
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he wants to work with Congress on legislation to penalize the International Criminal Court after it applied for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.
Blinken says he wants to work with Congress to penalize International Criminal Court | CNN US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he wants to work with Congress on legislation to penalize the International Criminal Court after it applied for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Ben...
the amount of domestic and international damage American politicians are willing to inflict on the country on behalf of an increasingly unhinged and contemptuous nominal ally is astonishing
I think it’s part “donors” and part “they think it’s still the 20th century”
It's hard to believe who and what has passed for the best and brightest in Washington for decades. One disastrous failure after another, but the individuals responsible only fail up.
Antony Blinken -
The obsession with corruption from outside sources is a big part of the problem too. They don't need to be manipulated into defending their power and status. They already want to do it.
We are in a findom relationship with Israel. We keep giving them money and support, they treat us as their bitch
My last two posts were: Fuck Biden, and. Can you imagine what Trump would do if he got into office? Those two are not contradictory.
ball peen hammers could fix all this
A strong breeze and a slight incline could fix all this
People forget, Trump administration censured the ICC four years ago for investigating American war crimes in Afghanistan!!
He couldn't possibly be worse. Only more blatant.
I have my issues with all of this stuff but imagine the current situation x10 & then imagine every other aspect of American life 10x worse & you've got where we'll be if Trump gets back into office.
Wow sounds like Biden should definitely stop being a shithead and making it more likely then.
Not gonna happen, and we need to stop having illusions about what we can expect from neoliberals and what we can expect from fascists. And we need to stop being confused about the difference.
Does the cognitive dissonance between "only Biden can save us from fascism" and "of course Biden doesn't give a shit about fascism, what a silly thought" even register?
You are completely misunderstanding if you think that I believe Biden can save us from fascism.
It’s on all of us to save ourselves from fascism. Voting for Biden is just to stop the next generation of Nazis from holding the reins of the federal government.
Fuck Biden. I am 100% voting for him in November if I am above ground but fuck him and this country for our quixotic support of this despotic regime
Same. I am irritated as hell with the current PoTUS, but the alternative is too terrible to contemplate.
Its incredibly hard to square this one horrible thing against all the good he's done in other areas of his presidency.
Thus dude is straight up the fuckin devil
Aw but he plays guitar tho what a dreamboat
do not under any circumstances enter an intersection that he is currently in
the devil plays the violin, every one knows this. Plus the devil is cool sometimes. This piece of shit is just a hollow suit. Nothing cool about him.
I wanna take his stupid guitar and smash it over his dumb back
Secretary of State is an office only held by a varying degrees of sicko
You know, I understand that international relations are nuanced and often allies have to swallow some crap to over things forward, but this is totally egregious.
You have to think about it like this: Biden is not just an ally here but an accomplice, arguably the biggest one.
The complicated part is trying to find a way to describe this as anything other than white supremacy.
one proposition, to wit: there should be nations that are bound but not protected by the rules based international order, and those that are protected but not bound
Frank Wilhoit sends his regards
This is honestly the truth the "rules based international order" was built on, the fig leaf covering it up had a pretty good run
The US is not party to the International Criminal Court and has passed a law that allows it to use any means necessary to protect any US citizen or ally of the US from getting charged at the ICC. This isn't even subtext.
Doesn’t this dude have real work to do?
The steamroller he uses to run over kittens and puppies is in the shop, so...
Too busy learning Neil Young covers
The US voted against the Rome Statute in 1998, along with other beacons of democracy: Iraq, Israel, Libya, China, Qatar, & Yemen, so Blinken can just bugger off.
The United States signed the Rome Statute on the final day.
This was President Bill Clinton's statement he gave when the United States signed the Rome Statute (International Criminal Court treaty) on December 31, 2000, the last day a country could sign the treaty without ratifying it.
President Clinton on Signing of ICC Treaty (Rome Treaty) President Clinton on Signing Interntational Criminal Court Treaty
But he didn't submit it for Senate ratification. The US has danced around the ICC for years. Then there's the 2002 ASPA that lets the US do anything, including via force, to release US soldiers detained by the ICC. American exceptionalism, again.
I'm not disputing the observation that even at its most supportive, the United States was dealing with the possibility of the International Criminal Court in bad faith.
I don’t think it counts as bad faith when they are openly and honestly saying, “Try anything, and we’ll invade. And here it is in writing.”
The United States is not going to invade The Netherlands (a NATO ally).