CS Clark

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CS Clark


Everyone thinks destroying AI Kirk-style means last digit of pi and logic traps, nobody remembers the surreal little skits.
Kirk, Spock, Scotty, and McCoy outwit the Androidsyoutu.be From Season 2 episode 8 (I, Mudd)
For the next 24 hours, the stupidest takes around here are going to be from Americans explaining why the results in the French legislative election show that they don't have to change a single one of their politcal beliefs.
Thanks to the Tory attempt to use Keir Starmer's Friday night dinner as an attack line, I am now imagining him unwilling to respond to riots in Torquay because he is obsessed with getting a plastic bag out of a tree or keeping his wife unaware of the dead fox in the chest freezer.
Rishi Sunak again demonstrating his inability to think one move ahead.
Rishi Sunak's decision to finally suspend some of the degenerate gamblers in his team might be bad politics, but attempting to style it out then pretending it was the plan all along and everyone complaining is just a hater is pretty good audition material for a future AI tech bro exec position.
Wil someone please explain to Wes Streeting that if the cast of the Harry Potter films have moved on from caring what the author of the Harry Potter books thinks, he can as well.
Kwasi Kwarteng urging Rishi Sunak to be more aggressive is like Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff telling Clive Wynne-Candy to stop playing 'fair' except in this Colonel Blimp remake the first 50 minutes are just machine-gunning POWs and bombing hospitals.
Reposted byAvatar CS Clark
ok serious question but why do every single day's headlines have to be about this double-breasted Innsmouth fuck?
Rewatching Sopranos (up to ep 3) again and am kind of surprised at the number of scenes that revolve around or are ended with malapropisms. And why I didn't notice before. Or, there aren't that many so why do I notice them now.
Did not have the UK getting PR because Rishi Sunak being unable to campaign his way out of a wet paper bag leaves us with Reform coming (very distant) second in votes but only getting three seats on my bingo card.
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We find the defendant incredibly guilty.
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this has to be the least compelling pitch of all time
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Reposted byAvatar CS Clark
I’d like to think Rish’s wealth means he employs a full-time trombonist solely for when they read him the daily polling stats.
Making a outdoors speech in torrential rain because of tradition and refusing to use an umbrella because of how it might look actually explains all of modern Britain.
Reposted byAvatar CS Clark
A really simple question that ought to be obvious in every speech is 'what is the clip for the newsbreak on music radio meant to be here?'
Only Man Without Umbrella At Rainy Event He Organized Demands Voters Trust Him To Run Country.
I love Microsoft's regular 'features you should turn off the very second you encounter them' events.
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In the Michael Cohen testimony, are we almost at the point where he suddenly and unexpectedly breaks the fourth wall and speaks direct to the camera?
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[Pictionary timer buzzes] Picasso: it was a cow Me: it certainly the fuck was not
George Formby wrote a whole song about what he can see when he's cleanin' windows and never once mentioned dead wasps?
Reposted byAvatar CS Clark
The whole Natalie Elphicke thing is making me wish journalists would ask Rishi Sunak to provide an official list saying which of his MPs are good, actually, and which of them are such embarrassing and broken people that letting them hang out with you proves your moral vacuousness.
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This is one hell of a notification. 🧠🪱
The more I think about it, the more this news about RFK Jr's brainworms has me worried about him referring to his campaign as representing the Many. Although it does explain why he doesn't care for the machine mother.