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HS sci teacher in CA Bay Area.

politics, mostly replies,
attempts at humor.
the media show has long contended for power with the voting public (by distracting, herding, and in key moments marching the public merrily into classist sacrifice) but after Trump this is now a systemic problem: wealthy owners tied to a web of elites produce “democracy” *instead* of informing…
…and what we see is the next advance in that power.
yeah I’m off the fence. I’m not just “u guys work it out I’ll show up” we had a primary. of he dies Ms. Harris has the Office. Done. cld b wrong but I think w an intra-party coup, best case scenario = a likely real blow to progressive organizing power w/in the Dem party, overnight.
appreciate that neither OR senator has called for biden to drop out and have just made a couple pretty mealy comments about consulting polls and leading, OR senate delegation stays winning
Also we aren’t talking about down ballot stuff. This could be a time to prime lots of us mid-info voters on what’s at stake where citizens have a real shot to move good Dems that won primaries left, for example. We had a primary. If he dies, Ms. Harris has the office. Done.
Idt progressives are taking seriously enough the threat from the “let’s improvise a ticket change” I’m not saying this is solely a billionaires & rich pols play, but it’s a field where billionaires & rich pols will have even more of an advantage playing improv with Presidency.
with all respect to elon, this piece sucks shit. it's been 3.5 weeks since this discussion started, and somehow this piece still manages to not mention who the author thinks should replace biden as the nominee or how that process would work. handwaving away step 2 this late in debate is absurd
Best case scenario, if this intra-coup works, it’s still gonna introduce a new norm: Primary voters get a choice but if the choice doesn’t inspire the confidence of Big $ Dems, they’re gonna have Final Cut It isn’t nearly the catastrophe that status quo GOP rule is, but it’s the WRONG DIRECTION
Granting a successful intra-Party Dem coup (no Trump) the tail-end darkest tl a retrenchment back to late-80s-2012 neoliberal Dems. The whole power structure of the Party shifts to the bad nerds.
Ok so I’m Sophia pilled Marie Antoinette was too long. Relatedly the final 30 min or so is flawed. But my goodness I fall for all her cinematic tricks & love the style of each of the 3 films of hers I’ve seen.
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It would be incredibly stupid if this country descends into fascism because Democratic donors couldn't decide which candidate to buy.
-every ivy league dorm RA to freshmen after the 1st week of classes
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Green New Deal like 👀
I just got back from a transatlantic journalism program focused on understanding the European far-right. Wrote this for The Hill Times about how the far-right in both Europe and Canada are exploiting the cost-of-living crisis to attack and derail green policies:
Europe is in the middle of a ‘greenlash.’ If Canada doesn’t put workers first in its green transition, we could be The European far right’s pivot to attacking green policies shows why Canada needs a climate change approach that centres the interests of working people.
What’s that? Another instance where the corporate news imperative for novelty ends up trivializing everything it touches?
8. Whip’s snorting his last rail before suiting up and coming through
Starting to feel all 90s again.
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Just so everyone's clear. The Israeli attack on Hudaydah's oil storage was *not* an example of the Houthis hiding weapons in civilian infrastructure and it getting bombed. As best as I can tell, this is Israel purposefully targeting vital civilian infrastructure in and of itself.
wait i've seen this plot before is the delivery guy still there? Can your wife cook? Do you have a pack of smokes on hand?
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the cult of the rugged individual in this country is literally a pathology
I don’t like Kamala Harris but “existing in the context of everything that came before you” is actually a pretty beautiful sentiment. Individualism asks us to forget about our ancestors and cast our elders aside. Saying you exist in context is saying you are rooted and connected to their story.
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you don’t have liberalism, you have bourgeois liberalism. a liberal is willing to execute a king and his cops.
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Can we just take a different approach to this election? Stop working Biden so hard. He is and isn’t the damn point. Have huge, fun, informative, community-and-movement building pro-democracy rallies w/cool folks just getting folks to vote for saving the nation (such that it is)!
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nonsensical and inconsistent gibberish
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Oh you just call anyone “Nazi” who disagrees with you about enacting mass deportation of ethic minorities demonized as “vermin poisoning the blood of the nation” as part of a nationalist myth of purifying violence promulgated to a far right cult by an authoritarian demagogue.
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Defeating Trump in 2020 came down to less than 44,000 voters in 3 states. This election promises to be nauseatingly close, and we've got the easiest and most impactful way to make a difference. Sign up now and start talking to your neighbors about what's at stake in November: indivisibleproject.f...
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How do you think they shot boss baby? The run down started 15 min before each shoot
if you watch it as love letter to past (serial-killer) horror & enjoy it with a sense of play & nostalgic fondness for the genre…it’s good.