Flying Mezerkis

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Flying Mezerkis

Ne'er do well, Sailor, accomplisher of little, quick wit and quicker temper. Purveyor of gardening pics. Wondering where this is all going.
I think we can officially retire the heartbreaking meme now
Here’s my view: we should make the President in people’s minds and fact less consequential, powerful and meaningful. Bring back Congress.
I haven’t listened to it yet to make my own judgment. But I’m not sure I take many people’s judgment at face value any more. Too many people are just writing their pre-held beliefs into their views. I’m close to giving up and saying this is what we’ve got. Idk. It’s dispiriting.
Ok. I just listened to it. He’s not a great campaigner. I don’t know how different it is from 4 years ago because frankly, politician interviews aren’t something I’d normally waste time on. He couldn’t focus on the questions. But otherwise it was reasonable. I’m giving him a B/B-.
Counterpoint: Biden is killing it on BlueSky.
Is on Point still good? I fell off of it for reasons.
I heard Biden’s Parkinson’s doctor only started coming to the WH after Biden was vaxed. Coincidence? Or proof the vaccine causes Parkinson’s.
And the results speak pretty well on practical terms. (Yes. I am also shocked that large businesses are upset about costly regulations they have to follow)
I’m sure. I haven’t eaten at a restaurant in the city for 6+ years. And even then.
I’m happy to claim MassMoCa is on the whole a good use of ex factory space. Of which there is plenty in Ma. Lowell turned it into housing. Fall River still has some.
Yeah. I hope no one is claiming anything for Mexican food in Ma. Just be glad you weren’t there in the 80s. And there are probably places you can find some of it around the region.
I also never went to Kowloon. But I did grow up listening to Edie Andelman. Nor were we big Anthony Pier 4 people. But I acknowledge everyone’s heritage. There are no right answers.
Oh. I love calamari. But I don’t think state appetizer is a thing. And even if I did, I’d probably take some steamers or Jonathan Island oysters.
I adore Rhode Island But “state appetizer”. Hahahahaha That said, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten Boston cream pie.
[extreme pirate voice] Beyond here lies Everett
It’s so weird being in a world where New England and Mass hate isn’t the operative assumption.
Best state in New England. Tough one! I could make an argument for any of them.
I definitely see Vance and Rubio eventually getting into a real spot with Trump where they start undermining him as a marker against their own political futures. That said, the future is pretty cloudy.
Lololol Yeah. Well. Some jokes write themselves.
Strongly reminds me of a day in my life several ago in Cambridge with a guy at a table on the sidewalk pitching for Lyndon Larouche. You see, everyone else is wrong. And he’s the only one who truly sees the world for what it is. Ironically, social media has brought all these people to us now.
50 year old: Word (Although it’s also because I tend to see the tension and inconsistencies more quickly than most)
One thing I've learned the hard way in news is that whenever there's a situation where I think "this is untenable, it can't go on like this!" it's goes on for a shockingly long time.
Those are not my words. I would like to be more bored with political conditions in this country. I am not at all happy personally nor politically with current environment.
Ok. I argued against making age in issue for Biden, whether it was the press or voters pre-debate. And I looked forward to the debate moving the campaign forward. I think we are strong enough and ought to be to ask questions or give opinions, unlike the Right.
I’m just not sure what position it is that you think I have.
I’m not proposing that someone, I don’t know who, end the Biden campaign. I also dont think it’s fair to say “nothing has changed” since then, or that questions aren’t acceptable.
Ok. It was a genuine question posed as neutrally as possible. I certainly am likely biased in many ways including as middle aged and college educated.