Adam Moore

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Adam Moore

Geographer studying political violence, war, peacebuilding, U.S. military, geopolitics, empire, Bosnia. UCLA professor
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ISW is looking for 2 full-time, entry-level ArcGIS Geospatial Researchers to support our conflict mapping program and geospatial analysis. Skills in raster and satellite imagery analysis and a working knowledge of ESRI ArcGIS are required. For more info + to apply: understandingwar.bam...
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Really hope we can dispense once and for all with the notion that Trump voters are suffering, misguided, and misunderstood when they’re being so vocally and insistently like “we want ethnic cleansing.”
I've seen a lot of one-offs of people holding these signs, but what is truly chilling is a sea of these being held up by delegates.
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All the calls for “everyone” to “cool down the rhetoric” etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
And for the 22% of republicans that believe this it's a feature not a bug
The most important result in our new national poll of registered voters is that a majority of 53% of all voters believe that Donald Trump and his administration would represent “a grave danger to democracy continuing in the United States,” if he wins the election
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New Popular Front's program to simultaneously support Ukraine in its war for national defense and Palestine in its fight against apartheid is, and should be, the standard for the Left.
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Me: wow, I can’t believe I made so much progress on this draft of my new chapter. I consulted two history manuscripts, a doctoral dissertation, four journal articles, and finalized the chapter outline for real this time the entire written progress on my draft:  “The cultivators ______”
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feels extremely american to be like “we need you to keep running your stochastic terrorism business so you can pay back the victims of your stochastic terrorism”
NEW: Alex Jones gets to keep broadcasting on Infowars, with the judge finding it is "in the best interest" of Sandy Hook families for the company to avoid bankruptcy so Jones would be better able to repay his massive debt (via Bayliss Wagner, Austin American-Statesman)
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Those of us engaged in research w/ human participants and/or sensitive materials need to be alert. Corporations like Adobe and Microsoft are injecting AI everywhere. It violates confidentiality & steals data. Will they offer carveouts for university licenses? Are ethical boards examining the risks?
Absolutely insane that Adobe created a situation where anyone using their products under an NDA or in a profession under privacy/confidentiality restrictions simply cannot legally use their products. Corporations are stupid.
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This whole situation is grim and fascinating. I've noticed a couple of shifts in the last two years. One is a downturn in some students' ability to craft coherent, logical sentences. When I talk to those students, they tell me they use grammar checkers. Without them, their work actually improves. +
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Not for nothing, Alito's flag is the same Christian nationalist flag Mike Johnson's got outside his office.
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As predicted no confidence vote fails 79 to 103. Basically vote split between stem/medical faculty (noes) and rest of university (yeas). Not surprising, but deeply disappointing.
Or in the case of UCLA: Faculty calls for vote of no-confidence. Vote fails because majority of faculty are reactionaries that support Gene Block. My prediction for the Legislative Assembly discussion and vote scheduled for this Friday.
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It won't get the attention it deserves because it happened here and it's decidedly un-sensational, but the UWM administration's response to our student encampment is an object lesson in the virtues of restraint and non-escalation, and should be a national model
UW-Milwaukee strikes deal with pro-Palestinian protesters to take down Protesters have until Tuesday morning to take down the tents. They also agreed not to disrupt commencement, which will be held May 19.
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Despite these abject failures to protect UCLA students from outside violence by the administration we could not pass a no confidence resolution on Gene Block's leadership last night. Could not be more disappointed.
Faculty had raised alarms in the days before the attack on pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA. That night, one witness called emergency services 11 times before police intervened.
Despite warnings of violence at UCLA, police didn’t step in for over 3 Faculty had raised alarms in the days before the attack on pro-Palestinian protesters. That night, one witness called emergency services 11 times before police intervened.
Really wish I had been wrong about this
Or in the case of UCLA: Faculty calls for vote of no-confidence. Vote fails because majority of faculty are reactionaries that support Gene Block. My prediction for the Legislative Assembly discussion and vote scheduled for this Friday.
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The UCLA athletics department has run a $127,000,000 budget deficit since 2021, which is about double the annual operating budget for all the Humanities departments combined.
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Really interesting statement from UCLA Hillel. “We can not have a clearer ask for the off-campus Jewish community: stay off our campus. Do not fund any actions on campus. Do not protest on campus. Your actions are harming Jewish students.”
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An annoying hot take with a niche market, maybe in the Chronicle, would fuse ridicule at the NYPD waving around their found copy of Townshend’s “Terrorism” with solemn head-shaking at how Ivy League Kids These Days are subsisting on Oxford Very Short Introductions instead of doing any real reading.
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2) As I noted in this piece, UCLA really did have an outside agitator problem — the right wingers who attacked the encampment. What we need to focus on: In both cases, it's the right, not the left, causing the violence.
Donald Trump is using campus protests to stoke right wing violence for the Disinformation about leftist "violence" is used by MAGA to justify their own, very real crimes
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UC Riverside demonstrated that a peaceful resolution was always a possibility. What happened at UCLA was a complete failure of Chancellor Block (and the Regents) to protect students and the university.
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Anyone who lives or works on a campus can tell you that yes, there have been a lot of these outside agitators in the mix, they just definitely aren’t on the side they want you to believe