Dana Myers

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Dana Myers


Technology, current-events, film photography, whatever.
May or may not be the real Santa.
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This little fella just heard that Elon Musk may not receive the bonus from Tesla that he was hoping for.
Grandkids spent the night. 2-yo grandson was fascinated by the coffee grinder, had to smell the ground coffee and really wanted a taste. Fortunately he only drank maybe 1tsp
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
people thought that the computer cards from my last post were large, but check out what IBM built computers with before that! (with one of these, you get about 16 switching elements or about 4-8 logic gates.)
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
I always smile remembering that Donal Logue did those Jimmy the Cab Driver bits on MTV back in the day
Imma check in with @radiofreetom.bsky.social on this
This would be a good commercial for Bluesky vs other social media sites
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[Youth pastor voice] you know who else was on track for an Easter return
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
Update update: Installed a VPN and now I can access Bluesky on the ship's internet. I AM INVINCIBLE
Update: checked computer as well as phone, in both cases Bluesky doesn't work on the ship's satellite service. But ONLY Bluesky; other social media works. Very odd.
@radiofreetom.bsky.social you sometimes mention gruel, I recently realized oat milk is, in fact, gruel. Something to think about.
@radiofreetom.bsky.social you might appreciate this. Old friend from HS proposed during 'White Punks On Dope', Fee and Roger celebrated with them afterward.
@radiofreetom.bsky.social this goes into a delightful bit of detail why garlic powder is good youtu.be/WgES_Oj6-tQ?...
Brothers' Bikes. 1986, Santa Monica, CA #film
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
FBI didn't want to release the bribery allegation, worried their source could be ID'd. GOP released it anyway. Then, people linked to Russian intel contacted the source with a new, false claim about Hunter. A new reminder that the Russia "hoax" wasn't.
Analysis | A new lens into the ongoing folly of Republican ‘Russia hoax’ rhetoricwww.washingtonpost.com It is unquestionably the case that Russia has been trying to influence American politics — and Donald Trump-led Republican resistance to this idea only helps.
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
The level of your tolerance for old westerns is called your "hopalong capacity".
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
CEO’s email: we’re making exciting changes! you’re input is valuable! me, about to be fired: *your*
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
Tuning forks really resonate with me
OMG I have millions and millions of coin!
My old friend turned 73 Friday, I told him "you realize the US life expectancy for males is 73 years?" and followed-up with this now
Me: If you could go back 10 years, err, 11, and tell 18-yo you anything? Daughter: Don't stress so much, dumbass. Me: I told you that when you were 18 Daughter: But you were my parent #HeartWarmed
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
"Data driven" is invariably a euphemism for irrational ideology
University admins claim to be "data-driven" and "run universities like a business," but when study after study finds liberal arts majors get good outcomes, are cheap to run, and are in fact profit centers, admins cut them anyway for ideological reasons. ncnewsline.com/2023/11/16/n...
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
cross section of a carbon composition resistor. yes, resistors used to have clay in them!
Early '00s were a challenging mixture of professional success and (retrospective) personal disappointment, hearing this tune takes me back. Love the tune, it's comforting, yet evokes melancholy youtu.be/Reoqe6t14BA?...
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
when you hear a disturbing rumor that the board of a hot high tech startup is allowed to just straight up fire their CEO for nothing more than lying to them
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
How is the OpenAI board gonna fire Sam Altman just because he gave answers that sounded plausible but weren't actually accurate?
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
Through my UFO book research, I saw plenty of evidence of a US government cover-up about its full understanding and knowledge of what UFOs and UAPs actually are—but it's more nuanced than many have come to believe. Here's what I think the cover-up actually is: www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archiv...
The U.S. Government UFO Cover-Up Is Real—But It’s Not What You Thinkwww.theatlantic.com Decades of declassified memos, internal reports, and study projects create the sense that the government doesn’t have satisfying answers for the most perplexing sightings.
Reposted byAvatar Dana Myers
Brendan pretty-much wins the Internet for me today.
Fun fact: I was a marketer and copywriter at a publishing house that did a history of the LHC when it first went online. We had A LOT of typos and managed, I *think*, to catch them all before anything was public.