
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
5 Calls
5 Calls
Your issues, scripts and your representatives all in one place. Spend 5 minutes, make 5 calls:
A publication that covers the nuts and bolts of political change:
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder and Director of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
Worst of the New York Times
Worst of the New York Times
Not affiliated with the New York Times, just a collection of missteps and facepalms. email submissions to [email protected]
Lord Businessman II
Lord Businessman II
Well the most outlaw thing that I've ever done
Was find a good woman give her a ring
That's the way it goes, life ain't fair, and the world is mean
CPA Houston Texas
Senile Don Draper
Senile Don Draper
Best ad man in the business for 65 years. Best ad man in the business for 65 years. Writing from the most impressive pillow fort on Madison Avenue. Peggy how do you close this goddamn thi
Retro Commercial Screens
Retro Commercial Screens
Human. Posting screenshots (sometimes with commentary) from retro commercials/station IDs/interstitials/etc. throughout the day. Content mostly US/CA.

Run by Follow-backs on main account only!
Daniel Nichanian. Editor in chief of
Paul Scheer
Paul Scheer
My NYT bestselling book, “Joyful Recollections of Trauma” is avail wherever books are sold.

🎧Listen to How Did This Get Made & Unspooled
Rural Indexing Project
Rural Indexing Project
Buildings, signs, and symbols indexed by keyword. Original photographic documentation since 2010.
Chicago, IL —
Ataxia Online
Ataxia Online
Ryan from Ohio
I only like Twin Peaks and New Vegas.
Benjamin Dreyer
Benjamin Dreyer
abstruse in the sense of recondite

author of the New York Times/IndieBound bestseller Dreyer's English and Stet! (the game!) • America's Copy Editor® • retired Random House copy chief • he/him/his
semiotics of film grain
semiotics of film grain
Gay Jewish atheist weirdo who stays home every Saturday night pretending he’s at a drive-in. Post-production person. Sense of humor’s bad but it’s very present, good energy

“Makes the Internet suck” -Seth Abramson
Christian Archie Panels
Christian Archie Panels
Readings from the scripture of Al Hartley, Spire Comics, and/or the weird version of Archie and gang that they licensed
Editing the Blue-Gray Lady
Editing the Blue-Gray Lady
Bot highlighting changes to the New York Times "Top Stories" feed.

original by @[email protected]
Bluesky version by

general musician
general musician
only some person. art and music. probably/definitely puns.
Minneapolis, MN.
mikey/kiya 🍉🌕
mikey/kiya 🍉🌕
🌟 Chosen Name/Sona's Name: Either works! 🌟
🎂 22 (est. 2001)
🌈 They/He
🇵🇸 Banned from Tumblr for being anti-genocide ☭
🔞 Account is 15+, but I follow 18+ creators. Please respect their boundaries.
🎨 Profile Art Credit: mee :3

Just a few of my posts here to look at . Make sure to look at my links and my posts and to click on all my links and like my posts .
Jason O. Gilbert
Jason O. Gilbert
“comedy” writer for “television”
Microplastics Sommelier
Microplastics Sommelier
But doctor, I replied, bursting into tears, I 𝘢𝘮 the universally beloved bluesky poster formerly known as ‘Helmet.jpg’

Astro PhD 🔭 | Coffee-milk advocate ⚓︎ | he/him | Exact Same Politics As You

Reskeets = Endorsing me as a person
James Fallows
James Fallows
Reporter and writer: and One-time speechwriter, long-time pilot, longer-time husband of linguist/writer Deborah Fallows. Note same wristwatch in the two photos, more than 50 years apart.
so what’s all this
Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC
Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC
The Daily Show, Roy Wood Jr.'s 2023 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Trevor Noah's 2022 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Hardball on MSNBC
Paul Waldman
Paul Waldman
Columnist for MSNBC and Formerly: Washington Post, The Week, American Prospect. Co-host of the Boundary Issues podcast. Subscribe to The Cross Section:
Real personalized license plate applications that the California DMV received from 2015-2017. Posts hourly. Not the CA DMV. (16.41% complete)
Andy Richter
Andy Richter
I’m here now. Listen to my podcast
Four Years Ago Today
Four Years Ago Today
This account was born on March 6, 2024 when Elise Stefanik asked, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”)

