Candace Robb Author

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Candace Robb Author

Slips between medieval York & the Pacific NW without warning. Writer. Owen Archer, Kate Clifford, & Margaret Kerr mysteries. Rep'd by @JVNLA Owned by The Maggie. Talks to trees. Walks the lake. Reveres crows. she/her
This. 👇
Piracy is also exploitation. The pirates (all those websites) do make money. Some are just floating by on donations but others are just as full of ads and rake in revenue just like the "legal" streaming services etc. And NONE of that money gets back to the workers who made what you've pirated.
What a stellar day for the bookpost! Ursula K LeGuin (Space Crone), Signe Maene ( (Flemish Folktales Retold), and Dr. Mary Morse (English Birth Girdles). #books #medievalsky
It's my job to buy books for my local library. One thing I wish more people knew is that we are very open to suggestions for new titles. I buy 90% of books that people suggest. Please, let your library know the kinds of things you want to read. It's helpful!
Hurrah for libraries! #books
There is never any shame in using the library, and much benefit in doing so. They are the closest thing to an unmitigated social good that we have in these United States, which is why the hard right is gunning so fervently for them these days. A world without libraries and librarians is a poor one.
Oof. I'm having that trouble with a scene, too. It will come.
I'm spending the day gardening, writing, being with my beloveds. In short, being in my precious life. Much better than doom scrolling.
The insights keep coming. I'm keeping a file open to jot them down as I work on another project. I'll know when I'm ready to dive in. I trust the process.
A project I worked on for a year a while back & set aside to work on two under contract has taken a fresh, eerie turn that has me excited. It means beginning again, but with a clarity & sense of liberation I wouldn't have had w/o writing the earlier version. Creativity is a mystery.
A project I worked on for a year a while back & set aside to work on two under contract has taken a fresh, eerie turn that has me excited. It means beginning again, but with a clarity & sense of liberation I wouldn't have had w/o writing the earlier version. Creativity is a mystery.
I'm so glad to see this being spelled out in a popular mag.
‘To Be Alive’ by Gregory Orr From Concerning the Book That Is the Body Of the Beloved (Copper Canyon Press, 2005).
A magnificent cover. So glad the omnibus edition of the Faded Sun trilogy uses this coverI I started rereading the trilogy last night and I'm hooked all over again. What a combo--CJ Cherryh and Michael Whelan.
KUTATH (1980) Acrylic on Watercolor Board - 27” x 16" In the "Heroines" chapter introduction for WONDERWORKS, my first art book, C.J. Cherryh wrote: “To my mind, there cannot be so great a difference between the imagination of the writer and that of the artist. Both *see*. 1/4
This is a hoot! Thanks for the laugh.
I love this point in a #wip when the characters attend me through my early morning routine, nudging me toward the day's writing. Writing is a solitary act, & it's not, because I live with my characters. It's also day lily time in the #garden.
I just put this on my bedside table. It was my first CJ Cherryh and I remember being riveted. Feels as if it's time to revisit.
Early morning watering makes me popular with the birds--they sit on the lower branches of the hollies & revel in the fine, cool spray, talking to me, telling me about their lives. Each year I forget this magical part of heatwaves, each year I'm delighted as if for the first time. #nature #birds
Yup, we literally had this as one of our catchphrase: "On s'engeulera plus tard." Translate that into: "We'll argue later." It paid off :)
Vive la France 🇫🇷 I love that this happened through cooperation.
I had no idea this was the etymology for “lord” and “lady.” #medievalsky
As I wrote a scene in which a woman encourages a younger woman who is feeling useless, I felt myself encouraged. #writing