B. Zelkovich

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B. Zelkovich


A real piece of work (in progress). She/they.
Viable Paradise 2024!
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Some news! Could not possibly be more excited about this. Can’t wait to share this story with you when the time comes! 🤠
Happy to report that we've acquired "Lucinda Espinosa's Twenty-Seventh Death" by @mruthrobinson.bsky.social! M.R. has previously been published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies.
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I am blessed to have a really well funded public library system in my city and the suggest new title is right there in the website and in my libby app and rarely do I not get a book I requested. like...four out of a hundred.
It's my job to buy books for my local library. One thing I wish more people knew is that we are very open to suggestions for new titles. I buy 90% of books that people suggest. Please, let your library know the kinds of things you want to read. It's helpful!
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Update: That's Shirley Jackson Award-*winning* anthology ASEPTIC AND FAINTLY SADISTIC, and last I checked, there was one copy left at the Psychopomp / The Deadlands booth. Congratulations to @jolietoomajan.bsky.social and the folks at Cosmic Horror Monthly!
Antonio Bonederas and I both have books here at the @psychopomp.bsky.social / @thedeadlands.com booth at #Readercon! Stop by for copies of AFTERLIVES signed by @vajra.me and Shirley Jackson Award nominee ASEPTIC AND FAINTLY SADISTIC signed by me! @jolietoomajan.bsky.social #Readercon33
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It’s here! My first story is out now!!! More words later, but for now, let me just say… this is very possibly the coolest thing to ever happen to me. Over the moon!
New Issue: BCS #411 out today, featuring stories of life and loss and trying to reclaim it by returning BCS author @eskaftun.bsky.social (“Only the Messenger” in BCS #299 – Science-Fantasy Month 5) and new one @mruthrobinson.bsky.social, behind cover art by Philipp A. Urlich.
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Issue #411 by Scott Andrewswww.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com The Wicks Whisper by Emily C. Skaftun. Linden Honey, Blackcurrant Wine by M.R. Robinson. BCS 334: The Wicks Whisper by Emily C. Skaftun.
Our @flametreepublishing #FolkHorror #anthology currently at #13 in hot new horror anthology releases - to get yours: tinyurl.com/yp69arpw
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Hi, friends! I'm so, so excited to have been accepted to @viableparadise.bsky.social - it's a dream come true. But I'm struggling with the cost and could use a little extra help getting there. I would be beyond grateful for any support or shares: gofund.me/fac31c18
Help MR make it to Viable Paradise!, organized by MR Robinsongofund.me Hello! I'm MR, a novice writer of speculative fiction! I am so thrilled to have been a… MR Robinson needs your support for Help MR make it to Viable Paradise!
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Trump raped a woman, was revealed as being in constant contact with a sex trafficker, stole nuclear secrets, is old, forged electoral certificates, was convicted of 34 felonies, committed fraud, is literally on the Saudi payroll, sent a mob to hang his VP but the opponent is also old.
In this chat, we suggest a distinction between covering something (NYT does great reporting on Trump's autocratic plans), and *crusading.* The latter is wholly different: It uses saturation coverage to alert readers that they should be alarmed. That's just not happening w/r/t Trump's unfitness.
Finally made my way outdoors today.
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I have been accepted to Viable Paradise! I am very grateful for this opportunity but will need financial help from the community in order to afford to go. If you are able, please consider donating to my GoFundMe campaign, and either way, please help spread the word. Thank you! gofund.me/68018579
Help send Su J to Viable Paradise!, organized by Su J Sokolgofund.me Hi! For those who don't know me, my name Su J Sokol and I'm a writer of speculative and … Su J Sokol needs your support for Help send Su J to Viable Paradise!
Just resharing because I'm still internally screaming about this :D
It feels absolutely bonkers to say this, but I'm going to @viableparadise.bsky.social!!! A cross-country trip to a region of the country I've never seen, to spend a week with amazing writers??? I cannot wait for this adventure!
