Another Twitter Exile

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Another Twitter Exile

If you are a UK or a US taxpayer, you are unwittingly funding the genocide of Palestinians.
Stop the Genocide in Gaza!
End Occupation!
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!
Stop Arming Israel!
to all of you out there who like to claim “they are all the same”, the new UK government has scrapped the odious Rwanda policy. it’s already worth electing him just for removing this inhumane shit stain on the country
Proof that Tories just don’t listen and don’t understand facts. Deform only have 4 seats. Same as the Greens. Labour and Lib Dem gains, but the Tories are talking about wanting to lurch even further right? Shame more of them didn’t lose.
Don't forget. Don't forgive. We want our money back! #IfYouWantChangeVoteForIt
hey france, don’t fuck this up
Anti-racist sticker spotted in Montpellier, France
The Republic of Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine today. "Reaffirming our commitment to international law and the principles of equality, sovereignty, and peaceful coexistence of peoples, the Republic of Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine." Armenian FMA in their statement
"You boy! Are the bookmakers open yet?"
I think this statement is especially true in our time. "War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it."
George Orwell -
36,000+ dead, Netanyahu wanted by the Hague, Israel's international reputation forever destroyed, the Jewish people forever tainted by a genocide, Biden sacrificing the election to someone promising to end our democracy — and none of, not one little bit, had to happen.
A newly surfaced document has revealed that the Israeli army had comprehensive knowledge of the plan by Hamas to raid Israel and kidnap 250 people, via ‘Detailed End-to-End Raid Training,’ distributed on September 19, 2023 - just weeks before Hamas’s incursion, according to an Israeli media report.
Israeli military knew of Hamas's October 7 plans before terror The IDF had precise information about Hamas's intentions, but due to prevailing conceptions in the security establishment and possible negligence by officials, the warning signs were not acted on.
Just leaving this here because too angry to say more Hunt’s re-election campaign bankrolled by hedge fund manager who ‘profited from falling pound’ under Liz Truss - The Independent via @inkl
Hunt’s re-election campaign bankrolled by hedge fund manager who ‘profited from falling pound’ under Liz Exclusive: Financier also hosted a champagne reception on the day of the disastrous mini-budget
If, like me, you want to ensure you are not supporting the Israeli regime when you go about your dhopping you're going to love this app, which tells you if a product is Israeli.
No Thanks - Apps on Google Scan barcodes & search serial numbers
ASSINO EMBAIXO-> A atriz de Hollywood Angelina Jolie acusa líderes mundiais de cumplicidade em crimes em Gaza.
Israel: we have to bomb aid trucks because they might have enemy combatants in them also Israel, apparently: hiding combatants in an aid truck there is a very good reason all of this is a war crime
Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur to Palestine, said that Israeli and allegedly foreign soldiers were “perfidiously hiding in an aid truck” during the hostage rescue operation. If true, and I imagine Albanese wouldn’t say this lightly, that’s absolutely perfidy - a serious war crime.
My cartoon in today's The intention isn't about a peace treaty or having a full time ceasefire... no. It's about destroying a populace. Smothering and extinguishing it out of existence. Netanyahu has no moral compass. It should be plain to see the world over.
Also: Portugal. The far-right got roughly 9% of the vote today in the EU elections, which is roughly half of the 18% it got just a few months ago in the national elections.
Hello, today is my Birthday! ✨And the best gift for an artist is a retweet of his artworks 🌱🍃
really not enjoying this whole "you purchased something from us, please tell us how we did" email thing whenever I buy anything nowadays. I just wanted some socks, I'm not gonna do fuckin homework about them
RIP the Gaza aid pier. It didn't last long, it didn't accomplish anything, and it was always just a PR stunt to pull attention away from the government's support of a genocide, but at least it cost more money than the federal government spends on addiction treatment programs
@AP: Brazil president withdraws his country's ambassador to Israel after criticizing the war in Gaza
I continue to not understand why the Sixth Fleet can't just deliver things to Haifa and have our many, many, many trucks drive them down from there to Gaza, given that Israel is our ally
The Tory attitude to desperately sick people reminds me of their attitude to the sub-Postmasters and postmistresses over the last decade and more. Ignore their distress and say they are all lying and anyway, it is their own fault. I will leave that there.
“New video exposes and pinpoints Israel's colonisation of Palestine's resources”
"a failure to condemn clear breaches of international humanitarian law—or, worse yet, being seen to actively supply and fund actions that undermine it—risks undercutting the West’s moral stance" #GazaGenocide #US #WesternWorld #US #WesternWorld
How Israel and Its Allies Lost Global Israel's conduct in Gaza has resulted in untold damage to its reputation—one that its allies fear could be permanent.
UK Labour has given up on abolishing the appalling money pit of cronies that is the House of Lords. It just plans to end hereditary peers in its first term, according to Lucy Fisher’s report in the FT.