David Bikman

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David Bikman


Autistic abolitionist. PDX, MPA: policy, policing, health and wealth through a systems science lens. I block ableism.
All of the good stuff on Twitter is invisible now.
Reposted byAvatar David Bikman
Progressive values and Democrats are not responsible for this violence. There is no both sides here. Violent rhetoric is the bread and butter of modern extreme conservatism. And lax gun laws put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a gunman.
Reposted byAvatar David Bikman
So many people betta lose their jobs tomorrow morning.
In this wild interview with the BBC, a bystander claims he and his buddies saw the shooter, with rifle, crawling on a rooftop overlooking the rally. This story appears to be backed up by images of the dead shooter on the roof that (of course) are circulating on Twitter x.com/SharpFootbal...
Reposted byAvatar David Bikman
Remember: here's the breaking news handbook. All of these are good rules to stand by at the moment.
Zuck has been all in for Trump since 2015, shit hasn't changed, expect it to get worse before Nov.
Facebook is redacting users' posts about Project 2025 as "misinformation" based on the disputations of a conservative news site
They love their precious boners so much
Reposted byAvatar David Bikman
I’m sorry but “you’re trying to kill trans people by writing for the New York Times in defense of trans rights” is some galaxy brain shit.
Reposted byAvatar David Bikman
💯 If Biden is unwilling to reform SCOTUS, then he's just blowing more smoke up our butts.
Reposted byAvatar David Bikman
If you want to make the claim that the "biden old" stories are the press simply fulfilling its duty to pursue stories that the public is interested in well you pretty much have to run 192 stories on project 2025 now
Reposted byAvatar David Bikman
True but this presser is full of many tiny poops that add up. "VP Trump" is literally a Breaking News chyron.
"VP Trump" is a breaking news chyron on cnbc rn.
Reposted byAvatar David Bikman
Look, if the Democrats are so willing to elder abuse their own in broad daylight, then they DEFINITELY don't care about medicaid, medicare, and social security.
@bencollins.bsky.social The president is proud to announce that he has become a ghost.
This is the slow collapse of an enormous and complex enterprise and it will hurt a lot of people.
The president has become a ghost
Reposted byAvatar David Bikman
Also I don’t believe in any country’s right to exist- countries exist (or should) because of the consent of the people they govern they aren’t special.
I just want to make this clear in case it is not- this is 100% and always has been a Palestinian Liberation account ❤️💚🖤🤍
Pay attention to the numbers, not your feelings.
To state the obvious, Biden looks a lot more like Trump (who lost) than Obama or GWB (who won) news.gallup.com/interactives...
I'm shocked, just shocked, that Nate Silver is a total noob who's out of his depth.
"Daily active seconds" divided by "monthly active users" equals 15 guys watching horrible videos 18 hrs a day.
"Here, burn this to put out the fire you're worried about."
"This is What We Talk About When We Don't Talk About the Patriarchy."
People in every field probably think the same thing. "Damn, is programming a uniquely good environment for sex pests?" "Damn, why are there so many sex pests in philosophy?" Everyone thinking somehow their specialized field is the outlier in number of sex pests.
I do grok what you're saying here and dont want to discount it. Where we differ I think is in my belief that it's no longer a close election, which is based on the word of Dem electeds. I'm not some oracle, I'm just listening to the govs of ME & NM, for ex.
Those are the govs who told the campaign that their states were inow in play, and other elected officials in blue and purple states have said the same. I'm not making this up!
I'm saying EVEN IF BIDEN WINS he's unable to stop the fascist threat because it's bigger than him, bigger than Trump. Self-strengthening dynamics have been released in this country way beyond one pol and its up to all of us to stop them. You are the hero you need. Only you will keep you alive.
There are more than two options. I can simultaneously support the Dem candidate while making plans on the chance he or she loses. To do otherwise, just hoping the old white men will save us, is a bad bet.