BG Hilton - Author

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BG Hilton - Author

Australian spec fic author.
Champagne Charlie & the Amazing Gladys -
Mysterious Aisles -
Clocks & Boxes -
Holy crap, this movie I'm watching has the Man from UNCLE and Kolchak the Night Stalker in it.
This is the other thing- ppl really out here pretending this was an assassination attempt on some Mandela like figure instead of arguably the single most hated public figure of our lifetimes.
Sitting right by two middle aged white guys in a diner. One guy said, “Somebody tried to kill Trump.” The other guy said, “He’s such a dick.” They both grunted affirmation, then started talking about Shōgun. Later, they explained the timeline of Better Call Saul to each other.
I know there's a lot going on, but who'd like to read a funny little Steampunk story? A stage performer & a drunken aristocrat team up to solve a murder and a kidnapping. and find themselves forced into a terrifying battle between Earth and the Moon. #Steampunk #booksky #sff
"is this what it looks like? if it is, then it wouldn't be interesting. but here's an idea.... what if it isn't?" - journalism in the 21st century
I am also now Team Mongolia.
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
Hey wanna see something not terrible? One of the Moth Appreciators brought a rosy maple moth stuffed animal for good luck, then we found a rosy maple moth. Gathering around the moth on a stick is a nice & wholesome activity. Sometimes things are good.
Trump-Vance isn't designed to win over more voters, but ensure the next coup attempt proceeds more smoothly
The Republican Party has nominated a man for Vice President who says he would have ended American democracy if he’d had that role in 2021.
Malaria cure incoming!!! My cousin, who works in malaria, told me very long ago that EVERY DAY the number of deaths in sub-Saharan Africa was the equivalent of 3 US 9/11's.
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
“What is most exceptional about the Americans is not the voluminous record of their violence but their extraordinary ability in the face of that record to persuade themselves that they are among the best behaved and best regulated of peoples.” - Richard Hofstadter, American Violence, 1970 🗃️
honestly man its pretty easy to understand why elon's brain got cooked so bad. imagine spending a decade where literally any bullshit you said while high got national headlines
Lmaoooo yeah well someone tried to kill me twice
Like legitimately I think it’s fun to speculate but like also the cops are shit at their jobs, there is a far right movement that is deeply radicalized, Trump could not act his way out of a paper bag and certainly isn’t agreeing to take an ear shot from a 20 year old kid half a mile away
I’m sorry a Republican voter shot at the Republican leader at a Republican rally, and especially that he killed a Republican rally-goer and injured two more. I wish it didn’t happen, and hope nothing like it ever happens again. I just don’t see how non-Republicans could be the ones to solve it.
If I was Biden, I would absolutely bring a ballon and a pin to the next debate, and I wouldn’t even feel bad about it.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly. Fallout from a disputed inheritance escalates until London is rubble.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly. Sex worker addicted to magical drugs thinks entering a celebrity popularity contest will give him access to the super cool magic that'll make his life better.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly. Sex worker addicted to magical drugs thinks entering a celebrity popularity contest will give him access to the super cool magic that'll make his life better.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly. Sad bisexual mage learns how to wear dress confidently in public
Wow - we lost Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons. This is going to dominate the news for a while!
In the moment, Trump had no idea what was going on. But he's had a lot of time to process it now, and I imagine he's gonna be hearing that bullet whizzing by his head an awful lot from now on.
Evergreen commentary: Me sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Me reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
Nice work, time traveller from the future. *slow clap*
(showing you around my brain graveyard) and these are all the user names and passwords
Houston is the fourth largest city in America & none of this is on the news outside Texas, at all.
you're waiting for the climate catastrophe, here it is. grids downed in cities with infrastructures gutted by corporate greed and overtaxed by rising temperatures. people boiling alive in their homes. we'll probably never know how many people die in Houston over this next month due to this hurricane