function r(){if(po(n),n.value===pf)throw new I(-950,!1);return n.value} follows

Den of Scholes
Den of Scholes
Did you get to school on a Grayway's coach?
Still Bearish
Still Bearish
David Chance
David Chance
‘Resting’ journalist. Chronicled the rise of Lionel Messi and Kim Jong Un as well as Janet Yellen and Viktor Orban plus quite a few more. Make cakes not substacks (TM). Cat is called Bob.
Nat Guest
Nat Guest
"Natalie, HR is just concerned. We can't have a renegade jumping into bins and trying to solve crimes."

Currently working in research & scholarly technology, past lives in journalism & comedy promotion. I write things sometimes. UK based & very annoying.
Velocipedestrienne, flâneuse, solivagant, bibliophile, needlesmith. #RosamundiWalks and #VignettesFromTheBikeLane. Swans. Cricket.
Mary Branscombe
Mary Branscombe
Omnivorous technology journalist. girl with the USB earring; author of the Cassidy At Large technomysteries. Buy me a ☕ @ she/her. Warning: contains opinions.
North  of Cam
North of Cam
Science, teaching, nonsense, guinia pigs
Phil Edwards
Phil Edwards
The good news you cannot refuse
The bad news is there is no news
Keyboard warrior with an opinion on everything (and a presence on far too many social media platforms).
Rebecca Taylor
Rebecca Taylor
Liberal internationalist feminist. Yorkshire/London. Former LibDem MEP. Works in health policy. Likes running, cooking & yoga. Mum of 1. Dual 🇬🇧/🇩🇪 citizen. Vive l'Europe 🇪🇺
A publication that covers the nuts and bolts of political change:
Mat Bowles
Mat Bowles
Displaced Devonian Yorkshireman with tendency to yawn lots
Inigo Purcell
Inigo Purcell
PhD student working on emotion and decision making in Arthurian literature. Sometimes writer. Likes otters, books, nature. Overly enthusiastic about Geoffrey of Monmouth.

Richard Gadsden
Richard Gadsden
Three-time Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate, Man Utd and Red Sox fan, cis man, he/him/his, 83 protons, not a werelabradoodle, in spite of my appearance
Joanne Harris
Joanne Harris
Shed dweller.
Writer, translator, scholar, president of Tocqueville Society, Senior Affiliate at Harvard Center for European Studies
Joe Slater
Joe Slater
Interests: human rights,
Judaism and SF.
Pronouns are he/him.
Thom Beckett
Thom Beckett
Former human.
post malone ergo propter malone
post malone ergo propter malone
mostly politics. some Seahawks. emoliberal.

oh and one more thing
you aren’t going to like
what comes after America
Olivier Simard-Casanova
Olivier Simard-Casanova
French Economist, (soon) Research Associate, en 🇫🇷 and in 🇺🇸 (ex Economics, Environment, Transit & Cities, Statistics & #Rstats, Critical Thinking, USA. 🌐
Dad, senior risk analyst, Anglo-Irish 🇬🇧🇮🇪🇪🇺 RPG player. German based Ecomodernist & freelance opinion-holder.
Sarah Kendall Taber
Sarah Kendall Taber
Crop scientist, logistics, & food systems pro. Running for Commissioner of Agriculture for North Carolina, Nov 2024.
Hannah Dawson
Hannah Dawson
Senior backend engineer, CCP Games London. Used to do politics, but I was rubbish and I stopped. I use she/her pronouns.
Lightbulb minder
Pierre Haski
Pierre Haski
Chroniqueur géopolitique dans la matinale de France Inter et à l’Obs. Président de Reporters sans frontières. Auteur de « Une terre doublement promise - Israël Palestine, un siècle de conflit » (Stock)
Nicolas Tenzer
Nicolas Tenzer
Guest Prof. Sciences Po Paris, Sr Fellow CEPA, Chairman CERAP, Sr civil servant (on leave)
Blogger on foreign affairs on
Dernier livre : Notre Guerre Ed. l'Observatoire
#HumanRights #InternationalAffairs #SlavaUkraini
Daniel Nichanian. Editor in chief of
Caroline Dodds Pennock
Caroline Dodds Pennock
Historian and human-sacrifice enthusiast (she/her). Author of On Savage Shores: How Indigenous Americans Discovered Europe
Mara Wilson
Mara Wilson
Writer, actor, audiobook narrator, notorious tryhard
mostly harmless
In near mint condition
Alpine Migrant
Alpine Migrant
Haute-Savoie, ex-Bristol.
Nicholas Grossman
Nicholas Grossman
International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor
of Arc Digital. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.
James Plunkett
James Plunkett
Work @Nesta_UK and @B_I_Tweets. Interested in more human ways to govern our lives together. Also digital stuff. Book: End State: 🏳️‍⚧️
Maria Abreu
Maria Abreu
Professor of Economic Geography, University of Cambridge. I work on labour markets, migration, planning, and regional policy. Also Fellow of Pembroke College and Chair of RSAI-BIS. I love photography and baking, and have a crazy spaniel called Fonzie.
Ret'd librarian. Wrote Diary of a 1970s Secretary, Short Skirts & Shorthand and From Doodlebugs to Devon. Fond of gooseberry crumble.
portland antifa zone arbitration warlord
assistant to prof. dr. robert j. catman, esq., P.I.
drummer in @tragiclovers
direct complaints to
James W
James W
Cricket obsessive, music nerd, politics junkie 🔶️
Talia Lavin
Talia Lavin
journalist, author of Culture Warlords, sword collector, schmoe. newsletter:

contact: [email protected]
Dr Dean Burnett
Dr Dean Burnett
Neuroscientist, author, science communicator/pundit, former psychiatry lecturer, occasional wit, frazzled parent, balding
Tom Hawkins
Tom Hawkins
You could call on Lady Day; you could call on John Coltrane
Alex Cruikshanks
Alex Cruikshanks
Balkan history and X-Men opinion-haver. Did a PhD on diplomacy in the Bosnian War. Host of The History of Yugoslavia podcast.
Politor merdarum. Additions of glitter optional

Current fucks given: zero
Charlie Matthews
Charlie Matthews
Political strategy consultant in the charity sector
The last man on Earth sat in a room. There was a knock at the door.
Steven Seggie
Steven Seggie
marketing prof @ESSEC, ex-Turkey, UK, USA. Sport / Innovation / Politics
Astronomer Royal for Scotland | Catherine Heymans
Astronomer Royal for Scotland | Catherine Heymans
Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Professor of Astrophysics, Edinburgh University. Director of the German Centre for Cosmological Lensing, RUB. #LongCovid
Oliver Clarke
Oliver Clarke
D.Phil New College, Oxford on Hellenistic Cities and Kings in Asia Minor. Quizzer, rower, lapsed Brummie.