Chris Online🌞🏖️

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Chris Online🌞🏖️

Came here from Twitter after mush ruined it. I have interests in trains, anime, and other stuff I like. I'm active here and on Twitter, but I will be here full time if & when Twitter (not calling X) kicks the can or becomes unbearable.
I don't know if it counts as optimism but I don't really think there's anything that Donald Trump could do or have happen to him that would make people who don't already like him want to vote for him. There is no more known quantity on earth, he can't change, and he is for sure not getting better.
school vouchers are designed to starve public schools and they’re working in that regard
My unpopular take on replacing Biden is that we made our bet last year, and everyone knew he'd be 81. Doubt now is counterproductive and will likely leave people disappointed by magical thinking.
the nyt's trans coverage is abhorrent on balance but the idea that republican state legislators are taking cues from the times is nuts and if you assume the nyt's goal is instead to get democratic state legislators to embrace anti-trans policy they have failed pretty comprehensively
As I understand it, argument is that the NYT has played an outsized role in mainstreaming anti-trans policy and people of good conscience shouldn’t work for it. Felt to me like picking a target that might bleed instead of the many that won’t (GOP legislators who were doing this anyway).
Fun Politics Fact! "This is exactly what they want us to do" and "This [random bickering] helps them get elected" is a distinction without a difference.
Remembering why I've enjoyed BlueSky so far - kind of a reboot, place to have fun conversations without the weight of politics/breaking news etc. But there are some rotten, mean, and dull people on this site, and I do wish they'd confront their own mental health issues before posting.
There are some nasty, bullying, anti-social malingerers on here who don't have friends who can tell them to shut up. I can be that friend for you: Shut up.
"Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event....In fact, Trump's lead has narrowed slightly since an earlier poll taken July 12-14" lol. lmao
Surprise: Trump did not get polling boost after Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event.In the national Morning Consul...
New York Times is full of crap on any given day, but today especially. Even the bed bugs dude chimed in.
This week's newsletter: It's time to call BS on generative AI and demand that companies like OpenAI actually provide useful, helpful software, and actively reject the growing coterie of hucksters using AI as a marketing tool to get media headlines.
Put Up Or Shut I feel like the tech industry is currently in the midst of the most bizarre cognitive dissonance I've ever seen — more so than the metaverse, even — as company after company simply lies about their in...
In 2016, Trump picked Pence to reassure the evangelicals. In 2024, he picked Vance to reassure the NatCon-ers. Who are they? Some links follow:
they managed to thread the needle of attracting the most annoying debate perverts, but not attracting enough trolls who ragebait the debate perverts into long pointless debates preventing them from ruining everyone else's day.
There are some nasty, bullying, anti-social malingerers on here who don't have friends who can tell them to shut up. I can be that friend for you: Shut up.
Shit, I think Jamelle Bouie quit Bluesky. This sucks. I like him a lot.
HOLT: The question is are you seeing what they saw in the debate, which was moments frankly where you appeared to be confused BIDEN: Lester, look, why don't you guys ever talk about the 28 lies he told? Where are you on this? Why didn't the press ever talk about that?
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on HOLT: The question is are you seeing what they saw in the debate, which was moments frankly where you appeared to be confused BIDEN: Lester, look, why don't you guys ever talk about the 28 lies he...
I haven't seen anybody mention that in the Lester Holt interview, Biden directly questioned Holt on why the media is covering things so slantedly — multiple times. So I'm mentioning it. Happened to watch the whole thing and I'm not sure how many have.
News that should shock no one: After assassination attempt, Elon Musk claims he'll donate $45 million a month to super PAC that backs Trump; Bill Ackman officially endorses; other Silicon Valley players and venture capitalists decree the "taboo" of supporting MAGA movement is gone.
More Tech and Venture Capital Execs Are Coming Out as MAGA Elon Musk, Bill Ackman, and other tech and finance leaders used the attempted Trump assassination to declare support for his 2024 campaign.
A lot of progressive accounts are spreading this claim and it is not true. I have verified the FEC records myself. They match the alleged gunman's street address.
If Trump wins, to address the “it won’t be that bad” crowd, ok… for the sake of argument (really really myopic bad argument) let’s say he fails to implement almost all the most pathetic sickest shit in the trump/gop policy agenda. You know what he is gonna pull off? Shutting down federal criminal…
Fun fact: Seth Abramson blocked me on Twitter when I asked him if he was a secret third Krassenstein.
What a stupid time to be alive
"A third classmate...said that Crooks was very smart, took honors classes, and was shy. She said that he had a group of friends who were fairly conservative, some of whom would wear Trump hats." nothing so far differentiates this from a garden variety school shooting
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far | Interviews with a half-dozen former classmates and neighbors of Thomas Crooks painted him as quiet and aloof, with some remembering him as a misfit in high school.
the last few weeks of criticism of his milquetoast political coverage has broken brian stelter
The full Bsky experience is watching a far left account post both "I'll never vote for the democrats, they're just the lesser evil" & "the Republicans are the new Nazi party and that's not hyperbole" without any apparent sense of cognitive dissonance
If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
People who get upset when they get blocked for being an asshole always remind me of my “friend” John, who I hung around with as a kid. John, in retrospect, was a dick who treated me badly, but I was an insecure kid so I hung out with him anyway. /1
The mass deportation scheme is probably the most immediately scary part of Trump 2025. It’s not just the just the forcible deportation of millions of people and accompanying family disruption That’s bad enough. Nor is the let’s-see-what-pulling-this-lever-does-hurr economic recklessness./1
Full quote from ex-ICE director Tom Homan: "Trump comes back in January... I will run the biggest deportation force this country has ever seen. They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025.” Tonight in Florida Trump pledged to bring Homan back. Homan, BTW, is a listed Project 2025 contributor.
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Related: Roosevelt, Wallace, and Ford all lost after being attacked
you know how every time the salience of foreign terrorism goes up it’s good for the GOP, even if it’s going up because they screwed the pooch? I think at this point the same thing is true for domestic terrorism, especially political terrorism, and Dems. Just a bad thing to have in the news for Rs
I’ll say one other thing; I don’t care how many hours have passed since the assassination attempt, there are just some people I’m not willing to take lessons on violent or irresponsible rhetoric from, or hear them out in good faith ever on this issue. Get fucked, fuck off, next.
"The FBI said the shooter, who is dead, was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania ... Pennsylvania voter records listed a Thomas Matthew Crooks with the same address and birth date as a registered Republican" Bizarre
Trump rally shooter identified as 20-year-old Pennsylvania The FBI identified the shooter, who is dead, as Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. A motive was not clear.