Rebecca Taylor

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Rebecca Taylor

Liberal internationalist feminist. Yorkshire/London. Former LibDem MEP. Works in health policy. Likes running, cooking & yoga. Mum of 1. Dual 🇬🇧/🇩🇪 citizen. Vive l'Europe 🇪🇺
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
My column in today's FT: voters are more volatile than ever, which should be a cause of both hope and fear to government and opposition:
The new volatility in British Voters are more willing to shop around and swap parties than in the past
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
They had convinced themselves of their narrative. Now the facts don’t simplistically fit it, they’re looking for ways to fault the facts. This is a really basic cognitive bias that any decent journalist should be able to think their way out of.
A fair amount of newspapers and broadcast journos have utterly lost the plot RE: UK, France, and Biden. They can’t grasp the rise of far right populism/fascism not quite happening so straightforwardly, or actually being effectively fought back against. Modi/India has vanished off the radar too…
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
I worry I will never be able to get Rishi Sunak’s 2024 campaign out of my head. How did they end up with a line on the NHS which was essentially “constant junior doctor strikes are an inevitable part of life, dumbass”?
But if he resolved the strikes, then he wouldn’t be able to go to the country with “hey, I know you had to spend 9 hours in A&E, but it’s all the junior doctor strike, which is a thing completely out of my control, like the weather or an earthquake”.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
So let me get this straight. The centre right win the EU election. The centre left are in power in the UK, Germany, Spain. In Poland and Czechia, the centre right sent hard right governments packing. In France, the left and centre hold the line against the fash. Tell me again how Europe has fallen.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
So for all the narrative about the inevitable slide into anti-immigrant populism, four of Western Europe's five largest countries now have left or center left governments?
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Yes, though worth stressing that in the UK the Conservative+Reform share of the vote was significantly less than the combined progressive vote (Labour+LiberalDemocrat+Green), even before counting the votes for nationalists in Scotland and Wales (which stand on progressive platforms).
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
It would appear this was not a winning strategy
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
So all the political media will give the Greens as much attention as Reform now, yeah. *Sideways look to camera two*
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Take comfort from the fact that no-one is claiming falsely that the election was "rigged" or otherwise stolen, or planning to storm Buckingham Palace to prevent the King inviting Starmer to form a government.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
"Angela Rayner's woke commissars are coming for me! Never surrender!"
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
At least the Greens will get as much coverage as Reform across all the channels now.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Not the biggest element of FPTP disproportion, but it appears that Labour has won 84% of Welsh seats on 37% of the vote, the second and third placed parties in terms of votes won no seats, with 4 seats for the fourth party and one for the fifth.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
UK Labour's last three vote counts, percentages and seats. Man that's one fucked up voting system. 2024: 9,650,254 / 33.8% / 411 2019: 10,269,051 / 32.1% / 202 2017: 12,877,918 / 40.0% / 262
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Can I just interrupt for a second to remind everyone that the reason the Tories are going down tonight is Boris Johnson. Karma is sweet.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
No more hiding it, I guess. Russia comes out for Le Pen.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Happy No-More-Kings Day tomorrow! And remember: Patriotism is helping the country you love do less wrong. Nationalism is pretending that it's *never* wrong. 🇺🇸 "Nationalism is Patriotism for Assholes." – Jon Lovett
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
A recent poll puts the LibDems at just 3 seats behind the Tories. 3 seats! Check the tactical voting sites. And if you’re in a constituency where the LibDems have the best chance of beating the Tories - vote LibDem. Imagine a Labour government with a LibDem opposition. What a game changer!
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Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Things are going very well when we've reached the "Don't worry, the military won't obey orders to kill civilians" stage of democratic backsliding. It's the sweet spot, where good things happen. Right where we want to be.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
A total ban is the only sane policy for Airbnb. There obviously needs to be accommodation in cities for visitors, but that shouldn’t be at the expense of housing units for people who actually live there. More governments should follow Barcelona’s lead.
Barcelona Plans to Ban All Short-Term Rentals for Tourists From Barcelona plans to enact a citywide ban on all short-term rentals to address complaints that tourism is to blame for a local housing crisis and soaring rents.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
Never forget, the Tories tilted the electoral playing field in their favour: - adjusted constituency boundaries in their favour - stuffed the Lords with their cronies - bent the rules on the make up of select committees in their favour. - introduced voter ID. - changed mayoral elections to FPTP.
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Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Taylor
WASHINGTON (AP) — Biden says Supreme Court decision on immunity means 'there are virtually no limits' on a president's actions.
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Over the weekend, one of the major party presidential candidates promoted the idea of trying a former congresswoman for treason with televised military tribunals, and I’ll bet you haven’t seen a news article—much less a catastrophizing op-ed—about it.