Craig Schaefer

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Craig Schaefer

Writes books, mostly about magic and outlaws. Making my nest in Providence. My latest, Dig Two Graves, is available now. (
Thank you for this! I've been wanting to give Qud a try, and this looks like the perfect stepping-stone to get into it.
The owner got so many sick burns for driving one of those dorkmobiles that he actually needs medical treatment
He looks like he's perpetually trying to figure out who just farted.
I feel ripped off, my publisher just sends a nice bottle of wine and some cheese. Then again, I never say no to free wine and cheese.
Oh hey, just got the audiobook files for Dig Two Graves to review, so that'll be coming soon! (And Susannah will be tackling the Harmony audiobooks in a couple of months, so we'll get all caught up on the audio front.)
As someone who also takes brain pills...I don't think science has invented one that could fix what's wrong wtih Russ Douthat.
Sounds par for the course in America right now
I actually worried he was too over the top when I wrote him, and then... *flails, points outside in all directions*
Went looking for a Mack and Zeke scene (the Worst Satanists) to lampoon Trump/Vance, but ran into the fact that Mack and Zeke actually like each other
This isn't the greatest deportation. This is a tribute.
I claim that I don't write detailed sex scenes but to be honest, I'm not counting food.
I like to pretend I'm a foodie and then I see this shit and no, absolutely, not, I'm gonna be over here warming up a Hot Pocket or something
Go to your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud
Go to your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud
He was hypnotized to be unaware of his kink. Unfortunately the hypnotist did too good of a job, and now Scott is unaware of literally everything
Scott Adams: "My grandpa said he had my nose. And there, between his fingers, WAS MY NOSE. You people have no idea what's coming. None."
this is the most low budget only on amazon prime ass concept for a horror movie I've ever heard
I forgot the brow-smiting guy. He was SO confident that it was an incredibly common phrase, just amazing to watch.
I can't listen to anything I record, I just cannot do it
He's jealous because Elmo actually has a good dad.
I tried that but it took forever, because I always had more question.
As a working artist, I literally have AI companies trying to make it impossible for me to earn a living, plus regular messages from braying techbros about how they can't wait until I'm forced to flip burgers. But tell me again how I hate tech because of grifters, not my personal lived experience.
So you saw a positive message that doesn't remotely even suggest one should make "excuses to do jack shit," nor is that remotely what I believe or practice in my life, yet you decided that's what I meant. I'm just gonna go ahead and block you now.
The worst thing about the impending apocalypse is that we're not even going to get sexy Assaultron robots like in Fallout. I wanted one thing, and that one thing was sexy Assaultrons.
So what you're saying is, we need to get you to 2K.
Also: "The movies aren't misogynist, Art is!" Okay, well, did Art decide to show us extensive scenes of women being graphically tortured to death and mutilated with slurs being carved into their bodies? Because he's a fictional character, actual humans made that choice
In case anyone needs to hear this (because I did), yes, the world is burning. You are not Betraying The Cause by finding solace in stupid tv shows or video games or anything else that means nothing but makes you happy. If it gets you through and keeps you on your feet, there's the value, right there
Once, at a cocktail party. Sigh.
Wait a second, that means she wasn't ANYWHERE in our world! I call shenanigans!
I saw a recent article about how WotC is wrestling with how to teach D&D as opposed to just cramming books with rules and hoping you know someone who already learned how to play from someone else, and like... y'all. That problem was solved in 1983. Learn from the past.