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Mofreakaville resident
1) Whelp, since the RNC Christofacsistpalooza is going on, time for a trip down memory lane. From the 2000 RNC Daily Show coverage: Jon Stewart: “What’s your overall sense of the mood down at the Republican convention floor. How did it feel to be there last night during the speech?”
Stephen Colbert: (with graphic identifying him as senior floor correspondent) “Well, Jon, as a journalist I have to maintain my objectivity, but I would say the feeling down here was one of a pervasive and palpable evil. A thick demonic stench that rolls over you and clings like hot black tar,
a nightmare from which you cannot awaken, a nameless fear that lives in the dark spaces beyond your peripheral vision and drives you toward inhuman cruelties and unspeakable perversions. The delegates’ bloated, pustulant bodies twisting from one obscene form to another,
giant spider-shaped and ravenous wolf-headed creatures who feast upon the flesh of the innocent and suck the marrow from the bones of the poor. And all of them driven like goats to the slaughter by their infernal masters on the podium, known by many names:
Beelzebub, Baalzebul, Mammon, Abaddon, Feratis, Asmodeus, Satan, Lucifer, Nick, Old Scratch, the Ancient Enemy, and He Who Shall Not Be Named. This is Hell, Jon, where the damned languish forever in a black flame that gives no heat, sheds no light, yet consumes the flesh forever and will not go out.
Yup. Vance is a lickspittle who would have NO PROBLEM shitcanning American democracy to advance his agenda. (his agenda is to gain power and money for JD Vance)
Democratic senator Bob Menendez is a convicted felon! What do Democrats do? 1. Ask him to resign (again--already did when he was indicted) 2. Find a great candidate to replace him. Republican ex-president Trump is a convicted felon! What to Republicans do?...
"his mom told him to put his head in the refrigerator." if by "refrigerator" he means "gas oven" then sure...
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump does not erase the crimes that Trump himself has committed against American democracy, or the crimes he would commit if given the chance, and no one is obligated to pretend otherwise
Nothing About the Attempted Assassination Redeems This crime does not erase what the former president has done, or what he has promised to do.
We're in the middle of a plague of "anonymous sources" whose criticisms all conveniently align with major media outlets' obvious preference for Trump
'The decree commanded that only two Sith Lords must exist at any given time: a master to represent the power of the dark side of the Force, and an apprentice to crave it and train under the master and to one day fulfill their role.'
"MAGA operatives ignoring laws" WHAT A SHOCKER!!
Yeah, I'm sure Tom will want to give up the life of ease and luxury he's living to be instantly blamed with every problem in the universe and have his family called "groomers" and receive death threats...
I don't know if it counts as optimism but I don't really think there's anything that Donald Trump could do or have happen to him that would make people who don't already like him want to vote for him. There is no more known quantity on earth, he can't change, and he is for sure not getting better.
"I believe Joe Biden should drop out because he is too old and is going to lose, and I believe he is guilty of a tremendous moral crime in Gaza," Amazing. Just can't help shitting on Joe.
A great illustration of how class is just vibes is that only one major party ticket is entirely Ivy League alumni and it’s the one that yells about the elites selling you out
Artie Sulz gives it away to tRumpy for free. He's nice that way.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to understand that. ...which is why you will never see the NYT mention it.
"in your heart people you know the Republican nominee is a racist asshole." -not that you'll ever see the NYT doing an article with that fact laid out with corroborating evidence. You will, however, see lots of "ZOMG JOE IS SOOOOOO OLD!!!" articles.
for anyone checking replies here who missed this quote post, here's something important NYT would have mentioned if it was written by journalists
"National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act" signed on July 2, 2024 (this is not mentioned in the NYT reporting)
More sociopathic projection and gaslighting. They just want d's to stop telling the truth, ignoring the fact that stochastic terrorism basically requires a disgust component + action to be effective. The very thing they do.
How Stochastic Terrorism Uses Disgust to Incite Pundits are weaponizing disgust to fuel violence, and it’s affecting our humanity
Free idea for a Dem ad: a series of brief somber interviews with people who worked with classified documents explaining what the consequences would be for the most minor infraction. Then just show these photos