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Some shitpost for fame, I do it for the love of the game. He/Him
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
speaking of, i wish we got more charlie pierce here, but i can't imagine this place ever being a very pleasant place for him to hang around, which is a mark against it
sportswriting is hard, it requires that you understand complex dynamics, nuance, history, process, and statistics, unlike politics writing
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
ffxiv queue is mocking me for going out and havign a life!!
If I may make a humble suggestion: No, do not call it SHOTA-mania.
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
Nurses are the only thing that keeps the calamity that is the US healthcare system running on anything like an even keel, and without them, it would collapse in a morally vacuous heap. Happy Nurses week!
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
yoooo what he said also pay us more
Nurses are the only thing that keeps the calamity that is the US healthcare system running on anything like an even keel, and without them, it would collapse in a morally vacuous heap. Happy Nurses week!
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
Happy increased risk of cardiac arrest and stroke day for all who celebrate.
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
saw rooster teeth went out of business, once again amazed that somehow it was still in business
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
The actual solution to he trolley problem is to point out agency is an illusion and it is fated by God if they live or die
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
In honor of Kent State's always crazy non-conference schedule, we've made a tour poster! Welcome, Golden Flashes and fans, to the Ride To Hell Tour 2024, with shows in Pittsburgh, Kent, Knoxville, and State College!
Gonna go out and violate the HOA Bylaws so hard that emergency dispatch is clogged from all the board members calling the cops on me to enforce them. ((I am putting a windowsill garden on a front facing window.))
the theme is this week’s TT is crimes this is a joke and 100% NOT encouraging you to commit crimes and post your mugshots that would be terrible
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
the lawyer representing the state of TX just shouted "sir this is a wendy's" at the fucking supreme court of the united states
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
This is Gumby after I told him about how his wife cums harder with me.
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
If I called a conservative talk radio show and told them there’s a player on my son’s high school basketball who identifies as a dog, how long would it take before they realized I was summarizing the movie Air Bud?
Bluesky is the gayest place I have ever been, and I regularly attend a New Years party hosted by a married gay couple who refer to their house as "the Beardelo", in which I am the person who is the lowest on the Kinsey Scale by at least 2 points. I mean this in a good way.
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
"All the women in the world should just stop having non-reproductive sex forever and also never get raped or have health problems, how is that hard?": guy who believes historical inevitability forced him to buy all those apes
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
The CDC has announced that getting sick is the result of divine judgment and it is sheer human arrogance to think we can avoid it
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
I’ll miss this guy because he and I were deeply linked by our mutual hatred for the game of baseball
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
i'm watching the superbowl and for some reason they brought this guy out to talk about "the hall of flame"? i don't watch football, why are they incinerating players???
We know that Jesus was both human and divine, and thus must have had sexual desires, and kinks. (Takeforgrantd 2024) However it is wrong to take a view where Jesus would have to be either a boob or butt guy. A careful reading of scripture shows the truth, that Jesus was into feet. (John 13 14-17)
morning everyone, time for another lovely trash tuesday. roll out those wheelie bins to your mind’s curb and lemme at it. gonna do something extra silly and dedicate today’s TT to my friends over at the tag them in your posts so that they’ll have lots to read if they ever log back on!
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
very sad. these guys traveled great distances to physically and verbally abuse vulnerable human beings seeking a better life, and now it's like it was all for nothing
can't wait for them to come to minneapolis and notice it hasn't burned down
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
The jokes for “movie star plays themselves” are obvious and tired: they can be very pretentious, they can be delusional and think that they really are action heroes or they can can be comically wealthy and out of touch. Carl Weathers finding a new angle was brilliant.
Watched a bunch of Carl Weathers episodes of Arrested Development last night and laughed a whole lot. It was his idea apparently to make the version of himself a cheapskate and it’s so so good.
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
Randy Savage has his revenge on Vince from the grave. 🤼
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
This is the kind of gangster shit I like
ATTENTION VISUAL ARTISTS: Chicago University's 'Nightshade 1.0' Learning Algorithm 'poison' filter is now live for public use: Unlike 'Glaze', which only makes your art irreplicable, Nightshade actively damages any learning database it gets added to.
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
Incredible to me that anyone who's actually been to a CVS or a Walgreens and seen with their own eyes how they absolutely will not hire more than one person to man the entire store could still believe them when they go "dahhhh the shoplifting gangs"
Reposted byAvatar Biggs
I kind of think the Jordan Peterson types are right that there’s a deep hunger among some young men to explore their masculinity and it’s pretty unfortunate that they’ve been duped into thinking weeping beef Professor and homophobic UFC fighter are better options than “guy in town who is good dad”
Reposted byAvatar Biggs