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Graphic designer, comic book artist, author of The Blood Prince, Skin Deep & Kalipso. She/Her. Follow my Patreon for free stories every week!
Also visit my website at
I remember when somebody tried to shoot Pauline Marois it was like a whole thing…
You can tell these are words and they are even in the right order but there is nothing trying to communicate with you on the other end. No intention. It’s the same thing with the art, absolutely none of it is the result of someone trying to communicate something with you
Reposted byAvatar Marie
This week's newsletter: It's time to call BS on generative AI and demand that companies like OpenAI actually provide useful, helpful software, and actively reject the growing coterie of hucksters using AI as a marketing tool to get media headlines.
Put Up Or Shut I feel like the tech industry is currently in the midst of the most bizarre cognitive dissonance I've ever seen — more so than the metaverse, even — as company after company simply lies about their in...
Reposted byAvatar Marie
This is a great example of how the Cooperative is member-driven. In light of discussions on Sticker Mule, some members wrote about how they like Sticker Ninja for being pro-Palestine. That endorsement was all it took for us on Benefits to reach out for a partnership. Less than 24 hours later: BOOM.
THE CARTOONIST COOPERATIVE'S growing list of benefits has a brand new addition (AND MORE TO COME...)! Members can now receive an exclusive 10% off discount for custom sticker orders from STICKER NINJA, the artist owned sticker company: by artists, for artists.
The Cartoonist Making comics better for everyone!
Every time I walk in front of a giant truck in a parking lot and the hood is at the height of my shoulders, I break into a cold sweat
Reposted byAvatar Marie
For the astronomers! 🔭👩‍🔬
Fun surprise for me yesterday - publishers sent me copies of Astronomer's Library now available in German! (Link to English version:
Reposted byAvatar Marie
We will talk more about our Stars and Sabers logo on a blog on our imprint website, and how personal it is. For now, we just love sharing it with all of you! Designed in partnership with Dash Creative Group. You will see the saber logo on our book spines.
I’m sure the AI employee will enjoy sitting in all these meetings that could be emails And then sending me an email about it
Reposted byAvatar Marie
Hey, if I can ask for a GIANT favor. My beautiful co-host Paul and I have a podcast where were passionately discuss comics and it'd the mean the WORLD if you share this so more people can find us <3
omg that coveeeeer
Pencil & Paint is a 36-page booklet collecting the work of ❤️ from the last couple of years. It's being self-published by the mentioned artist and is available for pre-order now: #art #artbook #portfoliobook #selfpublishing
Reposted byAvatar Marie
I'm just a boy. Standing in front of people who make best books of the century lists. Asking them to please realize that they are allowed to read graphic novels other than Fun Home and Persepolis.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
Reposted byAvatar Marie
Ugh okay so I stopped arguing with that guy and blocked him. I JUST said that bringing “poor countries with no access to libraries” into the book piracy conversation was bad faith and he did it anyway
Look. I stand by my point that people in countries with no access to libraries presumably need and want access to books that are relevant to them. My dumb mermaid romance that sold less than 100 copies?
Nobody even knows it exists. Pretending like me not wanting it on piracy sites is depriving anybody of a vital ressource is being obtuse on purpose. Shut the fuck up.
Ok so remember how I didn’t say any of that at any point in this conversation? We’re not even arguing abt the same thing at this point.
Sure! But that’s not what piracy does. So again, why is this being brought into the conversation aside from as an attempt to derail? I *already* offer free stuff. So does every author I know. “The needs of ppl who can’t afford books” is something we care about more than the book pirates care abt us.
U all know what piss me off the most abt the piracy argument? The fact that I, like most authors I know, ALREADY offer plenty of free stuff. A webcomic, free stories on Patreon, a whole zine as a newsletter freebie, 3 free webnovels on Tapas. But people wanna steal my two published novels. Classy.
This argument irks me every time it comes up in relation to piracy because like u said, these people are not the ones pirating. This person living in the sahara does not even know my niche small town romance book exists, and won’t benefit by stealing it. Invoking them is derailing the conversation
Like should everyone have access to a library? YES! Should everyone have access to all books in existence for free? Not really.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
I see ebook piracy defended with the usual incoherent nonsense again. Fun fact! Well over 50% of illegal downloads come with bonus malware, trojans, key loggers etc. If not, these sites rake in advertising cash. You actually believe these guys offer 'free' books out of the goodness of their hearts?!
Reposted byAvatar Marie
That last RT: Fewer than 1% of authors can survive on their writing incomes. A lot of them live below poverty lines. If your idea of Fuck Capitalism is stealing from poor artists because you don't want to buy a book, you don't understand Capitalism or honestly decency.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
The problem with people who do Copyright Discourse to justify not wanting to pay for stuff ("ideas landlords! capitalism! sharing ebooks is redistribution of the means of production!") is, basically, they're morons.
Reposted byAvatar Marie
The best meme, whoever created this is doing the lords work
Reposted byAvatar Marie
I genuinely think the term "Intellectual Property" and by extension "IP" has done huge damage to the way people perceive art and its value in the same way that the term "Content" has
Reposted byAvatar Marie
my idea landlord came over and installed 17 new plots while I was in the shower, honestly who asked for this
It’s so frustrating — I just cannot get my idea landlord to come over and repair this leaky plot in my WIP novel. At this point it’s threatening to undermine the entire foundation of my main character.
oh big mood Except I don't have the executive function to handle trad pub either! XD Since I love doing covers and text layouts, I've been managing fine in indie... but I can't do marketing and I can't make it a business. It is what it is! I don't get why fights between indie and trad authors tbh
me @ this reviewer: tell me you got tiny boobs without telling me you got tiny boobs like I'm not trying to be mean but like... do they think lesbians are somehow immune to back ache or...