
It’s amazing how much of this amounts to “we want tv to be exciting”
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
I used to be so bored as a kid during the McLaughlin Group on Sunday mornings that I wanted to fall back asleep and now I would give anything for politics to be that dull again Exciting politics is an adrenaline response to survival instincts; getting functional policy is meant to be boring
You had me at watching the McLaughlin Group as a kid
To be fair, my parents had it on and touching the television would have gotten me punted into the sun
my deepest wish is to stop having to care about this stuff. i hate having to have sincere views.
This just involuntarily triggered a memory of GE commercials
I would also take talking TV, which offers as much intellectualism. At the time, I thought they were vapid. Compared to what we have, these people seem like well-read giants.
"a blowout is boring (and also we take campaign ad money)" explains all election coverage framing
A grown-ass human, someone paid to discuss politics, wrote this and handed it to another adult who published it in what used to be a respectable journal, and everyone involved was cool with it. We are broken.
They can't even do that because there are filing deadlines, for like Ohio, well before the convention.
Put it on America's tombstone. "We wanted TV to be exciting."
What if all these people are like Trump just watch TV Al day long
Sweeps week extended to the whole year is the end of civilization, apparently.
Can we pitch to the networks that we actually want tv to be boring instead and suggest that we would be willing to watch even more ads if it meant they didn’t fuck the whole country up
And the balloons. The balloons aren't news but it's nice television.
The "Politics would be interesting again" line gives the whole game away.
honestly don't know why it needs to be more than "Biden stays and spends the next 4 months doing public appearances to assure us he's not losing his marbles" or "Biden retires from the presidency and Harris picks up the mantle and spends $240 million in battleground states"
The media feels like it was deprived of a competitive primary and is looking to manufacture one, and rather than trying to get the fascist to drop out, they're going after the guy who's old(er) instead.
I don't know where I heard it from, but I remember someone saying that "treating politics/movements as a series of EVENTS," rather than you know, an actual movement involving often tedious, but necessary matters of logistics/planning/etc., will cause lots of people to generally move on from boredom.
I couldn’t possibly care less what the networks want.
I mean if they just came out and said "biden is stepping down because he thinks he won't make it the next full term" and then immediately pivoted to how trump is incoherent and going to keel over any day now that'd probably be all they need to do, too
They're making up their own plot lines
donald trump's entire late-life career depends on this