bea p

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bea p

aka spatulatrix aka benamas aka catricks mom aka the auxiliarist formerly known as et1 aka the dragonase lab rat aka flamingspatula
putting some vape juice in it for him as a little treat
Reposted byAvatar bea p
the problem with terms like "bullying" and "dog piling" is they imply a coordinated action when what's really happening is a whole bunch of individuals are expressing their opinion at the same time it's the social media equivalent of dismissing criticism as being from "activists"
i knooowww isnt it wonderful
yeah kind of a weaksauce bitch move imo
🤔 you can get one gallon containers out of aluminum, but they're constructed in a very different way than the plastic milk jugs, the metal isnt ductile enough to mold/form the same way IOW i think an aluminum milk jug as u describe would be a REALLY interesting and artistic piece of craftsmanship
i think this is a shitpost but ALSO thats a legit way to humorously but derisively phrase what i think is an actual problem with how moderation works on this site, namely where the t&s team seems to give a subset of big accounts special protection from harassment that we the hoi polloi do not get
yea all my posts are strikes because i knock down all the pins 🎳💥🏃‍♀️
maybe you didnt see this but we're doing a posting strike
Reposted byAvatar bea p
Amazon spamming everyone like "it's prime day motherfucker, do you want to buy a dropshipped charging cable that bursts into flames? We've got all the best brands: IFLUGIGUU, WAYAZZFFFLI, UNGILITECEH, and more"
i have played rust for about 45 minutes in my entire life and the entirety of my experience was an angry teen yelling at me before i got beat to death with a rock my time at bluesky is going mostly better but i do see the parallels
oh yeah alchemist/swashbuckler
You have challenged fate and rerolled the dice. You may not do so again.
i mowed the grass this evening and our yard is so thick and healthy that it clogged up the mower like 20 times and i drained both batteries and STILL didnt finish, had to stop to let one recharge
it wasnt even that tall its just been raining a lot and we have really nice dirt
why is he sitting like a tiny camel
mimi came to give him a kiss
sorry i dont smoke but you can have a sip of this stale old wintergreen vape juice if you want
Reposted byAvatar bea p
im workin at the skeet market so eeearly, i been posting here since my momma was a baby
its a joke not a dick, dont take it so hard
windows 95 on my venerable pentium 1 "the move" if you have space on disk, fdisk and format /s the hard drive, then copy the whole installer CD to a folder on c:\ and install from there; faster and it will never need to ask for the cd again when it needs drivers or w/e
Reposted byAvatar bea p
i dont get angry very often on account of the hypotension and sometimes idk if rage is even within my emotional capacity but these things make me feel like i just walked over a berserk pack from Doom
kinda forgot this thing existed for a while but today i was minding my own business vibing in the makeup aisle and when i found what i needed and turned to leave it was RIGHT. FUCKING. BEHIND. ME. >:((((((
yeah until you pack it in oil lmfao but the water packed stuff is so mediocre in comparison
based canned fish enjoyer, most sustainable animal protein source (probably)
truuuue and there's definitely a correlation BUT ALSO even if i had like won the lottery before i decided to come out, the only real change you'd probably see to my personal appearance is that i'd get my hairline fixed and have a few more tats lmfao
weh weh all these other internet trans women are so much smoother and prettier than me but then i remember a lot of the time i'm like twice their age lmfao, i was also more attractive two decades ago