
Requested a ride and then, because 50% of Lyfts and Ubers these days are Teslas, almost mistook the wrong guy in a Tesla for my driver. He wasn’t happy about it. Sorry dude, didn’t realize you were just a douchebag.
At this point I wouldn't let someone *give* me a Tesla. Forget the Cybertruck. Like, a regular one.
You mean that you don't want to be locked in a car while the batteries under your seat start on fire?
You see the stuff about all the Amazon electric trucks catching fire? It’s not Tesla but I like to 💩 on Amazon too so I’m allowing it
I hadn’t seen that. Batteries can be very dangerous in many ways. I’ve seen an 8D deep cell marine batteryexplode, almost killing my friend. On another note, I imagine that as new battery technology is integrated, most of these old vehicles (including Teslas) are going to the scrapyard.
I realize that we need to stop burning fossil fuels, but batteries are a waste problem. The solution is reliable, cheap public transpo. These batteries often take more than 24hrs to put out once they start on fire, too. You're getting a huge bill from the city for that. Also, batteries are heavy.
You can get out of most cars, when they malfunction for any reason.
Just an fyi- Apparently there are exit pulls near the inside handles of Teslas. A lady’s grandkid got locked in dead car Az./NM? a few weeks ago and it was quite dire. I would suggest that any Tesla owner know how to escape the vehicle should it brick while they are inside.
I don’t want to have to give a dime to that fascist fuck Elon.
All fantastic reasons never to buy a Tesla.
It would seem that there are drawbacks to years of promoting that Tesla and Elon Musk are one and the same (or is it one IN the same, I'm never sure).
While we’re chuckling, he is consolidating control over worldwide internet access.
Good. I hope Telsa's stock drops as far as it kan. I've seen his X submissions and dude is a masturbatory asshole who turned twitter into Gab light. I mean some of the dumbest, most racist muthaphuckas are on there now
Ooo ooo oooo...let me be in the face to face focus group and let me tell the liar to his face that the ONLY reason I'm not buying his shit is 'cause _he_ is shit.