Costa Koutsoutis

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Costa Koutsoutis

Writer. New SFF short story collection NO CASTLES out now. No roads but the ones we make. Protect trans lives. No TERFS, no scolds, no SWERFS, no AI, no crypto. -
…I’ve consulted with the seers and I’ll allow it.
Typical response to a prophet. So sad.
I'm gonna be bold and controversial right now, saying something I think everyone needs to hear because it's a harsh truth. And I'm sorry if this breaks friendships, but it needs to be said out loud.
I think pretzels are better than chips as a savory salty snack, even for dipping. There, it's out there.
Worth thinking about how long Tolkien goes on in Return of the King about despair being a weapon, and presenting defeat as a forgone conclusion being a deliberate and effective tactic
Yeah I show my communications students old English and Middle English when we talk about language evolving. Hearing Old English completely blows their mind.
My spouse learned the original title of that book recently and lost her mind for a good fifteen minutes just wide-eyed stomping around, going "Are you serious?"
it's so funny when somebody publicly flounces off here and goes to a way worse site instead. "i'm going back to twitter" lol okay. have fun on "threads" i guess
We just watched it and C also insisted on calling the little one “Diddy Kong” the whole time. Very “what is going on but damn if it’s not enjoyable in a smooth-brain way” cinema.
Modern Greek (the language) is actually VERY different from ancient Greek (the language)! I can speak modern Greek normally (my vocabulary is ehhh, but my accent is good), but fuck if I (or most day-to-day regular Greek speakers) can speak "archaea" (as we called it in Greek school).
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
This basically means that yes, I can order a gyro or souvlaki at a store, no I cannot translate the Illiad.
Also I've forgotten a lot of my written Greek, so I kinda struggle to read menus/signs. But I sound excellent when I do it.
Modern Greek (the language) is actually VERY different from ancient Greek (the language)! I can speak modern Greek normally (my vocabulary is ehhh, but my accent is good), but fuck if I (or most day-to-day regular Greek speakers) can speak "archaea" (as we called it in Greek school).
Gimme your three favorite guitarists, no thinking; Bob Mould, D Boone, and Scott Ian.
Give me your 3 favorite guitarists today don't think, just answer Molly Tuttle Jason Isbell Chan Kinchla
Mould is 63 and will absolutely fucking shred better than most of ‘em.
My grandpa too! With bean soup or fish, it’s how I learned to love them.
When that face-off/over the shoulder bit showed? I knew cinema was back.
Yeah this has the juice, I think.
Post-teaching jams that go almost too hard.
Oh here’s a good deranged dumb food take; Get some hard cheese and raw onion, mustard, on a piece of bread? Eat like a medieval lord, that shit is delicious.
Hey everyone! Someone here loves their wife!
What the fuck. I thought we were cool.
One of the major clashes C and I have is over my love of briny and pickled things.
Citrus and cherry-based flavors are constantly battling for a top spot both on my palate and in my fridge.
Dessert beef on the timeline and a crisp refreshing blackberry-lemon seltzer waiting for me back home. Finally, nature is healing.
I mean I do also love cheesecake. Which is not cake.
Bold words for a man without key lime pie.
Reported. Unfollowed. Blocked. Cancelled.