
Missouri HB.1739 contains provisions for the immediate dismissal and 4 year suspension from employment for any nurse, teacher or social worker who calls a student a name other than that which is on their school registration forms, or fails to report a non-cis identity.
Prefiled a week ago, MO HB.1739 also contains provisions to protect staff who report their colleagues for affirming trans youth. Teachers barred from employment for violating this law will also have their teaching licenses revoked.
The last provision also appears to stipulate that parents cannot consent to their kids being affirmed, as only the original birth certificate can be used to determine sex.
I live in St. Louis, Missouri in a part of town that is loaded with LGBTQ folks. I love my friends, most of the rest of the state is lost and I hate them. They're fucked.
This is a bridge too fucking far. I’m in KC. This cannot pass.
Or they can just move across the river to Illinois, where this nonsense doesn’t happen.
No, most of them can’t. Everyone can’t just move every time a shit law gets put in place.
Yes, they can. Metro East is still STL area, just on the other side of the river. It’s literally 15-30 minutes away from the furthest parts of the city.
sweet, so i can get hate crimed in sauget instaed of living in my relatively safe neightborhood. you are such a fucking moron
There are people who live in parts of Missouri other than STL.
But that’s not what the original comment I replied to was about. He was talking about his friends in STL.
You are an asshole. Are usually reserve judgment on people and just judge their behaviors but you you’re a fucking asshole. I hope your kids move really far away from you.
People don’t have enough for groceries. How are they supposed to save up for first and last plus a deposit? Last time we moved into a rental (2016), we paid $6500 to get in. The only way we could do it was to get a loan from family. Can’t change what we can’t acknowledge.
How many people's moving expenses are you personally covering? I'm guessing zero .
St. Louis isn’t a state.
Speaking from personal experience, the 618 has the general problem that it's hell for queer kids. Even if Springfield on either side of the Rauner era doesn't have its collective head up its ass, the law only helps so much.
Are you a mind reader? How would you know if they could?
No, they can't. That involves money. Moving is expensive.
Just because the State of Illinois won't let Mike Bost's constituents discriminate against you does *not* mean they want you there, or are going to make you feel welcome.
Dunno how universal it is, but I am a substitute teacher. I am licensed specifically to teach in ONE state. If I wanted to teach into another state I would have to go through everything they need there too.
Oh they're right. When I was looking for a house I could have gone to Belleville or the Metro East but for reasons I wanted to stay in the city. But me personally moving doesn't effect me or the state. NB friend got assaulted last month outside a restroom. Men standing around didn't help.
HAH. Illinois is so deep blue that we passed a ban on book bans.
UMMM Across the river to Southern Illinois where there's Confederate flags and Tr*mp signs for miles? Yeah so much safer.
Oh, I won't claim it's safe for queer folks, but the point of the thread is that queer identities are legally protected in Illinois, and school districts are welcome to fuck around and find that out. Is it culturally safe for anyone who isn't a cis white person? Lol, lmao, no.
Who signed a law protecting the right to abortions, ironically.
And that got him almost primaried out by Jeanne Ives, who later coached & supported Darren Bailey along with the rest of the social conservatives that got electorally curb stomped in 2022 by Pritzker, et. al.
Hey, so, as a queer trans person living in the ‘safe’ Chicago suburbs, just wanna let you know I’ve had multiple pride flags stolen and/or vandalized in the last few years. Political signs were 50/50 last election here. We have more legal protections but there are horrible people everywhere.
People have screamed slurs at me from their cars while I’ve been outside working in the yard. I live in a _nice_ neighborhood. The still have no problem directing hate and violence at me. Heck, my (lesbian) therapist got threatened while walking her dog a few weeks ago in another nice neighborhood.
Kinda fucked that banning book banning is considered “deep blue” rather than “common sense” but I guess that’s America in 2023 for you.
Chicago is deep blue. Plenty of down state is not particularly safe. Tho that tic Tok lady has convinced multiple queer people to move to Peoria somehow
illinois is very deeply divided depending on which part of the state you’re talking about
Moving costs money. Are you gonna help them move? Or is this just classist bullshit to avoid doing anything?
if you look, you'll see it's literally a reply guy account
"Just move" is such a ridiculously privileged way of looking at this
Horrifically. Moving is expensive, and it's expensive up front. It involves abandoning whatever support system (including family) you've got. It requires abandoning your job, in most cases.
Or they could enjoy some liberty to live as they choose in their own state.
okay, cool, are you paying for it? because a whole lot of trans folks in missouri can't even get fucking jobs right now, including myself, you absolute fucking ghoul. i'm about three inches away from being homeless, so fuck your snark
This response is slap across the face worthy. "Just move". Eat hair.
will you be coordinating the financial assistance to ensure these refuge families can afford to "just move across the river" or do you plan to offer more unhelpful "solutions" from the comfort of your home while they are fighting a govt trying to take their rights away?
sure, let's have all the trans people move into illinois and a) abandon every trans person not able to move to illinois, and b) let missouri keep passing transphobic bills. what do you want me and my friends to do every time we might need to go into the city for something like work?
how do you expect me to visit my parents, or the rest of my family? or am i supposed to give that up so i can supposedly live without fear of it just happening there in a few years?
Because of course if all the trans people move to Illinois, there will not be any more trans children born in Missouri in the future.
you replied to the wrong person
No, I was agreeing with you and extending the point.
And if they cannot afford bread they should just eat cake.
Fuck you. "just move" like that's such an easy and accessible and affordable thing for people.
You sound both incredibly entitled and deeply ignorant. Learn some compassion
Don't tell people to "just move"
Lol "why not create internally displaced persons because of a bigot's sex law?" "Why not let Illinois cover the costs of other states being shitholes?" That's what you're asking