Send complaints to
Julia Angwin
Julia Angwin
Anna Merlan
Anna Merlan
Journalist, author, writer of social media posts on micro-blogging sites. Tips to [email protected] or request my Signal at the same address.
Aftermath is an independent, worker-owned website about video games and internet culture.
Post Only Memes
Comments as a Human Bean
Life can be hard; let’s laugh a little.
Sean T. Collins
Sean T. Collins
Writer. Only work gets done here. Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen. Beneath the gold, the bitter steel. Our revenge will be the laughter of our children
Marisa Kabas
Marisa Kabas
writer of (now hosted on beehiiv)

💌: [email protected]
signal: marisakabas.04

buy me a coffee:
Michaelangelo Matos
Author, historian, critic, journalist
St. Paul
The Underground Is Massive (Dey Street, 2015); Can't Slow Down (Hachette, 2020)
I edit books - inquire within
Beat Connection: DJ mixes newsletter -
Brad Heath
Brad Heath
DC reporter for Reuters on crime, justice and investigations. Data, documents and "convoluted KGB style back-door" stuff. Lawyer, but not yours. 202-527-9709, [email protected]
Ana Marie Cox
Ana Marie Cox
Columnist for The New Republic and MSNBC. Co-host, "Space the Nation" with Dan Drezner, a podcast about political science and science fiction. Like my work?
Dustin Rowles (Pajiba Guy)
Dustin Rowles (Pajiba Guy)
Perfect attendance, Mrs. Blackwell’s 12th English class. #4 in late night. For politics, check
Katherine Alejandra Cross
Katherine Alejandra Cross
Sociologist, Mistress of Information Systems || A techie TransLatina Ph.D Candidate at the UW iSchool || The Saturday Paper VG Columnist || 📍Seattle || 🏳️‍⚧️ || Author of LOG OFF; preorder here!
Flora 🏳️‍⚧️
Flora 🏳️‍⚧️
She/her. Loves slash is a faggot.
Julia Serano
Julia Serano
author of Whipping Girl, Sexed Up, Excluded & 99 Erics. also a musician & biologist. more at @juliaserano most other platforms. she/her
We turn Art into Sports (and vice versa) | NO AI USED | “Everything I didn't know I needed" - follower testimonial | See inspiration? DM/tag us
Noah Shachtman
Noah Shachtman
contributing writer at Rolling Stone // contributing editor at Wired // making trouble at ■■■■■■■■ //
ben schwartz
ben schwartz
writer: 84th oscars, letterman, the nation, vanity fair, the new yorker, the baffler, the new republic, emmy nominee, neh public scholar, and author of way too many posts. rep: dara kaye/wmebooks #wgaw letterboxd:
Richard M. Nixon
Richard M. Nixon
37th President of the United States. Messages from the President unsigned, others from Ronald Ziegler.

[email protected]
Alt Text Generator
Alt Text Generator
Tag me and i will respond with an Alt-Text.

Help fund the API cost: (funded until Feb. 26th ≈5€ per day)

lang:(iso code)
misc:explain (Explains the Image)
misc:short (Very short description)
misc:delete (delete alt-text)
Auschwitz Memorial
Auschwitz Memorial
Former German Nazi concentration & extermination camp Auschwitz. Official account. We commemorate victims, educate about history & preserve the authentic site. | |
Dan Nguyen
Dan Nguyen
chicago area data journalist/scientist/wrangler, duolingo vietnamese language learner. the best chicago banh mi is at nhu lan on lawrence st. Formerly propublican and stanford
The flannel dunce.