Dr Kat Day (she/her)

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Dr Kat Day (she/her)


Science & Fiction editor/writer. Chemistry PhD ⚛️ Writer: The Crash Course Organic Chemistry 🧪 Assistant Editor PseudoPod 🦑 Short fiction https://thefictionphial.wordpress.com 🖊️
They haven’t started filming. The scripts aren’t even finalised. So… I’m not counting on its actually being made.
Today is #NationalTattooDay. Here's a look at the pigments and dyes used in tattooing, as well as what we know about the health concerns: www.compoundchem.com/2020/07/17/t...
Sorry, but I'm going to ask you to consider your desire for Good Omens content – which can ONLY come from, and benefit, this man – against the horrors he's inflicted, and ask you: is it worth it? (I do understand, I want it too. But not at this price.)
They don't get it because they WOULD do that. They don't understand why we can't.
You just described your experience, Robin. No one can criticise you for that, and nor should they.
I do understand that people are having to painfully recontextualise long-held relationships, and/or have legal/business arrangements they need to untangle. I get that. So long as the right things are done eventually, okay. But I’m not tolerating, “everyone’s forgotten now, right? Back to business”
No explanation from the venue, so who knows? I expect he/his team probably cancelled.
Yes. This is typical behaviour. Because if you were horrible to everyone, you’d never get anything done, would you? You have to be nice to *most* people in order to get away with abusing the rest.
My husband and I watched this. “Why doesn’t she get up and leave?” he asked. “Why doesn’t she just tell him to fuck off?” Because he had power over her and in that moment, she did not dare. That’s why. That’s always why.
Finished #DouglasIsCancelled last night which for some reason I thought was going to be a light comedy. Ep 3 is a *deeply* uncomfortable watch, with a razor-sharp performance from Karen Gillan. I kept thinking of Neil Gaiman with the nanny and the bath. Recommended.
This. “Oh but he was always jolly nice to me!” I’m sure he was. I’m absolutely sure he was. Because he needed you to like him.
The event has been formally cancelled. So. Repercussions. Dare we hope…
Neil Gaiman's Wolf Trap appearance on July 20th has been cancelled. www.wolftrap.org/calendar/per...
Oh 100%. I’m just saying this happens ALL THE DAMN TIME and we are all so very tired.
I saw a lot of people yesterday guiltily mumbling that they’re entitled not to have an opinion. Not to say anything. And sure. Sure. But just know that I noticed. Lots of victims are seeing.
I moved the chrysalids into the butterfly habitat yesterday, sure we still had a few more days to go… but no. Two have emerged today. One, very sadly, isn’t going to make it (it happens, sometimes) but the other seems healthy and fine. Phew. Fingers crossed for the final three #ButterfliesForBluesky
And now we have five chrysalids! The last changed yesterday. Unusually, they’re all still stuck to the lid (it’s common for at least one to fall off). And now we wait. 10–14 days or so before… #ButterfliesForBluesky
Right, so this is the story of the old mate I was out with last night, didn't happen to me, but too good not to repeat. Will probably only work for the Brit adjacent.
Eagerly awaiting the flood of terfs who will surely be outraged at the removal of the word "women"... Any time now...
"Host bodies must be quiet and do only as the men folk dictate." "Florida Republican called pregnant women 'host bodies' five times while discussing anti-abortion bill" www.cltampa.com/news/florida...
Florida Republican called pregnant women 'host bodies' fives times while discussing anti-abortion bill | Creative Loafing Tampa Baywww.cltampa.com It wasn't a simple slip of the tongue, either.
It’s like… That’s… A thing that happens.
So in #TheArchers a young, intelligent woman expresses concerns about a man’s behaviour and her older, male, privileged boss dismisses and rationalises every one. We need to stop doing this. We need to listen to women.
Attended a PhD viva yesterday where the student referenced a environmental/chemical case I had not heard before. In 1973/1974 Michigan experienced a disaster which ultimately led to 30 000 cattle, 6000 pigs and 1.5 Mio chicken to be killed. What had happened you ask? (1/x)
With a few exceptions, chemicals aren’t inherently dangerous. Pure sodium hydroxide (lye) pellets cause nasty burns; a dilute solution might irritate your skin a bit, if that. We think of arsenic as a deadly poison, but there’s about 5 mg in every kg of soil and we consume trace amounts all the time
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
“The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue.” Mr. Harmon’s Girls, by Elliott Gish Narrator: Louise Hewitt Host: Kat Day Audio: Chelsea Davis C/W: grooming This story is a PseudoPod original. Read or listen to the whole thing here: pseudopod.org/2024/07/12/p...
PseudoPod 928: Mr. Harmon’s Girlspseudopod.org The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue. All of us in new clothes and fresh white shoes, bold and laughing, shy and silent, angry and turned darkly inwards.
I hear today is #WorldSnakeDay Snakes are beautiful animals, deserving of our appreciation and respect. This is a Kirtland's snake, a small Midwestern snake endangered or threatened (like many snakes) across most of its range. #snakes #SciArt
The LeGuin Award continues to have excellent taste in its shortlist! 2024 list just announced. www.ursulakleguin.com/prize24 Congratulations, @vajra.me, @emilytesh.bsky.social, @premeemohamed.com and the others on the list! A mix of stuff I've read & liked & new to me stuff to add to the TBR.
Ursula K. Le Guin — 2024 Prize for Fiction (Shortlist)www.ursulakleguin.com
Wooo! Congratulations to all those on the shortlist!