
The 3 yr old(!!!) she tried to murder is Palestinian. If the child were Jewish this would rightly be called a terrorist attack & dominate headlines for a week at least & spur tons of antisemitism discourse. There’s no reason it shouldn’t have the same effect here.
Arabs are people too, just as deserving of rights as anyone else, contra what a lot of Americans evidently believe.
This is a horrific story and it would be great if you were able share and respond to it without it somehow becoming a dig at Jews or discourse about Jews.
I don't think they're making a dig or discourse about Jewish people. I think they're just pointing out how the story would be framed. The media has been labelling even mild criticism of Israel as antisemitism, but a Palestinian child gets hate crimed and suddenly it's a "racial statement"
People like want you to think that you have to pick between thinking Arabs are people and thinking Jews are people. He's offended by people taking anti-arab violence seriously
It wasn’t a dig at Jews. I explicitly said it would be an outrage no matter the identity of the victim. My point is that there’s a glaring disparity in empathy and media coverage when it comes to Arab-American victims.
Like to be crystal clear, if my hypothetical were real, that story would be equally outrageous and would deserve the media coverage it would likely get. I’m just saying Arab victims deserve the same coverage and consideration.
speaking as a jew, this is very obviously not a dig at jews. correctly analyzing how racist social structures work is not racist. in fact, it is antiracist. like, if a Black kid is killed by cops and someone says “if it was a white kid the cops would be in jail”, that is not a dig at white ppl.
Ew, don't just equate jews with zionists. That's fucked.
seriously! if it matters enough to put in the header it should matter enough not to obfuscate with mealymouthery
a racIST statement, they’re just not allowed to use that word by management
Slurs. She was spitting Islamophobic slurs.
“Statements” does sound more like “facts” … slurs is more to the point
She’s going to love prison… not.
Texas: where you can't get an abortion if the fetus is dead and your doctor will go to prison if they help you, but if you try to drown a child you get cash bail
Terms and conditions apply.* *Child must be from a Middle Eastern, Muslim, or otherwise non-"real American" family.
I guess they vote to elect senile convicted felons to positions of power too.
By the way, did you know that the capital of Texas has a Democrat mayor? And the San Antonio mayor is an Independent? And the mayor of Dallas is a Black man who is a Democrat?
Sorry no. I made the wrong assumptions. I assumed it was only republican’s that attacked women’s rights.
You have no clue what it's like here. More than 50% of Texans are people of color and they are targeted with voter disenfranchisement laws. We are also severely gerrymandered. Despite all of this, Beto Orourke got nearly 50% of the vote. Texans by and large do not get to choose who governs us.
Yep. That's Texas alright 🤠🇺🇸
That's an "I'd do it again" face if I ever saw one
No it really fucking is, and the fact that she was able to post bail and get out is horrific. I'm a proponent to end cash bail, but I'm sorry there is shit that leaves too much to chance in letting someone motivated by such bigoted hatred back out there with no protection for impacted communities.
this is a terrible story and i hate this woman, and i hope the child is ok, but i can't help but post this
Ok, wait... and no. You don't put hands on a fucking kid and get to post bail. I am huge proponent of eliminating cash bail, but I'm sorry, there are charges and crimes that people do commit that leaves too much to chance for them to just be out there. ESPCECIALLY the specifics behind this one.
I thought they could still refuse bail of any sort. Pretty sure they could have just kept her in jail until the trial. I could be wrong. But I smell privilege.
Might explain that shit eating grin she got in the booking photo...
Illinois eliminated cash bail which means that people who do violent things can't pay their way out of jail and are detained pretrial.
I think the Feds get this closest to correct, at least on paper. You get released pre-trial if you’re not a danger to the community, and if there’s some set of requirements or constraints that make it likely you’ll show up for trial. Otherwise, you stay in jail.
The dude arguing against me seems to be confused.
The word you want is "racist", not "racial". The two words have very different meanings. Please use accurate wording.
Don't you know that in Texas saying the word racist in the hearing of white people whose feelings might be hurt is the real hate crime?
I'm gonna guess that you don't live here and have never lived here. I can guarantee that the white people in whatever blue state you hail from are on the whole just as racist as white Texans.
No way you'd know this, but I happen to live in a country where fifty Muslims were murdered at Friday prayers by a far-right wing racist in the worse act of domestic terrorism in my nation's history. So yeah, thanks for that stunning insight into the global distribution of bigoted hate criminals.
Never occurred to me how good the actress opposite him is here. He’s great but her reaction is equally responsible for making this iconic
The 3-year-old victim and her mother are Palestinian-American. Maybe Schumer and Jeffries will invite the attempted murderer, Elizabeth Wolf, to give a speech to Congress after Netanyahu. Or does one have to *successfully* murder Palestinian children to get that invite?
One kid isn't enough, she'd have to kill 10,000 more to be invited to speak to Congress
Fuck you CNN You incite these racist terrorist hate crimes
She's out in bail???? After trying to drown a three year old?
A 3 year old Palestenian-American child. If the 3 year old was Israeli-American, she'd be lucky to still be drawing breath
hey cnn quick question what the fuck is a racial statement