
Some of the nihilism I'm seeing on the skyline is why Black people say y'all wouldn't last an hour as us, btw.
These yt people are giving up after something small like the Supreme Court saying the criminal president can do whatever he wants; imagine what they’d do if the Court ruled that they weren’t citizens! Twice!
It's truly remarkable to people who have to consider all the things just to make sure we get to go home alive at the end of every day, knowing all such considerations could stilll fail us.
Yep. I know my main job right now is to keep my trans kid alive, and I look to the experiences of centuries of Black people who lived through this country's deadly racism for how to do it. Because we will survive this or literally die trying, there are no easy alternatives.
I'm just not looking forward to the threepeat
The north remembers how they wailed after 2 weeks of discussing racism and state violence for 2 weeks in 2020.
tried to make "ally fatigue" A Thing
I remember some very “how do you do fellow allies” posts going around on Twitter for that 🙄
Yeah, I wouldn't. I'm not even making it as me.
Just gonna impart some of the wisdom that has been handed down to us for the past century. "VOTE" Hope that helps! 🤣
It doesn't in the states that have been gerrymandered to keep one party in power forever.
Ya don't say... Kind of makes one question the sage advise of Democrats in the run-up to every election.
The only advice issued by Democrats these days is PLZ SEND CASHMONEY!!11!!1 No plan, no project, no idea of what to do to improve things, just begging for dollarz. We are well and truly...
You’re absolutely right. I was telling my husband the other day that black women won the last election and they will win the next one so let’s do our best to get in line with them. Seeing my fellow pale folk talking about moving to Europe and getting really pissed at their attitudes.
Waves in family-survived-pogroms-murder-HUAC-redlining-etc over here
I am here today because my ancestors survived elegantly - it’s in my DNA
Damn straight. I wanna fucking crawl into a hole and cry until my body withers away. You guys have more strength and will to deal with this shit than I could ever fucking imagine.
I'm in the UK and it's madness to see people giving up , like good grief this is the time to organise protests! have all the unions band together , and actually Do Something not wallow in a hole!
Because they are ppl that never had to struggle. Or are coming to the conclusion that the illusion was to cover their eyes to reality of others.
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Truth. I think about Black history in America a lot these days and what it takes to keep eyes on the prize for that long.
This is (partly) why it's so infuriating to see so many white people be dismissive of the actual Dem base instead of obsessing over the feels of one that doesn't exist. There's a lot to learn from people who know resistance and resilience, but some folks don't want to listen.
As people take on board the SC decision and what Trump intends if he gets a second term (and also did his first term) I keep saying, "all this violent overthrow of elections, stopping people from voting, mob intimidation, you know it's not new in US history it's just new for white people."
Yep. Well said. And it's certainly been a good day to build my personal Block list.
It’s so irritating that people become nihilistic like that because having that mindset ENSURES that things don’t get better and you don’t continue the fight for progress. White moderate liberals doing what they do best imo
Speaking as a white person, you are absolutely correct.
Don't I know that, Winifred! Thanks for a needed reminder of our overall lack of positivity and determination. Ready for the fight
Oh absolutely. We are soft. We are all belly and no backbone. We’ve been raised to believe everything will work out in our favor because… usually it does. And then like a spoilt child being told “no” for the first time, we break at any inconvenience. Myself included.
"first time"? things have been shit for everyone but the rich for decades
Prolly isn’t relevant but I thought if this
I tried that + denial during the last US election (I'm Canadian) + surprisingly it didn't work too well (i'm dumb). We have a lot to learn from Black people in the Americas, esp as a trans person I'm now understanding how important it is to watch, observe, protect yourself but keep going/resisting.
we get upset when our hair gets wet *in the rain*. without even maybe thinking an umbrella would've been useful. or at least some white people do who may or may not be me.
As a white person, I agree with this. If I were black, I would get shot the first time I interacted with a cop.
I'm white, so I see SO MUCH of it on the day to day. People who just fall over helpless at the slightest setback. The preponderance leans white, male, cishet. I have a phrase for it: "He has the handicap of being a white guy." No emotional fortitude AT ALL.
I know full well that I'm a weak, cowardly waste of life. The only reason I'm still here is that I haven't had to struggle and don't have the decency to stop wasting oxygen.
it could also be the folks that know whats coming are freaked out the folks that dont know whats coming , do not know what is coming in america . if that makes any sense