chatham harrison is tending a new garden

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chatham harrison is tending a new garden

All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. Bespoke replies a specialty. Backwoods pinko scalawag. NC native. He/him.
Feels like this will be a better test for Biden than a thousand interviews I dunno
This is an anti-imperialist politics
Thanks in some part to my mistrust of the perfidious Turk, I never fell under the sway of Cenk Uygur and his "Young Turks", proving once again that you can have just a little racism, as a treat.
Oh, guy is running entirely on vibes. But this is a very inviting half-informed position
Bet you it's immigration. They're crediting Reagan for amnesty & Bush for not supporting Republican efforts to crack down on illegal immigration
Why would any lefty trade the moderate who will be dead by 2029 (according to the people who want him out) for a moderate who won't?
Which makes it even funnier when I see lefty types pushing this. Like, do you really think a DNC-handpicked candidate is going to be better? Did I wake up in Bizarro World?
DS9? good Garak DS9? good Garak DS9 with Stephen McHattie? GOOD
I do use a washcloth, that's all I have to say
What we do know is, regardless of what happens, Trump will be the Republican nominee. This makes our job a lot simpler, even if it doesn't make it any easier.
Been thinking a lot about the famous William Goldman quote about Hollywood and what makes a hit movie: “Nobody knows anything.” Don’t trust anyone who pretends to know what will happen if Biden stays in or if he withdraws.
*Competitive* sports? With awards for the winners? Now I've heard everything
i hear theyre having an olympics for sports this year
Robin Hood is hard to sell as much more than a low-stakes lark. Even with Rickman as the villain, he's not *that* dangerous, & Costner is abysmal at selling any of the drama.
If you're getting <1% response rate, scale helps, but it doesn't prevent weirdnesses. I don't doubt they've got lots of data.
Any elected Democrat you've ever heard of has a chance against Trump if the party can consolidate behind them. This is not to say that they are strong but that Trump is weak.
The backlash from base voters who very explicitly demanded a Black woman as VP (and on the Court) as our “seat at the table” in exchange for our electoral organizing…whew, you are not prepared. But almost all of the white alternatives are, and it’s why they keep saying no.
by choosing anyone other than harris to replace biden should he decide to step aside, the party would be revealing they very cynically chose her as veep for optics without believing she could actually be president.
No one wants Trump to win, & as the general election becomes less hypothetical & more real, the more people are terrified by it. Which I think is in our long-term interest, but means a lot of churn & anxiety in the meantime.
Macron has made a fool of himself from this election's start, & I am happy to see him have to eat shit & grin
I do think that the motion in the polls is useful; Biden losing 2 pts from his debate performance is on par with what you'd expect from a bad showing. But the state polls & the crosstabs all look wacky in ways that don't fit together, & I can't get over the dependency on a teeny response set
If Biden stays in I support Biden-Harris. If he withdraws I support Biden-Harris. Simple, easy. But so many people think high stakes should entail high drama.
I suspect anything less than a squeaky-clean neurological bill of health leads promptly to a nosedive, & I think that's why he's resisting it so hard. He can cope while struggling with mild neurological issues, but he can't cope with everyone else freaking out over it forever.
I would use the breakdown of election results to strongly inform my decisions, informed weakly by internal polling results, distribute funds approximately where they did the best work in 2020, & hope. But I suspect everyone is flying blind compared to previous campaigns.