It feels absolutely bonkers to say this, but I'm going to @viableparadise.bsky.social!!! A cross-country trip to a region of the country I've never seen, to spend a week with amazing writers??? I cannot wait for this adventure!
I've been social media AWOL in observance of Dragon Age Summer, but it's time for an accountability update with @luminousluke.bsky.social 1/4 of our time has elapsed. So far I have a complete outline, and am ready to start drafting today. Will I write today? Unknown, but I am theoretically ready 😂
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Do folks have recs for scholarship on queer and trans pop culture/activism in the 1990s?
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A pox on the phony king of real estate
How BlueSky looks right now
I finally saw The Crow on a big screen last night. It was amazing! I've seen this film AT LEAST 20 times and I still noticed new things. Like Eric's scar across his nose, in keeping with the comic?!? *Chef's kiss*
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Mrs. Gauche on Tumblr has done a comic of the pivotal reveal in "The Dread Wolf Take You." Amazing work, and I am so happy that two elves, a dwarf, and a necromancer arguing around a table could help you overcome your art block! thedreadwolftakeyou.the-comic.org
The Dread Wolf Take Youthedreadwolftakeyou.the-comic.org Page #1
Sure do! Super NES PlayStation N64 (1 at each parent's house) Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance Game Boy Advance SP Xbox PS2 Wii PS3 (eventually bricked) PSP Nintendo DS Nintendo DS Lite Xbox 360 NES Nintendo 3DS Xbox One PS4 (+ VR) Nintendo Switch Xbox Series S PS5
Do you remember the game consoles you got in order? NES Game Boy N64 Dream cast GameCube Wii PS4 I still have most of these.
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HEY all my READERS you are AMAZING Today I was very surprised to learn that THE BUTCHER OF THE FOREST earned out! (All future royalties will be going to cat treats, yes.) Thank you everyone who read it, yelled about it, and forced their friends to read it! :D 🦊🍎🌲🦄
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"I need to get away from the man. But I need to do it in a way that doesn’t anger him. This is the tricky bit. Men who lack social awareness or empathy often also lack other skills in emotional management."
A Woman Who Left Society to Live With Bears Weighs in on “Man or Bear”bikepacking.com In this piece, long-term bicycle traveler Laura Killingbeck reflects on the "Man or Bear" debate and adds her unique perspective...
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So something really amazing is happening: my novella Even Though I Knew The End, which originally released in hardcover is getting a trade paperback release! And there is a USA only Goodreads giveaway if you want to enter. www.goodreads.com/giveaway/sho...
Book giveaway for Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk May 17-Jun 16, 2024www.goodreads.com Enter to win one of 5 free copies available. Giveaway dates from May 17-Jun 16, 2024. Enter to win a trade paperback copy of EVEN THOUGH I KNEW THE END b...
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If it's not important enough for you to find the email on my website and email me, it's not that important 😂
Now that we have DMs, I will now present you my standard bit: no, I will not follow you so you can DM me. Just send me an email.
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This week, Story Hour gets scary! Matthew Thomas Meade and Debbie Urbanski are bringing it. They...didn't tell us what they're bringing. We're sure it's fine. Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. PDT! #StoryHour2020 www.storyhour2020.com
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Trump said that he's "looking at" policies that would restrict birth control access. He of course later backtracked, but look at his record. He made it easier for employers to remove birth control coverage from insurance plans. His Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Hello?
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Generative AI is just predatory private equity but for all of us rather than just big businesses. It has no value to customers, no one wants it, it destroys things people like, its only goal is making wealthy people wealthier, and we apparently all just have to accept it's a thing that's happening.
My WHOLE family converged on Pittsburgh this weekend to surprise my Gram for her 80th birthday. It was an absolutely gorgeous few days full of laughter, good brews, and better views.
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Today two of the Daybell children took the stand in their father's trial. There was colloidal silver, Operation Underground railroad, dark and light spirits and... well, I break it down here: leahsottile.substack.com/p/46-the-bri...
46. The Brick Houseleahsottile.substack.com "The Lord worketh not in secret combinations."