
“Mars will always be much worse place to live than Earth even if we experience a horrific planetary apocalypse” is a true statement but it’s only an argument against humans ever going there if you’ve been listening to some deeply unserious people
People like Musk try to pitch Mars as a backup planet, presumably because they think it’ll get more investment, but it’s always been a ridiculous notion. Humans will go to Mars for the same reasons they go to Antarctica, and in the same spirit. Exploration, science, not a “better life”.
I hear it’s not the type of place to raise your kids, in fact it’s cold as hell
And there’s no one there to raise them!
You're saying Mars needs... like parental figures of some kind, maybe female ones?
Maybe we can advertise on Venus.
Gonna need some bright lights. Bit foggy there from what I hear
Mars is experiencing a childcare crisis!
That's okay, according to the Kryptonian Parenting Manual.
"X Æ A-Xii being sent to Mars as Elmo detonates the Nukes under his Mansion to prevent people from seizing his wealth." 2047, colorized
And there's no one there to raise them If you did
All this science. I don't understand.
It's just my job five days a week
Oh man. I had to look up this reference and relisten to this song for the first time in decades.
And surely if the tech is developed to make Mars habitable then we could also fix what we've done to Earth. Which is quite a lot closer.
Even if we turn Earth into a nuclear & chemical weapon toxic wasteland, it will be easier to live on and "terraform" than Mars. The Red Planet has no magnetic field and atmosphere to protect us from space radiation, and its soil is full of toxic dry cleaning chemicals.
We could more easily create a habitable region on the ocean floor, with daily cargo shipments at relatively lower cost, and that is a laughable idea, but Mars? Sure let’s try it on Mars.
Essentially the conclusion of the Weinersmith's "A City on Mars". There are *so* many unanswered questions about settling off world that numbnuts like Musk brush aside 'cause it's not "cool".
yeh I've heard Zack & Kelly talk about the book a bunch of times & they're always clear they'd love to see exploration of Mars. They just think the idea of living there is dangerous nonsense.
Imaginary grand solutions are more appealing than realistic ones that require hard work.
Imagination is fun. Hard work is boring.
the people who believe mars can be terraformed into earth 2.0 but that this MUST be done because we cannot save or preserve earth from worsening climate change are... interesting to me. From a distance.
It's easier for them to imagine completely reforming another planet than to think of challenging the people and systems killing our current one.
Is it actually being offered as an argument against humans ever going there, though?
In the post I was replying to, seemed like it. But yeah in other cases I’ve heard people use that argument
I mean, ok, that's not good. But I've heard lots of folks (most recently the Weinersmiths) pointing this out just as a dose of realism. But being a wet blanket is totally not the same thing as actively arguing against human exploration of Mars.
Yeah, for sure. (I loved their book!)
It was very interesting to hear Kim Stanley Robinson say he's a lot more pessimistic now about Mars settlement than he was when he wrote the Red/Green/Blue Mars series. Reality has a way of asserting itself, I guess.
I still need to read it!
The Weinersmiths' book is really good, fun and thoughtful. I wrote a short review here (have to scroll down, unfortunately):
It really irks me that these things are always pitched in terms of material gain or they aren't worth it
Musk pitching human settlement of Mars is no different than his tunnel project. A distraction from investment in public infrastructure.
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise a kid.
Humanity needs to learn how to take care of this planet, before we go to another one and f*ck it up too.
It would be a nice place to visit some day, and a terrestrial gravity anchor is still a terrestrial gravity anchor. Really depends on what our philosophical goals are as a species when we get to the point where sending people there is feasible.
Oh I see that was the original idea you replied to.
It’s especially ridiculous that they’re all people like Elon, who would never conceivably agree to actually make the arduous trip and live in harsh grueling conditions with zero luxury
Right indeed and good comparison. At least until new daring technologies appear but regarding isolation and not modifyng anything else. I think.
haven’t wanted to go to mars since elton told me not to
Is there any way for colonizing Mars to be something other than an extremely dangerous proposition requiring absurd scales of macro-construction and oxygen production without discovering some kind of Total Recall machine in an underground pyramid?
the only way I could see us living on mars long term is if we either invent some kinda terraforming technology that we couldn’t just use on earth for some reason, or we find some kinda magical alien artifact like in Mass Effect or Starfield.
It does however give you an idea about the number of people who will volunteer. It also points out the mistake in the thinking that I have heard, that Musk and others are planning to avoid problems on Earth, and live in comfort, and even luxury, on Mars.
I wonder if Musk thinks Mars will be his version of Galt's Gulch where he and his friends can build what they think will be the ideal human society. If true, it's just further proof of how deeply unserious he is.
I think we should encourage the billionaires to go to Mars, then not allow them to come back to Earth. Their colony wouldn’t last a decade.
We probably wouldn't have to worry about the 'not allow them' part. Most of the billionaires who'd want to go would be too stupid to realize if they couldn't get back.
I imagine at *some* point when the Sun starts expanding that Mars will be less hostile than Earth. But it'll never be *good*
I always assume people are a little unserious. Especially the deeply serious ones.