
old libs were always telling me about trump "we'll survive this, we survived reagan." but it's like... did we? i mean, as a society? did we really?
Its actually insane how nearly every question of why something is shit in the United States goes back to Reagan. Reagan was a human WMD
There's an enormous quilt of those who did not.
Just thinking of all those beautiful young gay men I used to know and love, they would get sick and suddenly old and then just ... die. I didn't understand it back then, I didn't believe such cruelty could exist
My uncle is on that quilt. He died when I was 14. A genius who developed sound technology which is still used today. I wonder constantly what else he might have invented had he had a chance to live past 32. He left the multimillion biz he made to his employees so they could still work after he died
I see you, I hear you, I witness. So is mine. A brilliant photographer, he managed to get a photo on Time magazine and I never did find out which one. I only have one photo left of him and I can't bear to look at it...he's so sick already in it.
thank you. I'll remember your uncle - he sounded like a great man, and you can remember mine - and they'll always be here that way.
That take always makes me grind my teeth because a whole lotta people DIDN’T survive Reagan. There’s a big quilt about it and shit.
I hate it when people say shit like that. Hey, asshole! Scores of people DIDN'T SURVIVE REAGAN. We should care about that.
Especially those killed by his initial inaction on / denial of the AIDS crisis
Yeah there's a lot, A LOT, of people who died needlessly directly because of Reagan. Not to mention his disastrous policies. Reagan was my first political disappointment, I thought how could anyone re-elect this guy?? I was very young.
So much of my community didn't survive Reagan. He let a plague ravage us. And that's just the most obvious of his many crimes against humanity. No hell is hot enough. Anyone who says "We survived Reagan" doesn't know shit about LGBTQ people.
Tell that to the people who died of AIDs
As an old lib, I can say most assuredly we did not.
Spoiler alert: You know what I'm gonna say.
It’s okay, Reagan is in Hell and he will be forced to see everything you write. Every drop Of piss on his grave goes straight to his mouth.
"For my first wish, I wish that on March 30, 1981, John Hinkley Jr. had preternaturally perfect aim. You heard me."
Give or take 1.5 million Americans, sure!
Oddly parallel to Reagan and AIDS.
Throwing people out on the streets to die became core values. We were told it would build character and make us stronger and more responsible. We're still footing the bill for Reaganomics.
I work in mental health - no. No we did not.
Fun fact, homelessness was not a word in the dictionary before Reagan.
The closure of the asylums and its consequences has been a disaster for the united states
That's because they were known as "bums" and "winos." A lot of them stayed in SRO boarding houses, which were basically all gentrified beginning under Reagan. So it wasn't just closing mental health facilities, not by a long shot.
I'm old enough to remember the guys hanging around the SROs. It was bad, but better than under a viaduct.
No. The '60s were both terrifying & hopeful, but the war on poverty, & voting rights helped. Reagan gutted housing & compassion, raised the national debt, strengthened "Christian" disdain for the needy. Killed millions via militarism & AIDS denial. Unhealed wounds there yet.
And women's rights, too. Read "Backlash" by Susan Faludi - why do you think sky high heels and starving one's self to be thin are supposed "empowering" when all they do is strip women of their health and strength?
Lots didn't - the homophobia of the 80s was brutal, and as a non-christian with athiest parents, feared my government as a child.
One of the most pernicious things about Reaganism is that the ever-moving Overton window means that the last GOP overlord doesn't look so bad compared to the next one; plus, Reagan getting credit for "winning" the Cold War. (And people forgetting about Iran-Contra.)
None in power have dared question the gospel of self imposed austerity since then, despite its being an unmitigated disaster.
Reagan was evil. But the rot started with Nixon.
A lot of people died. I fully expect to not make it to 43.
All I can do <3 Does this make us like the equivalent of Waldorf and Stadler in fishnets?
Solidarity. I still lowkey don't expect to make it to 45 myself; once Qud stops providing my survival drive something is gonna have to replace it
The closest American equivalent of ‘defeat in WWI -> Hitler’ was ‘defeat in Vietnam -> Reagan.’
Except there was never a ‘deReaganification’ program after the dust settled.
My uncle didn't. His name was embroidered on a square of a quilt draped across the steps of the White House while the murdering bastard was in office. May he burn.
I've listened to so many podcasts and read so many books and watched so many documentaries that, in their own ways, basically point to either Reagan or Nixon when everything began going to shit. Even then, Nixon actually had some good ideas (like the EPA).
We really shouldn't have survived Reagan; it seemed inevitable that we'd all go down in a blaze of radioactive glory. Instead, the Cold War ended, but once America's right no longer needed to stand with moderates and liberals against the Soviets, they began chipping away at the social contract. 1/2
The end of the Cold War seemed at the time little short of miraculous, and today it's pretty clear that the USA and the "free world" didn't "win" it so much as they lucked out. Surviving a second Trump administration - as individuals and as a society - would be an even greater miracle. 2/end
I think if this comes up in a conversation I'm in I'll just pull up that picture of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
The appropriate answer to that one is always a photo of the San Francisco Gay Chorus highlighting the 2 or so dudes who survived AIDS. And that's just a small subgroup of the man's victims.
Exactly. Plenty of people did not survive him. Plenty of people did not survive Trump.
Yep. Which makes DLC "Leadership" all the more unacceptable. Status quo norms for the sake of business interests are literally killing us.
It's been crystal clear for forty years that Reagan was a disaster. The "we survived Reagan" talk was solely because it was finally possible to get a a good night's sleep on Election Night in 1992. Twelve years of Reaganism was awful.
i had an alive dad at the start of the trump reign and i didn't by the end
I dunno every single thing about Reagan, but wasn't he the one who came up with the war on drugs? Or was that another president?