Cameron Beccario

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Cameron Beccario

Born at 331 ppm.
Absolutely this. NOAA shares its data for free, all over the world. And it’s tools. Want access to our weather computer models? Sure. We can do that. Data? You got it. Analytical tools? Sure! We can do that, too.
It makes "sense" once you understand the rise of precision weather companies. And while I understand the focus on how it would fuck up US weather, a lot of countries - lower income countries - also rely on US weather data. They analyze it themselves but the data comes from us.
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
America I do not enjoy having to constantly wake up to your latest bullshit
We analyzed more than 100 breaking news stories about recent record-breaking heat and rainfall in the U.S. Less than half mentioned climate change. Only 11 percent mentioned fossil fuels, or other pollution sources.
The media is still falling short on HEATED analyzed 133 breaking news stories about recent climate-fueled weather in the United States. The results were dismal—but there were some bright spots.
Geothermal is scaling up! Fervo Energy, "which has spent seven years perfecting lower-cost drilling techniques, just announced its largest contract to date, a milestone 15-year deal to sell 320 megawatts of climate-friendly power to Southern California Edison." Read more:
Column: Good news for 100% clean energy. Geothermal has finally Superhot underground rocks can supply 24/7 clean power, combating the climate crisis.
Requests to NCEP's ftpprd webserver have been timing out for the past 11 hours. Can't download new GFS runs.
Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
✨ New features launched on wet bulb temp and dew point. 🌡️ Thought it would be easy, but found myself down a rabbit hole of atmospheric thermodynamics. Posted an explainer here:
How lazy is this. A stock photo of beachgoers to accompany an article on "dangerous heat". I'm not a professional journalist and even I wouldn't do this.
There is something so weird and unsettling around how oil and gas trading people are completely disconnected from the fact they're talking about a profoundly destructive substance. "I think asbestos sales will continue to be high" right but er, you don't seem to be thinking about the consequences
Visually spectacular "sculpted" supercell thunderstorm near Woodrow on high plains of eastern Colorado earlier today (6/8/24). This storm featured a blue-green & ground-scraping shelf cloud (& dust storm beneath) so wide I could not fully capture even with wide angle lens! #COwx
these trucks have the same size bed, but only one of them is illegal in several states 🙃
There’s a growing trend of replacing shuttered coal plants with solar, batteries, or other forms of clean energy. The ground is already cleared and the hookup to the electrical power grid is already there, so it makes all the sense in the world! More of this please 😊🌎 Here’s Nevada USA…
Former coal-fired power plant site now home to incredible new energy storage system: 'The infrastructure to connect the battery system to the grid at scale already exists' "Throughout 2024, our customers are going to see their bills be between 15 and 20% lower by the end of the year."
I set up a newsletter for to announce new features, answer common questions, provide behind-the-scenes details, etc. It's an experiment! First post covers some issues I ran into upgrading to the OSCAR v2 ocean currents model.
Welcome! Plus, an update on ocean
Have as many children as you want, it is not children that have caused the climate crisis, it is burning fossil fuels hope this helps
Software Testing Day
The global ocean is at record high surface ocean temperatures 
Large parts of the tropical ocean are the warmest ever and the global ocean has spent the last SIX weeks above 21ºC 
Find out more #climatecrisis 🧪⚒️🌍
The Japan Gas Association is marketing a product called e-methane (on commuter trains, no less). It's just synthetic methane produced with hydrogen sourced from fossil fuels. Their banner image is... unintentionally ironic? It's North America, horizontally flipped (??), with severe desertification.
Cooking emits little CO2, but gas pipelines leak methane (and cost ratepayers for O&M) until they're shut off. Methane has caused one-third of all global warming to date. Keeping pipelines pressurized and leaking just to sear/char food is nutty when gas stoves can be retrofit to burn propane. 🔌💡
It means close to nothing. Banning gas cooking is far from the heavy lifting of the energy transition.
🚨 The first preliminary analysis from the Japan Meteorological Agency highlights 2023 as the warmest year on record globally since at least 1891. Additional datasets will be released during the first two weeks of January. Data and methods by
The reason to vote for Biden is to keep Trump out of office. This would still be true if the Dem candidate were Joe Manchin, or AOC, or The Rock, or a potted fucking plant. I can't believe there's any debate about this.
How Trump Is Laying The Groundwork For A Coopted Military, Now And In It received little attention, but back in March 2023, Donald Trump had...
U of Sheffield prof Michael Jacobs making the case that a walkout from #COP28 would deprive the fossil fuel industry and UAE of a PR victory while losing....nothing.
Avatar was launched 10 years ago today! 🎉 At the time, I couldn’t have imagined the longevity and impact this project would have. To all the users and fans over the years: thank you. And with this anniversary, an announcement:
Reminder: these “disclaimers” in an account bio mean, respectively, “the entire purpose of this account is to steal other people’s work” and “we don’t care who they are”. I don’t know why such accounts are allowed here. Don’t follow or promote content theft accounts. They make the internet worse.
End of feed.