100% a failed marriage. what did this person think those vows were about
As of this posting, audience reviews can be scrolled through on the film's page, but not critic review quotations. This sucks! I do not care to subject myself to the bleatings of the unwashed masses!
Wow, the new redesign for Rotten Tomatoes is AWFUL. When you go to a page for a particular film, you can only see two reviews from critics at a time. More importantly, audience reviews are higher on the page than critic reviews. The site's primary utility is effectively gone.
they're water boarding me 'low and slow' in the coca cola cool zone at guantanamo
referring to the years 2010-2013 as "the twenty-tweens"
"Factory Showroom" still a great album
Mrs. Pheniac made me a birthday pizza
Tonight in 1968 — Peter Falk made his debut as COLUMBO in PRESCRIPTION: MURDER on NBC. He would play the character for 35 years. “He was perfect,” co-creator William Link said. "And then he got better.”
Gimme Magritte, boys, and free my soul / Ceci n’est pas une rock ‘n’ roll / Green apple face
Roses are red Violets are blue How was I to know She was with the Russians too?
back in my day we grew up on real shit like skibidi toilet and roblox and mr beast, not like any of the garbage younger generations have these days
I consider myself a polymath because I’m skilled at both hootin’ and hollerin’
All women are BBWs
yeah i saw that movie too… extremely distressed that the semi entertaining two hour commercial for the mattel corporation with a couple “cant decide which wave” feminist monologues shoehorned in did not get its due reward from the academy
american jews are taught more anti-palestinian talking points than we are torah and talmud and can recite them better than our thrice daily prayers
it's a tit bit nipply out there
I’ve heard the phrase “colder than a witch’s tit” but this is ridiculous
dumping all the bits and scraps of various teas into the filter and cold brewing a pitcher of "garbage green"
this is so incredibly tense. our man has not made a move in 45 minutes
Been thinking about it and I've started to ask myself what the point of identifying myself as a Jew is, and I don't know how to answer.
fundamentally I think my problem is that this is the only way I ever appreciate "art" because I am completely incapable of "vibing"
Sucks that people have been made to feel like art is a puzzle they aren't smart enough to appreciate. When you go to a gallery the only questions that really matter are what does it make you think of and how does it make you feel
what if it was JoJo's Excellent Adventure and then Bill and Ted's Bizarre Adventure
Guy who pronounces BlueSky to rhyme with "brewsky"